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3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

After about half and hour of Jimin trying to convince Yoongi that he wasn't crazy and that Jimin actually knew famous people, they finally ended their shifts. 

"It's still pretty early. What do you want to do?", Jimin asked.

Yoongi looked at Jimin who bounced around in excitement and smiled sincerely

"How about we get something to eat and then do something fun? I'm starving!", Yoongi said, pout evident on his face as he rubs his stomach, puppy eyes on Jimin to see his reaction.

"Why are you so extra?", Jimin laughed and took his phone out of his pocket. "I'll check if there are any restaurants open at this time."

Yoongi smiled and back hugged Jimin. "Thanks, buba <3"

"You're welcome, buba <3"

Their heart eyes were pretty obvious to everyone except for themselves because they're dense af which was a real shame ;-;

Once Jimin found restaurant, they decided to walk there, holding hands with Yoongi because...why the fuck not?

Yoongi didn't mind and squeezed Jimin's hand slightly and continued following the younger.

Once they got to the restaurant, they were met with the a friendly waitress who took them to their booth.  

Once they sat down, she began to speak, "Hello, my name is Momo. Another waiter will be here shortly to take your food orders.  Can I start you off with any drinks?"

"Yes," Jimin was the first one to speak. "Can I please have a mix of sprite and strawberry lemonade?"

"Mhm.  And how about you, sir?"

"A coca-cola please?"

Momo nodded and read over the orders on her note pad. "So, a mix of sprite and strawberry lemonade and a plain coke?"

"Yes.", both males responded at the same time.

"Can I start you off with any appetizers?", she asked as she got her pen ready for more orders.

Jimin and Yoongi shared a knowing look before Yoongi responded, "Some mozzarella sticks would be nice."

After Momo wrote that down and repeated their order once more with the new item added into her notepad, she left to get their orders ready.

It took 10 minutes for her to come back with the drinks and appetizers.

Before the food came, Jimin and Yoongi were just browsing on their phones, not needed to talk to feel comfortable or entertained because they had electronics and each other.

Once the plate of mozzarella sticks were set down in front of them, they began to dig in and talked about normal things they usually talked about aka fanboying over BIGBANG.

In the short span of 15 minutes, Jimin managed to choke on a piece of mozzarella stick from laughing too hard, Yoongi ended up spilling most of his drink when he knocked it over laughing at Jimin choking which ended up in him struggling with the napkins trying to clean up the mess.  Jimin was still choking until a voice spoke up.

"Hello, I am the waitress who is going to taking the rest of yo-", she got interrupted by a piece of cheese covered in breadcrumbs landing in her hair.

Jimin quickly took a huge gulp of his drink to help calm himself down.  

By the time he finally realized what he had done, he turned to Yoongi who was frozen in his spot, staring at Jimin with wide eyes, face almost mirroring Jimin's except Jimin was blushing from embarrassment. 

They both slowly looked up to the waiter who was struggling to get the food out of her hair.

When she did she turned her attention back to the boys men in front of her.

Jimin immediately began to apologize, "I'm so very sorry! Please forgi-"

He got cut off bye Yoongi who's eyes widened more, which Jimin thought was impossible, and looked at the waitress.

She turned to Yoongi and stood still in shock.

"H-Hyelin?", Yoongi croaked.

It was Yoongi's ex-girlfriend.

So...I would just like to take a moment to thank all of the people who vote and comment on this story. (You know who you are... @TrashyShipper88  and @hopejin_mintTea and @Yuri_flower I'm pretty sure there are more but I'm too lazy to go even further through my notifications soooo)It means a lot to me so thank you.  An even if you're just a silent reader, thank you for reading.  I want to thank ARMYs for existing. Thank you for the support. I'll try to write my stories even better.

Sorry for not updating, I've been really busy this summer but I'm sure that'll end once school starts again (in a week) since I'll be more motivated to not procrastinate. 

Thanks for reading~ <3

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