Chapter 3

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It had been a week since Mei dragged Yuzu off the soccer field. She was starting to see less and less of the blonde as the days went on. Mei couldn't shake this feeling inside her chest, it felt tight and uneasy.

It was Monday morning Mei and Himeko were walking behind Yuzu and Harumin, the 4 had made a bit of a habit of walking together. Mei silently enjoyed these moments as it seemed to be the only time she could actually spend with Yuzu.

"Yuzu Senpai!" Mei felt the tightness in her chest again as a group of girls ran towards Yuzu. She didn't know what hurt more, the fact that more and more girls were trying to get Yuzu's attention or that Yuzu seemed to be happier without her. Mei couldn't help but wonder what could have been if she had accepted Yuzu's confession. Mei knew that she had some kind of affection towards the blonde but as time went on Mei felt like this was something different. Some days she couldn't even think straight, even if she didn't talk with Yuzu daily, just seeing her would make Mei feel warm inside. Mei felt her anger start to raise as she saw Izumi run over and embrace Yuzu in a hug that Mei thought was a bit longer then she would have liked. Mei stared at Izumi from head to toe, what did she have that Mei didn't? Her Navy hair fell just below her butt with her height just a bit more then Mei's. Her eye's were a sky blue that anyone melts into, her skin is flawless being white as snow and perfectly soft. Mei knew the Shiza family are well known for their athletic side so it was no surprise when she became the soccer captain.

Academically she wasn't that bad either, Mei had noticed since middle school that Izumi was only 1 score behind her at every test. "Could those 2 be anymore obvious that they are going out?" Himeko spoke as they both watched the exchange from a distance.

Mei gripped the clothes near her heart, she noticed that she always felt this pain when anyone was being over friendly with Yuzu.

The day went fairly normal for Mei, she was finishing up some Student council work before heading a few hours Mei decided it was about time to go home. Just as she was about to reach the main lockers she could hear some voices, as she made her way closer she knew straight away it was Yuzu and Izumi. "Ummmm Y...Yuzu there is something I n..need to say to you" This was the first time Mei had ever notice the Soccer Captain being nervous, she always gives off confidence in what ever she does. Mei stood with her back against the other side of the lockers as she listened to the conversation, she knew it wasn't the right thing to do, but she didn't want to interrupt the 2. "Izumi is everything o.k? Your face is all red" Meis eyes widened as her worse fears were about to become a reality "No she couldn't be confessing, could she?" Mei thought to herself as she waited for Izumi to speak. "Yes i'm fine. A..actually I just wanted to ask you if you will go out with me Yuzuko Aihara, because im in love with you!" Mei gasped as she heard the confession "huh did you hear that?is someone there?" Mei heard Yuzu's voice get closer. She went to make a run for it but before she knew it she had run right into Yuzu and Izumi. "M...Mei? what are you doing here?" Mei quickly spun on her heels and ran in the opposite direction, she didn't know where she was going but as long as her legs would carry her she kept on going. Her heart started to beat faster as she heard Yuzu calling out to her "Mei!....Mei!" She didn't look back she tried to escape from Yuzu but she was too fast and had already caught up to her. Yuzu grabbed Meis wrist and tried to pull her back, they both tripped and ended up rolling down a hill and into a bed of flowers.

Both girls had sweat dripping down their faces, the position they were in reminded them both of the time when Yuzu had confessed except this time Mei was the one on top. Mei went to get up but Yuzu held her in place, she tried to avoid those beautiful emeralds but like a magnet Mei was always brought back to look into those bright and colourful eyes. Yuzu spoke first as Mei was still trying to catch her breath. "Mei, what happened? why did you run away?" Mei couldn't take much more, Yuzu was looking straight through her, she wanted to yell out to the world that she loved Yuzu, she wanted to be the only one that Yuzu would give her brightest smile for. Only she wanted her warmth, kisses and hugs. Mei felt something wet running down her face, Yuzu immediately wiped her tears away "Mei, your crying, whats wrong" Mei felt like she had a lump in her throat, she went to speak but nothing came out. Was this her body telling her that she didn't deserve Yuzu?

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