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"You look like a dork," Ivy snorted and I rolled my eyes before fixing my stupid hat.

"I'm just kidding, look at my working woman go," she smiled and I shook my head at her.

"If you're nice, I'll bring you a stale cupcake to school on Monday." I wiggled an eyebrow as I slipped on my shoes.

Today starts my new job at Cookie Cutter. It's a little bakery in my town that's probably on the verge of shutting down. But my mom sold the store to the owner, Mrs. Olson and she was more than willing to give me a job as her cashier and waitress.

The place doesn't get much business other than the occasional baby shower, wedding or someone fighting a random sweet tooth but it's been in town for five years and locals don't really want it shut down.

It brings a small town aesthetic to our not so small town.

"Actually, I'm gonna stop by and watch you work. Maybe take a few pictures and document it for embarrassing moment stories later in life." Ivy teased and I rolled my eyes at her.

"You're not being nice, no stale cupcakes for you," I stood up from the bed before grabbing my car keys and phone. I slipped them both in my purse before going downstairs and Ivy followed behind.

"Look at you working girl!" Mom grinned at me when I walked into the kitchen and I smiled at her.

"It's only a three hour shift to see if I like it," I reminded and she pointed at me.

"And you will, it's in a bakery surrounded by sweets. You're going to come home everyday smelling like cake. Who wouldn't want that job?" She asked.

"Diabetics," Ivy chimed in and I opened the fridge for a bottle of water.

"I gotta go, I gotta impress Mrs. Olson with my time of arrival,"

"The only time you'll actually be on time." Ivy chimed in and without turning away from my mom, I held my middle finger up behind my back.

"You haven't eaten dinner," Mom said and I waved her off.

"I'll grab something light when I come back. It's only three hours remember? I'll be fine."

"Okay," she nodded. "Drive safe and good luck,"

"Thanks," I kissed her on the cheek before leaving.


This is a bad job for me.

Not because I hate it, I actually kind of love it. It's simple and easy. But I am surrounded by food temptation and lately the little voice in my head has been hard to shut up about when and what I eat.

I eat bad food and I get pushed to get rid of it. When I eat healthy, I'm reminded that it's not enough and I should probably go to the gym.

I'm in a love hate relationship with myself 24/7.

"Katie, Dear, you can go ahead and take off." Mrs. Olson said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, are you sure? I can stay until closing, it's only an hour extra." I told her and she nodded.

"No, no, you can go ahead. All I'm gonna do is prep for baking tomorrow's cake order and toss some of the old sweets. You can take some if you'd like." She offered and I smiled at her.

No, you're going to eat it before you even make it home.

"Oh no, I'm okay, thank you." I took off my apron and she shook her head.

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