Chap-3: Introducing The Plastics!

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[Introducing Dove Camereon as Sunburst Topaz]

[Introducing Dove Camereon as Sunburst Topaz]

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[And Demi Lovato as Crystal Lumi]

[And Demi Lovato as Crystal Lumi]

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I suddenly felt Sunny's hands close my mouth.

'Sorry! People!' she apologized the other students in the cafeteria who were staring right back, 'It's such a misfortune that my friend here, has an exceptionally loud mouth! '
They looked at her like an idiot but soon resumed their lousy conversations.

I rubbed my eyes violently and pressed them into my eyeball pits to find two hot girls, one blonde and another brunette with short skirts, make-up-ed faces, their chests nearly sticking to their clothes, summing up their haughty looks.

I opened my eyes and saw Sunny and Crystal.

I closed my eyes again and visualized those girls clinging to their hot boyfriends like crazy , making the other girls totally jealous on them.

I opened my eyes and saw Sunny and Crystal.

'Yo! Earth to Melody, Earth to Melody.' Sunny waved her hand before my eyes shattering my fantasy. 'You don't have to act like a window, you know..! ' she raised her eyebrow.

'So,you guys are' The Sunny and Crystal?!???' you are exactly the opposite of what I had expected!!' I blunted out awkwardly but closed my mouth immediately embarrassed by my rudeness. It wasn't meant to come out like that..

Sunny cleared her throat. She looked really annoyed by my sudden outbreak. 'Well, to be honest you are not like how I had expected be either!'said opening the smoothie can taking a small sip into it.

'Well, it's obvious. Why would I want to get to know you better if you weren't my new roommate. Crystal and I have been best friends since forever .So we have no problem in mingling with each other. But when we have a new person who arrives to share our life. We would like to get rid of all misunderstandings before they even arise between us.' she said it so positively. 'I mean, we need to live with you for three years..right..?' she grinned.

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