Chapter 5

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It was still late morning when the three got home "o.k I gotta love you and leave you girls" Ume quickly grabbed some stuff as she rushed towards the door "I'll be late, dont wait up" She gave the 2 girls one last quick smile before she left. "Ahhhhhh at least we still have one more day before school" Yuzu stretched her body as she walked towards their shared bedroom.

Yuzu gave Mei a confused expression as she was already changed in her school uniform "Mei are you going to school?" Mei let out a small sigh as she answered her blonde step sister "Yes Yuzu, I have some things I need to take care of, before school starts tomorrow" Yuzu immediately went over to her draw and pulled out her training gear "Yuzu?" Mei was looking strangely at the blonde "Well if your going to school, then I should come with you and get some practice in" Yuzu gave Mei a wide smile, she spoke again "I mean, if thats o.k with you?" Mei could feel her heart beating faster as she looked into Yuzu's bright Emerald eyes "I dont have a problem with it"

After a few minutes the sisters made their way to the Academy. They walked in a comfortable silence with Yuzu humming a tune to one of her favourite songs at the moment. Mei would try to steal a few side glances at the blonde.

Once they finally made it to the school the 2 went to part ways "After we are done we should get something to eat if you want Mei" Yuzu then ran off to the soccer field before Mei could even answer. A smile formed on Meis lips as she parted with the blonde and made her way to the Student Council room.

An hour had past, Mei looked at the time,it was just going on 11am. She got out of her seat and went to the window, Mei looked fondly at the blonde below her running on the field kicking the ball, after about 10 minutes Mei thought she would take some water to Yuzu as she noticed she was only carrying the ball when they were on their way to the school.

After reaching the blonde and giving her the water Mei felt her eyes glued to Yuzu's body. Sweat was running down the side of her face causing a few stray hairs to stick to her face. Yuzu had tied her hair up in a messy ponytail and had the lightest amount of makeup on. Meis eyes traveled down the blondes body and to her legs, Yuzu was wearing her short shorts which Mei was mentally thanking how short they were at this moment as her bare legs glistened in the sun. Mei swallowed loudly as she turned and went to make her way back "Hey Mei, do you wanna kick the ball around with me for a bit?" Mei turned, Yuzu was giving her a pleading look. "I still have at least an hour of work left to do Yuzu" Yuzu started to pout, Mei went to say something when another voice startled her "You know Yu-" Meis head shot up "Hey Yuzu! President!" Mei gritted her teeth as she saw the person approaching them. She was wearing the same shorts as Yuzu, she was also wearing a yellow singlet which reflected her blue cobalt eyes perfectly. "Izumi!" Yuzu yelled as she ran towards the girl and they embraced each other. After a few seconds Mei decided to make her way over to the 2 girls. "Hello Shiza-san, how are you?" Mei bowed politely as she was starting to wish that she hadn't brought Yuzu along with her. "Hello President, i'm well thank you." Izumi bowed as well as she spoke again "So what are you 2 doing here on the weekend? I thought you went somewhere with your mum?" Yuzu looking shocked as she replied to her friend "Ahhh well mum had a work emergency so we came back a day early" Yuzu then flicked the soccer ball up as she started juggling it with her knees as she spoke again. "Then Mei had some stuff to do here and I thought that it would be a great way to get some extra practice in....hey!" Izumi quickly snatched the ball from Yuzu and began juggling it with her own knees as she just gave the blonde a cheeky smile. "What are you doing here anyway?" Yuzu asked as she tried to steal the ball back. "Well actually I was just going for a run when I saw you 2, so I thought that I would come over and say hi" Izumi went to juggle it back to her other knee when Yuzu finally got the ball back "aha! got it" Mei felt the urge to grab Yuzu and take her far away from Izumi, then another thought entered her mind. She realised that she doesn't even know what Izumi meant to Yuzu. She knows that Izumi confessed to Yuzu but what was the outcome? Did Yuzu return the same feelings that Izumi has? When she chased after her that day did Yuzu accept her feelings? Mei started to feel her head spin, her whole world finally stopped as the sound of Yuzu laughing hit her ears "Say I know a really good Crepe shop if you 2 wanna come" Izumi gave both girls a smile "Mei loves Crepes, right Mei?" Yuzu said with a bright smile, Mei slowly just nodded in return "Ahhh sorry Izumi but Mei still has a bit of work to do" Mei tried to steady her breathing as she saw Izumi going to say something "Well you said you came to practice right?" Yuzu just nodded as she waited for Izumi to say more "Then how about we do some training here while Aihara-san finishes up whatever she needs to do?" Yuzu immediately jumped with joy as she grabbed Izumi's hands and kept jumping for a little bit "Is that o.k with you Aihara-san?" Mei looked straight into those perfect sky blue eyes as they looked back at her. After a few minutes and a very anxious Yuzu looking to Mei, she gave in "Yes thats fine.....I'll be going back up then"

