Chapter 2 Finding Her

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Jay's p.o.v.

Hi, you don't know me but I'm the new girl. Well I've been here for two days now and no one seemed to notice or care which is fine by me since I'm a loner anyways. Sorry, my name is Jay Sparks. I have sky blue eyes, pale skin and black long hair. I'm an only child and my family moves a lot so I really don't have any friends at all. Sad I know but I don't even bother making friends with all the moving, I just want to go back to California. But no I'm stuck here at a weird school with some weird kids. I'm the quiet kid at this school who draws and stays to herself. I was actually just minding my own business in the school hallway when a kid had bumped into me. "Oh hamburgers, I'm sorry." The kid said and picked up my sketchbook that I had dropped. "It's alright." I said quietly. He looked at the drawing that I was doing and handed me back my sketchbook.

 He looked at the drawing that I was doing and handed me back my sketchbook

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"Your drawing is great, I love how you drew the sunset in the background." He smiled to me.

"Thank you, it took me two days to draw that." I smiled back to him. His outfit was so cheery and happy. His left eye was a bit light and had a scar going down it though but I didn't question it.

"I don't think I've seen you here before, are you new?" He asked

"Yeah, I just moved here Saturday." I tell him. What's today Wednesday?

"Oh well my name is Leopold Stotch but you can call me Butters. What's your name?" Butters asked

"I'm Jay, Jay Sparks. It's was nice meeting you but I need to get to my next class. Sayonara Butters!" I said before walking off to my next class.

"Ok, well see ya!" Butters yells back and walks away. I guess I just made a friend, or acquaintance at least. Wait, did he say oh hamburgers?

Kyle's p.o.v.

At lunch the Freedom Pals all sat down at the lunch table and started to talk about the girl from last night. "Ok, what have you guys found out about our new villain?" I asked the group.

"She seems to be 16. She's pale skinned and has long navy blue hair. She makes her voice seem deeper than it actually is like what I do." Kenny says first.

"Her hair was a wig, a few hairs fell when you guys were fighting in the air and I collected them. Turns out it was fake." Wendy clarified for us.

"She was very agile and flexible in the air. Even for a blind girl and her flames are definitely real." Clyde said, shaking at the memory he had from last night.

"Her senses are definitely more enhanced when she's blind but that also means that she's depends on them as well. It's been proven online that works and she's definitely had lots of practice." Stan said.

"Is it possible that it's someone from this school?" I asked.

"That is possible! I could see which girls were busy last night and who was actually home." Wendy suggested and we nodded. Wendy immediately went to her phone to check out all the girls who were home last night.

"What about Chaos? Could he be friends with the new villain?" Cartman asked.

"I doubt it, she didn't mention him at all and she didn't seem like one of his minions." I told Cartman who looked annoyed by my answer.

"Most of the girls were home, Annie was sleeping over with Red and Henrietta was with the goth kids. That's all the girls from the school." Wendy said.

"Were there any new kids the past month?" I asked.

"Mostly boys but I didn't hear about a girl." Wendy said.

"Well do we know anyone who would always tries to be friends with everyone?" Clyde ask. We all got to thinking but no one came to mind. "Hi fellas!" Butters says surprising us. We all looked at him and got an idea. "Hey Butters, do you know any new girls that came to the school in the past month?" Stan asked

"Oh yeah, there were five. Jade Harley, Pacifica Northwest, Elizabeth Midford, Katie Holt and Jay Sparks." Butters said "I gotta go fellas, talk to you all later." Butters walks off smiling.

"Ok we have the names. Wendy, Jimmy, Scott and Stan you give us the background on those girls. Clyde, Token, Craig and Timmy can go find and talk to the first three girls while Tweek, Kyle and I go find and talk to the last two." Kenny said and we all got up from the table.

"Wait what can I do?!" Cartman asked.

"Come up with a name to call her, something other than The Blind Dragon." I said and we all separated.

Cartman's p.o.v.

The Coon had his mission, now he must complete it. But maybe I should get a little help from a friend of mine. Unlike the other Heroes I actually know who Chaos is, we made a deal also. He'll help me with anything as long as I keep his identity a secret. Now, where is he? "Hey Butters!" I yelled over to him. "Oh, hey Cartman!" He yells back. "Say, can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked while dragging him to the school hallway, not letting him even say a word. Once the coast was clear I spoke "Look Butters, there's a new villain in town and it's my job to come up with a name for her." "A new villain?" He question. "Yes a new villain and you have to help me come up with a name for her. But you can't tell no one." "Ok, I won't tell." Butters confirms.

"Ok, she where's purple, has wings, is blindfolded and can breathe fire." I tell him, he seemed a little scared and surprised.

"Oh, well I don't know what to call her." He says

"Well think of something! I thinking about Purple Dragon Bitch or Blind Bitch. Oh wait! What about Bitchy Dragon girl?" I tell Butters.

"I don't know, those seem sorta mean." Butters says, hating on my awesome names.

"Ok fine. What do you think I should call her?" I ask him.

"Uh, well how about Violet, The Dragon Girl." Butters says.

"That's ok I guess. Oh, and I could go to the police station and tell them the name. Then I can get recognized for coming up a name for her! I got to go, bye Butters!" I yell, running off.

Butter's p.o.v.

There he goes, taking another one of my ideas. I wish I didn't have to help him but he is keeping my identity a secret. But why haven't I heard anything about this new villain? Oh yeah, I'm grounded from watching tv. Man this sucks not being the cool evil villain anymore and she seems like a big deal too. I have an idea! If I find the girl maybe I could join forces with her! Then we would be unstoppable! Yes, I'll go and look for her tonight! She can join me and my minions in taking over the world. Finding her is going to be the hard part but as long as I get to her first before the Freedom Pals then it'll all be worth it. I'm coming for you Violet.

The New Villain (South Park Au/Oc Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now