Chapter 13

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Yuzu could feel her heart beating against her chest, she thought that it was going to beat right out of her.

Her body was shaking as she kept her eyes locked on the raven beauty in front of her.

Mei looked down at Yuzu, the ring was shinning brightly, she felt scared, excited and happy all at once, she could tell by looking into Yuzu's bright emerald eyes that she was feeling the same emotions as her right now.

She used one hand to gently cup Yuzu's face as she spoke soft and sweet to her lover.

"Yes, Yuzu. Of course, Yes"

Tears were falling from both girls eyes as Yuzu didn't hesitate to slide the ring onto Meis finger.

As Yuzu went to stand back up, Mei pulled her into a tight hug which she happily returned. As they pulled back from each other they lent in for a sweet kiss.

Everyone was cheering and congratulating them but the only thing that both girls could focus on right not was the tender kiss they were sharing.

They both reluctantly pulled back as they knew they could finish this in a more private setting later.

Yuzu gave Mei one last quick kiss on the cheek before she stood to Meis side holding her hand.

"Lets celebrate everyone!" Soma cheered through the mic on the stage before he jumped down.

The group made their way to the table as the food was already being served, Mei and Yuzu were surprised as all the other people dinning at the restaurant were also congratulating them.

Dinner was filled with happiness and laughter, Mei and Yuzu couldn't keep their eyes off each other. If Mei wasn't looking at Yuzu, she was looking at her engagement ring.

"Do you like it Prez?" Mei quickly looked over to Harumin who had a big grin on her face as she waited for the Student council president to answer.

"Its beautiful" Mei quickly looked to Yuzu who was in a conversation with Soma and Izumi about something.

"Now that I see it on you, I guess getting detention for it isn't that bad"

Mei thought for a second about what Harumin just said. It all made sense now. The way that Yuzu was acting, and going out twice in a row without changing out of her uniform.

She looked at the ring with more detail, the cut was clean and perfect, then with the Gem sitting on top shinning bright was flawless . Mei could only think about how much money Yuzu had to spend on it.

She didn't care what kind of ring Yuzu got her, she would have been happy with no ring to be honest, as long as her and Yuzu could be together forever.

"She was super worried about which one to get you" Harumin speaking brought Mei out of her thoughts. She looked to her lovers best friend as she spoke some more.

"She wanted to only give you the best"

"She is the best and all I need" Was Mei's reply which caused Harumin to giggle before she spoke.

"Awwww you guys are cute"

The evening was coming to a end, Mei could see the Shiza twins talking to the adults, she turned to Yuzu before she spoke.

"Are they o.k other there Yuzu?"

Yuzu let out a sigh before she answered her newly engaged fiance.

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