Chapter 9 Wheres Butters?!

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Jay's p.o.v.

I was all ready and was walking down my stairs when I heard the tv on. I went into my living room and saw my mom and dad watching tv. All of our stuff in the house was packed up to leave for tonight.

"What are you guys watching?" I ask.

"Oh, we're just watching the news blue Jay." My Dad says, calling me my old nickname.

"Yeah, apparently a kid was kidnapped last night." My Mom said. I walked over to them and watched the tv from behind the couch.

"We are here because of the disappearance of a kid named Leopold Stotch but people call him Butters. This morning his parents went to go wake him up when they notice that their son was missing and that his window was wide open. His parents were worried and called the cops to go and find him. Now let's listen to the Stotch parents." The news anchor said.

"I-If you have our son please don't hurt him. We wanted to start all over and give him the life he deserves. P-Please! Bring my baby back!" Mrs. Stotch cried and her husband hugged her tightly. I was in disbelief, I was just with him last night. Who could've taken him?!

"People are saying that Violet, The Dragon Girl has taken him but others say that she has never done this before so everyone is confused." They're blaming it on me?!

"I don't think Violet kidnapped that kid. She only cause fires." My Mom said.

"Yeah, They're just trying to make shit up again." My Dad laughed. I was freaking out.

"I have to get to school. Bye." I say before quickly grabbing something and leaving to school.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I get to school and the first person I look for is Kenny. Once I spot him I turn him towards me. "Bring your friends to the cellar now or I'll burn the town in less than a hour." I warn him. Before he could say anything I walk away and towards the direction of the cellar. I wait down there for a few minutes before I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Ok, we're here. What is it that you want?" Kenny asked.

"I want to know where Butters is." I tell them and all had questionable faces.

"You mean you didn't take him?" Kyle said.

"Of fucking course not! But someone did and I want to know who now!" I yelled at them.

"None of us took him." Stan said.

"Bullshit! First you guys figure out who Chaos is then you take him away thinking you will get away with this! Not on my watch." Most of them looked confused.

"Wait, Chaos is Butters?" Wendy asked.

"Oh my god, I'm not playing these fucking games anymore!" I yell before pulling something out of my bag. Once it's in my hand everyone steps back.

"J-Jay, what is that?" Kenny asked.

"Oh, this? This is my LHR Combat knife. Or, as I like to call it, my lucky dagger." I say holding my black and silver dagger.

"W-Why do you call it that?" Cartman questioned, both scared and terrified.

"Because, when I was younger I took a knife throwing class and with this knife it's 100% bound to hit someone straight in the head and kill you no matter where I throw it. So either someone confesses where Butters is or I'm throwing this dagger." I said crazily. Everyone was scared but no one spoke up.

"Fine. Let's see who we can hit first! I'm throwing on three! 1! 2-"

"Wait!" I was getting ready to take stance and throw the dagger when Kenny finally spoke.

"We swear, we don't have him but we'll find him. Just don't throw the dagger and we'll help look for him." Kenny said.

"Get him back to me safely by the end of today or your town burns with you all in it! Don't touch or talk to me till you find him!" I yell before putting my dagger away and walking up the stairs, to my class. Butters better still be alive if they know what's good for them.

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