Yuzu gave Mei a quick hug as she re-assured her younger step sister "We will be right here waiting Mei"

30 Minutes had past and Mei still had the same sheet of paper in front of her since she had come back after leaving the 2 on the field. She let out a loud sigh as she stood up and mumbled to herself 'seriously, why do I keep feeling like this?' She bit her bottom lip as she stared out the window, just under an hour ago she was full of warmth and happiness looking out the window and seeing Yuzu kicking the ball around. But now she was full of a cold loneliness as she watched the 2 girls kicking the ball to each other while laughing. After another minute passed and Mei decided she wasn't going to get anymore work done today so she packed her stuff up and made her way back down.

"Ahh Mei your finished already?" Yuzu yelled as Mei started to approach them. "It seems I finished faster then I expected" she kept walking as she spoke. "Well thats great Aihara-san, lets go get some Crepes" Mei stared at the Soccer Captain, she had her hair up in a ponytail, her long navy blue hair sat perfectly, even though she had been running around.

After about a 10 minute walk they had reached their destination "Wow its so close to school, I think we will be stopping here more often, right Mei" Yuzu gave Mei a smile which she couldn't help but return. Seeing Yuzu smile at her always made her feel warm inside.

The trio was sitting down enjoying their treat. Izumi had strawberry, Yuzu had vanilla and Mei had chocolate. "Oh your guys ones look way nicer than mine" Yuzu's eyes widened as Mei and Izumi were both holding their Crepes towards her. Mei spoke first "I did promise you that I would let you have a bite next time didn't I Yuzu?" Yuzu took a quick bite "wow yours is delicious Mei" Yuzu then looked at Izumi as she spoke up "Here Yuzu you should try mine too" Yuzu took a bite from Izumi's "yours is delicious too!" Mei smiled to herself as Yuzu had somehow got cream on her cheek, it reminded her of the time they had got crepes together and Yuzu had cream on the exact same spot. Mei went to reach over to wipe Yuzu's cheek but before she could, another hand was already there and had wiped it clean "ahh thanks Izumi, I guess i'm a pretty messy eater" Mei watched as Izumi then licked her finger clean as she spoke "its o.k Yuzu, i'll always clean up after you"

Mei felt like a knife was being pushed straight through her heart, she couldn't take it anymore. Yuzu went to speak but the sound of Mei's chair being pushed back stopped her "Mei?" Yuzu watched as Mei went to head towards the exit, Mei was just outside the door when a hand grabbed her wrist "Mei, whats wrong?" Mei stood still for a few moments trying to collect herself 'What is wrong with me? Yuzu is clearly more happy when Izumi is around, i'm only getting in the way' Yuzu's voice brought Mei out of her thoughts "Mei?" Mei turned to meet bright emeralds, she could see the concern in Yuzu's eyes. She took a breath as she spoke "Sorry Yuzu there is something that I have to take care of" Mei went to walk off but Yuzu held her inlace "But I thought we were going to get something to eat together later Mei?" Mei wanted nothing but to be together with Yuzu, but seeing her being so friendly with someone else was breaking her heart. 'Yuzu and Izumi wouldn't act like they are now if Yuzu declined her would they?' Meis head snapped up as she heard Izumi's voice "Are you 2 o.k?" Her voice was soft like silk as she spoke, Yuzu turned to Izumi as she answered "Yeah, Mei just remembered that she had something to do, thats all"

Mei quickly pulled her hand back from Yuzu as she spoke to the 2 "Yes, i'll be going now. Yuzu you can stay, i'll see you later" Mei quickly walked away, trying to get as much distance between the 2 as possible.

Yuzu just stood there still in shook "I guess its just us then Yuzu" Yuzu just nodded as she watched Mei until she was no longer in sight.


Sorry for the wait and the short chapter, things have been a little hectic, hope you enjoy :)

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