Chapter 22

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Mei sat quietly as she waited for Yuzu to come out of the office, it had already been 30 minutes and she was growing more and more anxious as each second went by.

'What could Grandfather want to discuss with Yuzu? And without me?' Meis thoughts were running wild as she started playing different scenarios in her head. Then the sound of a familiar voice echoed down the hall.

"Sorry Ma'am but the Chairman is in a meeting right now and-"

Mei quickly stood up as she watched her Grandfather's secretary be silenced as the woman spoke.

"I dont care who he is with, im seeing him right this second!"

Meis eyes widened as she watched the person walk closer, she had never seen her raise her voice at anyone or ever get angry.


Mei looked at her Step mother as she quickly approached the door, she locked eyes with Mei and gave her a warm smile, then as soon as her hand gripped the door handle her kind smile was replaced with full anger.

"Hioshi! How dare you-" Ume stopped speaking as she saw her daughter standing there talking with the Chairman.

"Mama" Yuzu turned and faced her mum who looked confused right now, Mei walked in behind Ume as she stood there and looked between her step mother, Grandfather and Yuzu.

"Its o.k Mama, Gramps just wants me to sing a few songs in a music festival he is organising for the end of the week"

Ume looked straight into her daughters eyes, she knew Yuzu better than anyone and she knew that her daughter was not telling the entire truth right now.

"Hioshi if-" Ume was cut off as she felt Yuzu grab her hand and pull her back towards the door before she spoke.

"Please Mama, lets go, everything is fine. Really" Yuzu tried to give her Mother a smile but she knew that she would be getting questioned as soon as she got home.

Ume held her daughter in her gaze for a few seconds before she finally gave in and spoke.

"O.k Yuzu"

Mei and Yuzu locked eyes for a second, Mei knew that look anywhere, Yuzu was trying to hide pain behind her bright emerald eyes. Mei walked closely behind Yuzu and Ume until her Grandfather called out to her "Mei"

She stopped in her tracks as she turned to face her Grandfather, Ume and Yuzu turned to see the interaction between Mei and Hioshi.

"Sorry Grandfather but it seems that Yuzu and Mother need me right now" She bowed respectfully as she continued to speak.

"I will return to all my usual duties from tomorrow" As Mei stood back up she was expecting him to scold her or tell her that she must stay and do her Student Council work, but instead she was met with a slight smirk and a small nod.


Mei spun on her heel as she heard Yuzu call her, their eyes met and Mei could see so much emotion in her lovers eyes right in this moment.

Mei quickly took her place next to Yuzu and the three left the Chairman's office and made their way down the hall.

"Yuzu, Mei, Aunty Ume, over here" They heard a small whisper/quiet call for them.

Soma popped his head around the corner as he gestured for the trio to follow him.

"Soma, what are you doing here? Why are you here?" Yuzu asked as they started to make their way down to the back of the Academy.

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