Chapter 9

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Heres chapter 9 guys, sorry for the super long delay, I hope you can forgive me :)


Mei stood in the crowd next to her mother and step brother as they waited for the game to begin.

This was her first time attending one of Yuzu's games, she looked over to Yuzu, she couldn't believe the determined look on the blondes face right now.

"Get em Zumi! Yuzu!" Soma cheered loudly as he put his fist in the air.

Mei stayed quiet as she watch from the side. This was most definitely not her kind of environment, people were standing close to each other and the yelling and screaming was making Mei flinch.

Yuzu now had the ball, the cheering in the crowd got louder, Mei gritted her teeth as she heard a few guys behind her talking.

"Ohhh man she's hot, I wander if she has a boyfriend?"

Mei wanted to turn around and tell them that Yuzu was of limits, but she didn't even know what it was exactly that her and Yuzu have.

Orihima looked down at her daughter and noticed her showing a annoyed expression, she went to say something but then another guy from behind them spoke as Yuzu had passed the ball to Izumi.

"You can have the blonde bro, i'll have the navy haired Captain, I heard she's still a virgin a-"


"Thats my Sister and her friend asshole's" Soma had already hit one of them to the ground in seconds.

They went to react, but the death stare that both raven haired beauties were giving them made them freeze in their tracks.

2 body guards appeared out of no where.

"Is there a problem young Master?"

Soma shook his head as he looked at the 2 guys before he spoke.

"No, these idiots arent worth our time"

The guy that Soma hit went to move but the other guy quickly grabbed his shoulders as he pulled him back when he spoke "Th.....thats Soma Shiza, we should get out of here. Like now!"

The 2 went to leave, the 1st guy quickly turned and bowed "I'm really sorry for any disrespect we caused"

The 2 ran off without another word.

"I cant stand guys like that" Soma turned his attention back to the game.

The game was nearly over, Mei understood now why Yuzu had stayed so committed to her morning runs.

She had been running non-stop for the entire game, she was sweating but she didn't look out of breath at all.

It was the last few seconds on the clock Izumi had the ball, she quickly kicked it up in the air towards Yuzu, Yuzu jumped and head butted it into the goal and they won.

"Wahooooo! Thats my Sis!" Soma cheered loudly.

Mei watched as the entire team tackled Yuzu.

Mei waited with her mother and Soma as Yuzu and Izumi were having a shower.

"Zumi, great game" Soma gave his sister a hug, Yuzu came out next right after.

"You to, you were great Yuzu" Soma gave her a high five.

Both girls said their thanks, Orihima gave both girls a hug, all eyes were on the raven haired girl.

"Good game Yuzu, Izumi" Mei tried to hold eye contact but she quickly looked away after a few seconds.

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