Chapter 27

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Yuzu anxiously looked down at her phone for the 10th time, her nerves were really getting the best of her today. She didn't even know why she was getting this nervous. Looking out the window toward the huge building she thought' Maybe this wasn't such a good idea'


Yuzu was brought out of her thoughts as her phone rang. A smile immediately spread across her face as she saw the name come up on the I.D.


"Yuzu, are you o.k dear?"

Yuzu couldn't help but be thankful for having such a caring mother like Ume, she really was the best, taking in a deep breath Yuzu answered her mum.

"Y...Yeah i'm good Mama"

"Hmmmm you dont sound good, I can ring Grandmother and-"

Yuzu quickly cut her mum off as she spoke.

"No! Its o.k, I promised her that I would come here, i'm just a little nervous thats all"

Ume felt guilt starting to creep in, she should be there supporting her daughter.

"Sorry Yuzu, I should have cancelled work and come with you"

Yuzu knew that her mum had been working on a major upgrade for nearly 6 months now, the last thing she wanted was for her mum to feel guilty at all.

"You have been working on that upgrade for a while now mama and its nearly finished, just promise me you will come with me next time, o.k?"

Ume smiled to herself, hearing Yuzu on the phone just made her realise how much her daughter has grown over the years.

"Ohh sorry Mama, I gotta go, i'll ring you later, love you"

"Love you too Yuzu"

As the car door opened, a young man stood, prepared to assist Yuzu and offered his hand to help her out from the car.

"Everyone is inside Miss, would you like me to escort you to them?" He spoke with a smile as he waited for Yuzu to reply.

She looked up at the immense building and took a deep breath.



Mei was quickly brought out of her daze as she realised Himeko's face was only inches away from her own.

"Are you feeling o.k? You have been out of it all day" Himeko's worried expression clearly conveyed how much she cared for her childhood friend.

Ever since she arrived at school this morning, something seemed off, Himeko tried to give Mei a warm smile as she spoke again.

"I'm just worried. Some of the students said that you were arguing with Lee at the front gate early this morning before school, then you were late." Himeko knew that Mei had shut down her feelings when her father decided to leave, but she had to admit that since Yuzu had come into the picture that Mei seemed to be more and more like her old self from when they were younger.


She knew that Himeko was only concerned for her well-being, Yet, Mei didn't really know how to properly explain what she was feeling right at this moment. Yuzu was all that was on her mind since she watched the blonde walk out the door at the Nara mansion.

After taking a few moments to compose herself Mei took a breath and tried to ease her friend's worry.

"Sorry Himeko, i've just had a few things on my mind lately"

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