Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Yuzu got home late from the Club meeting. She slowly entered the apartment dragging her feet until she reached the kitchen "ahhhh i'm soooo hungry" Yuzu said out loud as she opened the fridge. She immediately grabbed the plate that had been wrapped for her with a little note on top reading 'Good work on your first day Bub, give your best. Love Mama' Yuzu smiled at her mum's kind hearted gesture. She took a seat at the table and the food was gone within minutes.

After cleaning her mess Yuzu made her way to the bathroom. After a nice long bath she tried to get into bed without disturbing Mei, she looked at the bed side table clock '10pm' Yuzu mentally scolded herself for losing track of time. Luckily she was able to get into bed without waking Mei and within seconds sleep took over her.

The next morning Mei woke up feeling a bit cold, she rolled over to see that Yuzu was already out of bed. Mei got up and dressed for school, she made her way into the kitchen to be greeted by Ume who was cooking a rather large amount for breakfast. "Good morning Mei, did you have a good sleep?" Mei sat at the table as she just nodded to her step mother, she couldn't help but notice that Ume had a huge smile on her face. Mei then looked at the clock it was only 7am "Mother where is Yuzu?" Ume answered Mei with excitement in her voice "Looks like she is getting back into her training routine, she left about 5am for a run. But dont worry she should be back soon and when she does..."Ume then gestured towards the huge breakfast she had prepared "I'm home" Ume and Mei both looked towards the entrance as Yuzu came walking in, she was wearing a light blue jacket and full leg black tights that clung to her body.

Meis throat got dry as she looked at the blonde, he hair was up in a messy ponytail and sweat was running down her face. Ume broke the silence as both daughters were in a staring contest with each other "How was your run?" Yuzu was still breathing heavy as she answered "It was really good actually, but i think it will take a little bit till i get into the rhythm of things" Ume then showed Yuzu the breakfast she was preparing "O.k, go get cleaned up and when you get back your breakfast will be ready" Yuzu quickly made her way to the bathroom. Mei tried to calm herself down 'why is my heart beating so fast' she wondered to herself.

After breakfast both girls made their way out the front door, after walking in silence for 10 minutes Yuzu was the first to speak "Hey Mei" Mei looked to Yuzu as she waited for the blonde to speak more "Umm I know things have been awkward between us since, well, you know. I just want to say that I hope that we can still become closer as sisters" Yuzu gave Mei a wide smile, it had been a while since she had seen Yuzu's actual smile, Mei was just about to say something when someone shouting from the other side of the road caught her attention "YUZZUCHI! Over here" Yuzu re-adjusted her sports bag as she gave Mei another smile "See you around Mei" Yuzu then ran over to Harumin and gave her a huge hug, they then walked together with their arms over each others shoulders. Himeko and Mei were walking behind Yuzu and Harumin when a tall girl with long navy blue hair had stopped Yuzu and was talking to her. Mei recognised her as the Soccer Team captain Izumi Shiza. Himeko spoke first "looks like Aihara yuzu is getting in trouble already, and she has only been apart of the Team for 1 day" Mei watched closely as the 2 girls were talking, she couldn't help but notice that Yuzu was smiling the whole time. Himeko gave Mei a concerned look as she noticed her childhood friend beginning to walk faster then stop right next to the 3 girls. "Ahh good morning President and vice President" Izumi bowed respectfully. Himeko and Mei both bowed as they greeted the Soccer Captain. Himeko was the first to speak out of the 5 girls "I hope Aihara Yuzu is not dragging the team down too much hahahah" Himeko was quickly silence as the reply Izumi gave her left her with her jaw on the ground. "No, actually she was a huge help yesterday, she gave us all many tips which I think are going to be helpful in our next game." Yuzu smiled shyly as she had her head down "Wow Yuzzuchi you really are amazing, arent you?" Harumin threw her arm over Yuzu as the 2 giggled. "I see" Were the only words that came out of the raven haired girls mouth, everyone now looked at her waiting for her to say something else. After a few minutes of awkward silence Izumi broke it first "o.k, well I guess I will see you at 3rd period Yuzu" Izumi then faced the rest of the group and bowed as she took her left. "President we have to meet with the teachers before class" Himeko quickly dragged Mei away.

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