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   I watch as elena stood, hugging her mother in her wedding dress, she looks beautiful, even though she's not a Muslim, she still fits to be with amir, and I hope on day she'll turn into a muslim

Today is her big day, so as amir's. I was suppose to be with him but why will I be the odd one in the mist of men.

"OK, get everything ready, it's time to bring elena" my mother said, gesturing everyone to get set, including me, as elena's bride maid. I glance at leeyah she looks stunning, she always looks stunning. My makeup wasn't too much, so as the dress.

"You look pretty ramla" elena whispered as we head down stairs, elena's house isn't that huge as amir's, it's a condo. I smiled at her, watching as her friends took pictures, it's odd to see all of them wearing the same as I am.

But whatever

Elena was taken into a limo, I and leeyah went with the car we came with, obviously amir's car. I glance at my phone, messages from the group, I decided to invite group members to the wedding, haidar did question why I had to do that, I told him it's my kindness to the group.

He ask to much questions

What's his own if I invite them.

The wedding will take place in two places, here and Nigeria, the Nigerian own is just some shitty traditional thing. I swear amir has money to waste.

Any who

We arrived at the venue. "OK let me see your make-up" leeyah panicked


"I don't want you to spoil it" she whined

"Agh.... Am not" I groan. Getting out of the car.

"C'mon" I looked at her, bringing my hand out for her. She happily took my hand, we rushed to the place.

Am so happy for her, she looks so pretty as she walked in her bridal gown, with her father.

Amir smile lighting something in me, am so happy for him.


"Do you Elena smith take amir alamin as your loving husband" say it.

Say I do.

"I do" she smiled brightly, amir chuckled. So amazing to see that amir is officially married.

Dinner did go well with drunken fools, majority danced crazily, I did dance a little bit.


I look around to see any clue of leeyah but no, I haven't seen her after she ditched me for some guy. typical leeyah.

God I can't wait to go back to Nigeria.


"Were the hell are you guys" I yelled. Chuck and the rest are suppose to be here by now.

"We are outside, the stupid soldier said we need a weeding card" he yelled at me.

Oh shit, I thought they will allow invitation on phone.


I sprang to the entrance where the huge soldiers stood, I tap one of them

"Excuse me" he turned to me giving me a questionable look.

"they are the special guest invited by the groom" just some white lie wouldn't kill, their eyes went wild I looked at haidar who had a smirk on his face. The soldiers apologized allowing them to enter

"You bloody devil" haidar whispered to my ear, I held my breath the feeling of his warm breath made a tingling feeling in me.

What the fuck

"This is amazing" hafsat gushed, taking a sit. true it's amazing like I've said amir has a lot of money to spend. Chuck introduced me to some of the group members who decided to come for the wedding. I smiled at each one of them, maryam seams pretty nice while maimuna I don't know for her she was just sending draggers my way. baggy got pretty engross with asiya even tho she gave him a look of disgust.

Soon Elena and amir came in looking marvelous, she did look weird wearing our Nigerian attire but beautiful at the same time. The mc talk for only god know how long, he was actually annoying the shit out of me.

"Hey let's dance" rafik asked I glance at him giving him a shock look.

"Sure" I place my hand on his, his other hand went to my waist while my other hand was on his shoulder, we dance in sync enjoying the music of all of me. But I had a feeling in me.

A feeling of


It ate my up knowing hafsat really like rafik and his busy dancing with me.

"Don't you think hafsat will get mad" I whispered to him, he shrug. "Why will she be angry" he asked while dancing, surprising how his a good dancer.

"I don't know maybe because she li......." I stop abruptly because of the glare haidar sent towards me. Why is he glaring at me

Maybe it's not me

"You where saying"

"Nothing, just forget" I shock my head

"Go dance with hafsat she's lonely" I whispered, he looked down at me raising an eyebrow

"You sure" he asked, I nod pulling away from him.

"See, she's lonely" I directed my hand toward her, he looked back before muttering your right then sprang of to where she is, I smiled turning around to be greeted with haidar dancing with maimuna, the way his eyes shined looking down at her as she smiled happily looking up.

I feel like I've been stabbed on the heart.

But why.

Because you like him


No, I don't

I went to where Chuck and the rest where, I noticed hauwa and ahmad leaving the place, I was about to sit down when someone called my name, turning around


As expected

He smiled "care for a dance" I gazed at him wasn't he dancing with maimuna some minutes ago

"Yes...i mean sure" god I sound desperate. Haidar took my hand, I can't breath. He circled his arm around my waist. My heart race picked fast, we started dancing

"You look pretty today" haidar whisper to my ear. His hot breath lingered on my skin.

What is all this feelings

I smiled at him "you don't look bad your self" he chuckled looking straight into my eyes.

We danced, I glanced over at maimuna as she glared at me

Well I've had enough glares for the day

Lyrical Taliban: Badman BinladinWhere stories live. Discover now