Chapter 7

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Mei could feel the uneasiness growing in her chest as she approached the Chairman's door.

Taking in one more long breath she knocked on the door, turning the handle she slowly entered.

The room was lit from the orange sun setting, Mei just stood there as she looked at the figure in front of her, as the woman slowly turned Meis eyes widened as she looked in to the light brown eyes of her Mother. Mei was a splitting image of her Mother with the only difference being the eye colour.

She felt like her feet were stuck in place, she couldn't move at all. Just staring at the older woman Mei felt herself put her defensive walls up as her Mother walked towards her.

"Hello Mei" Her voice sent shivers down Mei's spine, it was sharp and clear but something felt different.

The presence Mei was feeling was the complete opposite from what she felt when she was with Ume. She felt like she was starting to understand what a parents love should feel like, Ume always made sure it was clear to Mei and Yuzu that she would support them in anything they wanted to pursue and regardless if they succeeded or failed she would still love them no matter what.

Ume really made Mei feel as though she was her actual daughter since day one.

"Hello Mother" Mei spoke in her Student Council voice, keeping her walls up, Mei spoke again

"What are you doing here?"

10 minutes earlier

Mei had just left to see her Mother, leaving Himeko in charge of Yuzu.

Yuzu had noticed the worried look on Himeko's face when she told Mei the news. For a split second she saw the look of pain in Meis face.

"Ummmm Momokino-san, do you know why Mei looked so sad when you said her Mum is here?"

Himeko stared out the window for a minute, contemplating weather she should tell Yuzu or not. Himeko had to acknowledge that since the blonde entered all their lives things seemed to be more brighter and full of life, especially her Mei-mei.

"It's not really my place to say, but I dont think Mei-mei would mind you knowing since your step sister's" The last word tasted bitter in the shorter girls mouth, she had always wished that her and Mei could be sister's.

"Well I guess the best place to start would be to say that she hasn't seen her Mother since she was 8 an-" Yuzu jumped out of bed, she couldn't believe what she was hearing "What! what do you mean since she was 8? that means its been 8 years. I mean Mei did tell me her parents divorced, but I didn't realised she never saw her mum again. I mean what has she been doing all these years!?"

Himeko gave yuzu a glare as her shouting was piercing her ears. After the blonde seemed to have stopped and was waiting for an answer, Himeko carried on.

"ahem... as I was saying, she hasn't seen her Mother for 8 years. No one knows where she has been, she didn't keep in contact with Mei-mei" Himeko stopped talking as she saw tears starting to fall from Yuzu's eyes "Aihara Yuzu, why are you crying?"

Yuzu wiped her tears away with the back of her hand as she started to speak.

"I just cant believe that a Mother would leave her child like that and not bother to keep in contact. No wonder Mei is the way she is" Himeko couldn't stop a smile forming on her lips. As much as she hated to admit it, she was glad that Mei had Yuzu in her life, the way she would just let every emotion she was feeling out in the open. Yuzu got a jolt of energy, she quickly ran to the door to leave.

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