Chap-5: Can Guys Be Friends Too??

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[Introducing Logan Lerman as Michael Grey]

[Introducing Logan Lerman as Michael Grey]

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Softy, in the dusk I see a woman singing. And beside her,sits a little child under the piano holding a huge picture book with her tiny hands,amid the boom of the tingling strings.

'Mama, what are "Replicas"' asks the little five-year old me pointing to a blue_skin monster that looked like a mortal human but had sharp nails and teeth like a vampire with bright neon yellow eyes that looked as though it could snatch our soul.

The woman smiles gently 'they are monsters creatures that are responsible for our Youmu mutations, dear', she pauses,' or so they say..' grins my mother with a little glimmer in her eyes, sitting on a broken stool beside the giant piano amid the thick climbers of the abandoned chapel garden. The crooked door was wide open. Many would mistake this place as a dungeon that locks the most dangerous Rebellion of this generation just glancing at it's entrance. But, little did they know that this place was also the garden where many of my treasured memories with my mom lied.

My mother was the daughter of a poor priestess. She was brave and smart with an extremely compassionate heart. She was a fighter and a rebel fighting for the rights of the common men. And, nevertheless my inspiration. My dad fell in love with the Melodious voice of my beautiful mother and married her which of_course outraged the authorities.

So, she was imprisoned in the Royal Chapel Garden with me, her innocent little daughter. My mother was alienated in every manner, but she still plastered a gentle smile on her face and sung me her Melody.

"... Lift your heads and let us return
To the mercy seat, where time begun
And in your eyes, I see the pain
Come soak this dry heart, with the
Healing Rain

And, only you, the Son of Man
Can take a leaper and let him stand
So lift you hands,they can be held
By someone greater, the Great I am

In the mist of the tender Healing rain"

The wind blew gently around us and made my heart feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside. I gently lay my head on my mother's lap as she slowly brushes my short silky hair.

This was my childhood.

But, they soon faded away like passing clouds.

I got kidnapped by the Replicas and my mother was accused to an ally of the kidnappers who stole their dear 'princess' by the officals who swore revenge on my brave mother and by the time I was rescued, I was torn to pieces when I found that my mom was assassinated by the palace guards.

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