CHAPTER FOUR: this is diamond.

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CHAPTER FOUR: this is diamond.

I groan as I woke up, the sun shine seaming through the curtains pulling me from my slumber. I cleaned the sleep off my eyes, tucking my hair behind my ears. Flopping the blanket aside, I carried my self to the toilet, doing my morning routine, before heading out.

The attractive smell of yam balls hit my nostrils, memories of yesterday came flashing black.




Even though it didn't last, I still talk to him. Though he called me a condo level, which i don't mind at all.

Surprisingly the girls are in the dinning, so was omega
He target his glare at me, shifting a little bit to face me.

Dad went to work while their mother visit the neighbors.

"Good morning"


Hauwa stared at me, brows all knitted." Were where you yesterday".

Me, oh....
I was with badman biladin.

"I should be the one asking you guys, after leaving with bunch of people". I glared at her.

"O my we thought you left" asiya finally dropped her phone. I kept quite, debating on telling them who I was with.

"I meet badman" i blurt out, smiling sheepishly. They both stare at me, jaws probably touching the flour. None of them blinking, just staring.

"Your lying" asiya sneered, giving her well known glares.

"I swear he even called me condo level" the next thing, hauwa yelled in fake tears. Whining why I even followed them.

Well sorry sweetheart, it's  destiny.

Right then my ring tone broke out, making me to hurriedly walk there.

"Hey mum".

"You've stop calling me, what have I done to you".

"No mum, nothing, am just busy with stuff lately".

" that stuff so important that you forgot about me, am your mother for god sake, I gave birth to you, raised you, took care of you and now that stuff way too important than me.... Ok no problem go back to the things that is so important than me."

"No,no,no mum, you mean the world to me, your the only important person I have. Please am so sorry".

"Apology unaccepted"

"Oh come on"

"Ok ok, apology accepted. is the ringgg".

"Which ring"

"Don't start this with me".

Oh the ring.

"Yh mum the ring is safe" i said walking to my hand bag, checking the inner pocket to feel nothing.


Were would it be.

"OK Ummi, promise to call frequently okay"

"I promise." Ending the call

Oh my god.

I checked each and every and part of my bag, adding the fact that I threw each item on the bed just for the ring. But no shinny, sparkling diamond came out.

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