Chapter 25

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Yuzu looked at her phone for the tenth time '4pm I wander if Mei's home' Yuzu was quickly brought out of her thoughts as she heard a voice.

"Yuzuko am I boring you?" The older woman gave a slight glare to the blonde, Ume shook her head as she signalled for Yuzu to put her phone away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude" Yuzu quickly glanced at her phone one last time before she put it in her pocket.

Yuzu had spent the entire day in the mansion as she listened to her Great Grandmothers story.

She had learnt a lot, the Nara family are all very musical, her Grandmother was cut off from the family because she wanted to be with a man from a lower class family.

She also learnt that Ume had kept her from learning about the Nara family until she turned 18 and was able to make decisions on her own, she didn't want Yuzu to be persuaded into doing something that she didn't want to.

But because of recent events, Ume had to bring Yuzu up to speed sooner then she would have liked.

"My dear Mina, by the time I tried to make a mends with her we had already lost so much time" The older woman looked at Ume as she spoke again.

"Your father was a great man Ume, I just wish I had seen it sooner"

Tears were running down Ume's cheeks as she listened to her Grandmother, it was the first time in her life that she had heard her say something nice about her father.

"You never used any of the money I sent you" She fixed her eyes on Ume as she waited for a reply.

"Sorry Grandmother, but I never wanted to rely on your money a-"

Ume was quickly cut off as Mrs Nara spoke.

"Our money, its not mine. You and Yuzuko are the Heirs to this family, it is just as much your money as it is mine"

Ume bowed respectfully as she thanked her Grandmother.

"Now as much as I am enjoying this visit, is there something you need my assistance with Ume?"

Ume shamefully lowered her head as she spoke.

"Yes, i'm sorry to ask this of you but....."

Ume explained the situation with Hioshi and the reporters at the school.

Mrs Nara took in a long breath before she spoke.

"That Aihara boy has always been like that since Mina turned him down, dont worry I will have the reporters dealt with by the morning. But I think that a formal meeting should be held with the press to inform everyone of the families current status"

Ume looked at her daughter before she locked eyes with her Grandmother and spoke.

"What exactly does that mean?"

The woman held Ume in her eyes as she spoke.

"As I said before, you and Yuzuko are the only Heirs to this family and as you can see I am not going to be around forever, it is only natural that you will be taking over the family"

"I dont want Yuzu doing anything that she doesn't want to, I have always let her make decisions and be free"

Ume was starting to feel anxious. 'Maybe coming here was a bad idea' She thought to herself.

"Then shouldn't we let Yuzuko decide what she wants then?" The older woman turned her attention to the young blonde fidgeting in her seat.

Yuzu nearly jumped when she felt her mothers and Great Grandmothers eyes on her.

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