Chap-13: Related like never before

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Spoilers: Keep your minds blank and expect the unexpected in this chapter☺ . The starting might start a little boring but I bet it gets better.

S_o_r_r_y for the late update *-*

**Jason's Pov**

'Just, leave me alone.. Jason..for now!! '

'Mel, please listen to me.. I had already lost you once and I can't afford to do it the second time!! '

'Jason.. Please.. My life depends on it!! So...just.. ' she begs.

'Why? But, what did I do!!?'

' Mr Frackle '

I feel my leg still hurting. I can't believe that she had actually stood up on my like that. Literally!

'Mr Frackle!'

'Yes!?' I said, Mr Hank's voice pulling me away from my previous thoughts to my boring math class.

I look up and see his dark eyes loom over my desk.

'Will you stop spacing out and do the honor of solving this problem on the board' He spat as he zoomed his thick glasses and cleared his throat, stretching his hand with the chark piece towards me.

I read his face. He seemed extremely happy that he had embarrassed me with this dreadful task every single student hates.

I received piteous looks from my classmates. He was our math teacher, and one of the most lamest person of this entire school who, like many other male teachers loved to insult a popular, like me.

Angry and annoyed by this whole scenario, I stood up from my bench, quickly grabbed the charkpiece from Mr Hank's hand and solved the entire problem which had stretched till the bottom of the board.

I turned my head to see astonished eyes with jaws_opened_faces of my classmates staring back at me. Including Mr Hank.

Seriously, I rolled my eyes. I wasn't Melody's so called tutor for nothing when I was young! I muttered to myself and walked to my seat resuming the blank facial expression when the bell rang behind me.

I saw a few girls waving at me. I smiled back making them swoon.

I let out a sigh.

The typical class room in this stereotypical school,just like the one I had transferred from. And I hate it.

I picked up my books getting ready for my next class.

My head due to it's usual flow of habit, since middle school, turned itself to the window seat to help my eyes look for the girl my heart loved, and made a gasp escape from my mouth, when it found her missing!
Where is she??

She doesn't always tell you where she went, stupid! And, she has no obligation to do that. So stop being over protective and Get a grip! You guys are not even dating, remember! said my Mr subconscious.

I grumbled something gibberish and resumed my search for her.

Well it's not like she hates me as whole even though i can be really annoying at times.

Anyway, yesterday I snapped a quick picture of Mel when she was with her friends complaining about how Mr Diggs keeps asking questions to her in our biology class in order to embarrass her. I was so angry! I feel like I could punch Mr Diggs on his face. But, I decided to leave that on the side because I could then I wouldn't have got a picture of Mel's cute pout.

Ah, she was soo cute. My precious angel. Melly dear..

I am so happy. I got another candid of Melody to save it inside my "Melly collection" from my phone gallery. ( I know, I suck and am acting like a creep. But, hey, I have my reasons! )

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