Chap-4: Yokais And Boys!!

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"Melody Rhythm, I love you. So will you go out with me !" confessed the guy from my old middle school at the age of 13 near the empty school ground.

"I am flattered." I look at him with bored eyes. Another love confession from another prospective guy. "But, may i just ask you why do you like me?" I fold my hands and expect the same answer I have received my entire life. "Is it because of my looks or my.. ..?"

"No!!..I-I don't know.. " he screamed.

"Well, How could you say you like me if you don't know the reason?"

"Does being in love require a reason? I love you and that's all, I know."he said dramatically.

My eyes widened and I stared right into his brown eyes. I bit my lips. There I saw a tiny hope flickering in them.

And, for that one second i looked back at him in a startled manner. His words really made me feel a chill in my skin.
Could it be that he really likes me, the real me who lives inside this plastic appearance ?...

I looked behind him and found rustling of the bushes. I found a few heads hiding behind them.

Snap! I was building castle's in the clouds again! I let out a sigh.

"The truth..? "

'Aa..fine! 'He ran his fingers through his hair. "I-Its because i saw you nursing a little hurt kitten. You were talking to it and and i thought that it was cute. That you really are a nice person. That's why..'

"It's completely understandable. You saw me talking to the kitten and thought that i am some kind of a mysterious person. I was just helping my only friend.Not that you care anyway.." I bowed my head. "I am sorry, Dexter but i cannot date you."

I said to him right on his face and walked away without another word. I know that this would create another commotion in the class. He was pretty popular after all. And, i heard that he was one of the heart throb of our class. The girls would be furious. Yes, i know i am heart less after all. but, may be its alright. Because those feelings had become numb before a long time when my first crush broke my heart.

Boys, every one was always the same.

'Come on, Mel date me ' said the guy as he cornered me with his hand, right after I closed my locker grabbing my history books . I was completely unguarded and was lost in these memories when he tried to flirt with me.

I could feel his strong breath huffing so close to my ears. It was getting really very un_comfy. He was barging into my personal space!!. I tried to push him but it was of no use.

'Um.. I don't think that I ever recall me.. '

'What! You are dating him. I thought I was the one who asked you out first, Melody' said another guy as belligerently removed the first guy's hand and replaced it with his. I pushed them again. I hate being stuck over here. And, it was becoming impenetrable.

The first guy violently pulled away the second guy's hand and now both the guys stood before me growling at each other like dogs. They weren't Jocks and they weren't nerds either. Yes,those people exist in our school too.

'Woah! Woah! Hold on! I never said I would date any of you!' i shouted on top of my voice which seemed to have no effect on them, by the way.

And, That's when my eyes suddenly spotted Sunny and Crystal walking a few steps before me. They seemed to be in the middle of some heat conversation and not realize that they had actually missed me on bed. I gritted my teeth. How could they forget me like this! I clenched my fists and huffed my breath like a rhino.

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