Chap-2: Miss 'Popular' Joins The Geek Club

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'Rock, paper, scissors.. Yeah.. 'I heard few sounds of cheers.

' Hey guys, wait up for me' said my best friend Lulu as she joined my other fellow classmates who were playing at our neighborhood park.

Back then, I remember...

She was someone really precious to me .

'Hey come on, let's join them too' she said grabbing my hand and dragging me along with her.

'Ah.. What! Melody's here. Sorry, we can't allow it..' said one of my classmates with a disgusted look in her brown eyes .

Lulu's eyes widened.

'Why? What did she ever do to you? ' Sara, one of my classmates abruptly pulled Lulu's hand and the other girls huddled up around her as though sharing a super confidential secret. Only I heard it all.

"Hey, do you not know what Melody did to Paulina here'. She pointed her finger to Paulina my other classmate. 'She knew that Paulina loves Andy yet Melody made a move on him and now Andy is head over heels for her fake cutesy act.'

'I am sure that she didn't mean it that way. ' Lulu fought for me.

'No we know.. Everyone knows Melody's true colors, Lulu. Except you '.

"But you didn't even ask Mel what really happened??"

"Well, I didn't because I know that's the truth. I don't want to hear it with my own ears! " Interrupted Paulina when Lulu gritted her teeth.

'Jerks! And shameless freaks! Then.. I refuse to join you girls too' she said with a dark frown in her tanned face and looked at me

Her eyes immediately filled with compassion..

'Come on Mel, don't bother about those freakos. They just don't know what a great friend you are' Lulu said with a smile.

She had always been the kind of girl who stands up for me and had never left my side. I know that many things around me changed since the time my best friend transferred his school. We were friends then, and did continue our relationship...

Until that day...

'I don't know whether I wanted to be friends with you anymore Mel...'

her words pierced my paper heart.

And she disappeared from my life forever, leaving me alone in the darkness with my eyes swollen with tears like the rest of my friends ...

I woke with a start, my heart pounding and tears flooding from my blood red eyes. I wiped them.

Memories of my childhood had exploded in my brain.What a weird nostalgia.. I wondered .

I looked around and found myself surrounded by a strange environment. I blinked as my eyes scanned the enormous caramel walled room decorated with glass tulip shaped lamps and found two empty beds beside me.

Oh shoot! I was banished to a dorm school last Sunday, I remembered.And today is supposed to be my first day of school, I mumbled to myself.

I finished taking a hot bath,heated up some coffee and stuffed in a toast as I sit on the polished chair beside our conference table.

I place my arms on my chin leaning on the table and sigh looking at the other two empty chairs as I take a sip of my coffee.

I wonder where my two roommates might be. I remember dozing off to sleep without actually getting to meet them last night. I was just so tired from my long journey from my country side kingdom, Harmonia to this Metropolitan Utopia.

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