Chapter 6 The Truth

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Jay's p.o.v.

I woke up from my nightmare. No, it wasn't a nightmare Jay, it was real. Kenny did die but he'll be back today, I know it. Last night was a huge pain, trying to get rid of the ice and fix my wings but I got my stuff to work again. Luckily I had a spare canister to use now. I got ready like always and headed to school.

~~~Time Skip~~~

When I got to school I first ran into Butters. "Hey Butters!" I smile. "Hey Jay!" He smiled to me. He had a small blush on his face. "Hey, sorry about shocking you yesterday." He apologized. "It's fine, it wasn't your fault." I tell him. "Did you have any nightmares last night by the way?" I ask him. "Oh yeah, I had a dream that Kenny was Mysterion but then... he sorta died. But I know he's alive because I just saw him!" Butters said smiling again. "At least it was just a dream." I say and he nods. "Oh, I don't know why but I remember something about trusting you more?" He questioned. "Well why wouldn't you? We are friends!" I smiled. "Yeah! I'll trust you more now!" Butters smiled before skipping away. Ok, I now know that Butters remembers the death but who else does? I questioned myself. I then felt someone dragging me to a hallway. Once we stopped I turned to see you it was.

"Hey Kenny." I wave to him. "Do you remember?" He ask me, ignoring my hello.

"Remember what?" I ask. "Me dying." He said. "Yeah I do. It felt like a dream but I know it was real." I say to him.

"How? How do you remember but not anyone else?!" He questioned me. "Wait, no one else remembers you dying?" I ask. "No, they just think I didn't come last night to the fight." He said to me. So everyone else doesn't remember but Butters who thinks it was a nightmare as well.

"Do you want to know the truth?" I ask him. "Yes!" He basically yells. "Ok! I have a friend who has the same condition as you." I tell him. "What?" "Yeah, she dies everyday too. I thought she was crazy but every time she died I'd have nightmares. Turns out my brain would make me think that her death was just a nightmare and not real while everyone of our other friends had no clue about her deaths or my nightmares. So I took it as we were just connected for being really close." I tell him the truth. He stared at me in disbelief.

"That's impossible." He said. "It's not, if you're really close to someone they can remember your death, they'll just think it was a nightmare. That's why Butters and I had the same nightmare." I tell him. "Butters? He can remember my deaths?!" He asked surprised. "Yeah but it seems like he keeps the nightmares to himself." Kenny looked like he felt bad for Butters but I can't blame him. When I first had the nightmares I thought I was going crazy.

"He was happy to see you alive again when he saw you today." I tell Kenny. "I know, he gave me a hug out of no where then left with a smile on his face." Kenny says, blushing a bit. That's why Butters was blushing when I saw him! Makes sense, they make a cute couple.

"So what are you gonna do now that we found out about your identity?" Kenny asked me.

"Oh, I'm still gonna continue with my plans. I made a promise to Chaos that we will burn this town and leave. I will give you a hint. On the day that we burn the town, try to get me to stop and figure out Chaos identity. If you can't then your town will burn to the ground." I smirked to Kenny.


"That's the bell. I usually give people a week but since you guys figured out my identity it's five days since I been here. So you guys have two days left. You should also warn your friends that I know who you guys really are. Good luck!" I smirked and walked away to class.

Kenny's p.o.v.

That tricky girl! Now we have less days! At least I got some information from her, but really? Butter's remembers my deaths? I'm surprised he never told anyone. But why is it him that remembers? Are we really that close? Are they really other kids like me? So many questions but not enough time! I have to talk to the guys about this. But tonight I might have a private chat with miss Violet.

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