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I do not like changes. No one does really, but I despise them. And this, having to suddenly move from my comfort zone to somewhere else where I have no classes with either of my best friends is the absolute worst. I also have to wear actual clothes to school now. Uniforms were easier.

These halls were a lot more crowded than Chesterfield. This school probably doubled the size of Chesterfield so the ratio of student to faculty is significantly larger.

Avoiding a collision with another student I slipped into the cafeteria and I let out a groan at the lunch menu.

I have the option of cold spaghetti or a gray looking chicken Alfredo pasta. Neither looked like it would sit well in my stomach.

I watched Tyler walk pass me and straight for the food line and I shook my head in disgust. Of course he'll be able to eat this.

"Dude, I am starving," Jason came up behind me and I turned to face him.

"I'm not eating this shit," I shook my head.

"Are we allowed to go off campus?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Seniors are,"

With a smile, he rolled his shoulders back and said. "Then, let's ask a senior."

"What's he doing?" Tyler asked. He was already shoving a forkful of Alfredo in his mouth. Disgusted, I shrugged at his question and walked to our usual table.

Jason walked over to a table populated with girls and with ease he caught their attention. Within two minutes of his conversation, Tyler and I were placing bets on who we think is going to take him off campus.

He doesn't need to go with a girl, he could probably walk right past the lazy secretary and go off campus and back but Jason definitely prefers when a girl participated in his delinquency.

"I still think the blond closest to the redhead will win."

"Hannah Yemen?" Tyler stuffed his face. "Nah, she's talking to Joshua Reed,"

"Then why is she standing up?" I asked and Tyler gasped.

"Yemen, no!" He cried out before pulling out his wallet and retrieving the ten bucks he owed me.

"Know your ladies Ty-ty," I pocketed the money and he rolled his eyes.

"Right, and you definitely know your ladies, you still can't get Katie to go out with you."

Shoving him away I snatched the apple from his lunch tray and took a bite. Before I could chew, he had lunge across the table and grabbed the apple from my hand.

"Tyler doesn't share food,"

"Tyler is psychotic," I replied as I chewed on the bite in my mouth and he glared as he finished his food.

Lunch was five minutes from being over when Jason returned with a Chipotle bag. How he was able to go to Chipotle, sit and eat and be back on time  is beyond me but I didn't question it enough to stop from reaching into the bag for a burrito.


"There's one in the bag for you," Jason cut Tyler off. A grin took over his face and he grabbed for his own burrito.

"I miss Chest," I shook my head between bites.

"Wrong, you miss the food," Jason corrected and I nodded.

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