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"Listen Jungkook," Jimin screamed into the phone as he entered the small bakery at the edge of the town, "I don't care what you have to do!  All I know is that we're gonna end up going to that Big Bang concert at the end of the month!"

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"Listen Jungkook," Jimin screamed into the phone as he entered the small bakery at the edge of the town, "I don't care what you have to do!  All I know is that we're gonna end up going to that Big Bang concert at the end of the month!"

Jimin started to quiet down due to the stares he was receiving from the other costumers.  "Well anyways, I gotta go Kookie.  I want to see you with those tickets the next time I ask you for them.  Oh and make sure to tell the human Lenny face to come pick up his sweater before I steal it.  I wouldn't mind owning a beautiful, faNTASTIC Gucci sweater."

From the other end of the phone Jimin could heard Taehyung yell "no" dramatically. 

"Bye, hyu-.", Jungkook said as he tried to hide a laugh but burst out into a fit of giggles which made Taehyung pout.

"I thought you loved me!", he yelled.

Jimin walked to the ordering counter and hung up before he could hear anything else.  Normally, he would just stay there listening to them bicker as he laughed but he was hungry so he decided not to.  That's why Jimin always follows one rule:

"Food before doods."

"Excuse me?", a mint haired man asked as he looked up at Jimin with a confused expression.

"Oh, um... nothing.", Jimin said already feeling the blood rising to his cheeks and ears.  He can't believe he said that out loud.

"Anyways~", the odd man with the mint hair started, "How may I help you today?"

"Can I get a red velvet cupcake and a strawberry milkshake?", Jimin asked, already perking up at the fact that in a few minutes, he was going to finally going to get his beloved food.

"Of course, that would be ₩18956."

Jimin hands him the money and waits for his food to be ready.

It didn't take that long to make the food  considering that all Yoongi had to do was pick a cupcake from the display at the corner of the room (he made sure to pick the pretties one) and give Jimin his milkshake which was made by his co-worker Yugyeom.

Yoongi placed the cupcake in front of Jimin and waited for Yugyeom to pass Jimin his milkshake.  In the mean time, he decided it would be best to try to start small talk.

"So, I heard you talking about Big Bang earlier-", Yoongi began.  He unfortunately couldn't finish his sentence thanks to an orange haired male jumping up and down excitedly.

"You like Big Bang too?"

Yoongi just nodded taking in the beauty in front of him who's lit up with excitement. Cute.

"Really?!?  Who's you're bias?"


"Here you go.  One strawberry milkshake!", Yugyeom interrupted.  He looked up and his face immediately lite up when he saw Jimin.  "Oh hey, Jiminie!  What are you doing here?", he said as he reached over and did some weird hand shake with the man Yoongi now knew as 'Jiminie'

"I'm just grabbing something quick to eat before I go back to Kookie and Tae.  I never knew you worked here!"

"Oh yeah!  I actually just started last month.  Can you-",  

"Don't you have something to do?", Yoongi asked as he sent a quick glare in Yugyeom's direction.

Yugyeom visibly tensed.

"Oh right!", he said, breaking out into a cold sweat,  "I'll come over later and we could have a movie night with the other's, okay?"

"Yep!  I'll wait for you if you want and we could go together.", Jimin said but it sounded more like a question.

"Yeah the store closes at 9.  Will you be able to wait until then?", he asks feeling a bit more at ease.

"Yeah." Jimin beamed as he grabbed him milkshake and cupcake.  

He was excited to see Jungkook's reaction when he would see the 'surprise' Jimin had brought him.  I mean, who wouldn't be excited to get a surprise visit from their twin from another sin?  It would be the least Jimin could do since Jungkook was buying for the concert tickets.

He planned to abduct the Lenny face dude and drop him off at the human sun's house since he tends to get jealous whenever Jungkook and Yugyeom hanout out.  Then he would go to the park and relax as he looked at the stars.  It was the perfect plan for peace and relaxation.

He wasn't actually planning on spending time with them. It's not that he didn't like them or anything, he was actually quite fond of them, he just liked to be by himself to sort out his thoughts.

Before Jimin could sit down and eat in peace, he needed the receipt from the mint haired man,who he wasn't going to admit looked pretty attractive, in front of him.

"Well, Jiminie, I'm Yoongi and since you're going to stay anyways, wanna talk more about Big Bang?", Yoongi proposed, a hopeful smile on his face.

"First of all, it's Jimin not Jiminie. Second, I can read," Jimin said as he pointed to Yoongi's name tag and playfully rolled his eyes. Yoongi chuckled. "I would love to talk about Big Bang with you.  When's you're break?"

"30 minutes."

"Okay, I'll see you then.", Jimin said as he took the receipt from Yoongi's hand, not missing the chance to brush their fingers together.  He walked to a random table leaving behind a speechless Min Yoongi behind who looked redder than a tomato. 


Well this chapter was ass but congrats for reading this far.  I really appreciate it!  Anyways, please vote and leave comments, it helps a lot and  let's me know about things I need to fix.  I'll try updating every Monday, Thursday and Sunday.  I may update other days though since school ends tomorrow.

Thanks for reading~ <3

Edited: 091919

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