Chapter 8

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Thank you for all your feedback everyone, you are all awesome and keep me writing :)

Anyway, thats enough from me, here is Chapter 8. Please enjoy.


Mei woke up the next morning to a empty bed, she sighed quietly to herself as she wished her blonde step sister would have just skipped her morning run just once.

Mei ran her finger across her lips as she remembered the passionate kiss her and Yuzu had shared before they were interrupted.

Slowly making her way out of bed, she started to get ready for school.

Like clock work Yuzu came home after her run, she quickly went to the fridge and drank a whole bottle of water.

Mei couldn't help but steal a side glance at the blonde as she walked through the kitchen and made her way to their shared bedroom.

After breakfast the step sisters made their way to school, meeting up with Himeko first and then Harumin on the way.

All four approached the school where the usual group of girls greeted Yuzu.

"Yuzu senpai are you feeling better today?" Mei watched from a distance as all the girls were trying to cling to Yuzu.

"Yuzu!" The navy haired soccer captain ran up and gave Yuzu a hug as well. Mei didn't take her eyes off the pair until Izumi finally let go and was now standing next to Yuzu.

The rest of the day went normal for the step sisters.

Mei couldn't help but feel as if her blonde step sister was trying to avoid her all day.

Whenever she would even come close to where Yuzu was, she would bolt in the other direction.

It was now the end of school, Mei was in the student council room completing her usual paper work.

It was a hot summers afternoon, the open window let in a nice cool breeze.

Mei had already sent the rest of the council home as she only had a few more papers to go through.

She was quickly brought out of her working trance as the sound of laughter could be heard from outside.

She stood up from her seat and made her way over to the window.

The sight before her made her heart miss a beat, the entire Soccer team were all chasing each other in what looked like a tickle war.

"Get her!"

Mei watched as Izumi and the rest of the team seemed to be chasing Yuzu all over the field.

Yuzu had the brightest smile on her face and her laugh was the sweetest thing Mei had ever heard.

Her eyes widened as Yuzu tripped and fell which then seemed to cause a chain reaction as the entire team were all tangled over each other.

But it was the position that Yuzu was in that made Mei feel something inside of her.

Yuzu was on her back with Izumi's face only inches away from her own. Mei felt her heart beating faster she gripped the edge of the window sill tight.

"Yuzu-senpai Izumi senpai are you 2 o.k"

Mei could see the blush on both girls faces as Izumi got off the blonde and helped her to her feet.

She needed to distract herself from all the emotions running wild inside of her, so Mei did the only thing that she knew, she buried herself in work.

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