Chapter 6

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Yuzu made her way into the apartment, is was in darkness and dead silent. 'I wander if she is still awake' Yuzu whispered to herself as she made her way down the hall. She quickly checked her phone 'lucky I txt her that I was going to be late' As she slowly opened the door she let out a small sigh of relief, Mei was already in bed and asleep. After grabbing her bath stuff Yuzu made her way to the bathroom.

Mei clutched the bed sheets as she sobbed quietly in the dark room. Mei had spent most of the afternoon thinking about Yuzu. She wanted nothing but to be by the blondes side, but she knew now that that would not be a possibility. 'Yuzu didn't follow me so that has to mean that she chose her' Mei was brought out of her thoughts as she heard the bedroom door open and Yuzu tip toe over to the bed.

"Good night Mei" It was a whisper but Mei heard it. Mei's body started to tremble she tried to contain her feelings but her body moved without thinking. Within seconds Mei turned around and hugged Yuzu from behind "Mei?" Mei buried her face into the back of Yuzu's neck. Yuzu felt something wet soaking through her pyjama shirt, her eyes widened as she realised what was happening 'Mei's crying' Yuzu couldn't explain it but she knew that this was something that Mei needed. Yuzu intertwined her and Mei's fingers, she felt Mei hold her tighter 'what is this?' Yuzu started to feel warm inside, a feeling she hadn't felt in a while 'No I let go of all my romantic feelings for Mei, its what she wanted!' Yuzu brought Meis hands to her lips and placed a soft and caring kiss on the top. Mei felt something drop on to her hand, Yuzu was crying as well. Unable to fully express their feelings to one an other, both step sisters cried silently till sleep over took them.

The next day at school Yuzu was in a rage, she walked straight down the hall heading for the Student Council room "ummmm Yuzzuchi maybe this isn't a great idea" Harumin was following close behind. Yuzu turned to her friend as she fastened the pace "No I need to know why she is doing this Haru" As they approached the door Yuzu didn't even bother to knock on the door as she just barged in "Mei! What the hell are you up to?" The entire room went silent, all eyes were on the Raven haired girl sitting at the head of the table. Himeko spoke up first "Aihara Yu-" Meis sharp and cold voice cut her off "Could you all give my sister and I the room" Without another word all the Student council made their way out in record time. Himeko was the last one as she stopped just centimetres away from Yuzu as she stared her down "I will be just outside if you need me Mei-Mei" But Mei's answer made the childhood friend lower her head in defeat "That won't be necessary Himeko, close the door on your way out" Harumin quickly spoke before the door closed "I'll be right here Yuzzuchi"

It was only the 2 step sisters in the room now, Mei could tell that Yuzu was pissed, she was expecting her to come. Yuzu was always one that expressed her emotions so openly. After a few minutes of silence Yuzu was the one that spoke first "Mei, w.....what exactly are you doing?" Yuzu was pacing in the room her breathing was uneven as she spoke again "Mama is so upset a-" Mei cut Yuzu off as she could see the blonde was going to start crying or yelling any second now "This is my decision Yuzu, I have to start preparing to become the proper Heir to the Aihara name" Mei had already practiced this speech in her head all morning, but now that she was face to face with the blonde she could feel herself starting to break. "I get that Mei, I really do, but....why do you have to move back in with Gramps?" Yuzu stepped forward and grabbed Mei's hands, Mei wanted to pull away but her body melted under the blondes touch. "Trust me Yuzu, everyone is better off this way" Yuzu shook her head as she spoke "No I dont believe that! I thought that we were all happy, I mean we were finally getting along and.....last night, is that why you were crying Mei?" Mei stood back in shock 'Dont crack now' Mei tried to tell herself. She had decided it was too painful being near the blonde so much, so she decided it would be better to move back with her Grandfather. "It doesn't concern you Yu-" Mei's eyes widened as Yuzu stared at her with those bright emeralds that could see straight through to her soul. "No Mei, your lying! I wont accept this, Mama wont accept this!" Mei couldn't look Yuzu in the eye anymore, she turned her face as she spoke "I'm sorry Yuzu but this is my final answer, please respect that" With that Yuzu let go of Mei's hands, she instantly felt cold and lonely. Not another word was said as Yuzu turned and left the room.

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