Small Town Girl (A Christofer Drew Fan Fiction)

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This is just a practice. This chapter came up from the top of my head. Let me know if I should continue it or not. Enjoy! - Whitknee

Chapter 1

'Hi, can I get an Iced Skinny Mocha please?" One of the customers asked.

"Yeah sure. Name?" I grabbed a cup and a permanent marker.

"Liam!" He smiled. I wrote his name on the cup and handed it over to Zack, who was going to prepare his drink. 

"Alright, your total is $6.59." I said. Liam handed over a ten dollar bill. I opened the tray and gave him his change. 

More and more customers kept coming in. I couldn't blame them. Since it was summer, people would be motherwatering over fraps and mochas. That's what I get for working at Starbucks. At least the store had an air conditioner but that couldn't help my tired body move much longer. Boy, I was so tired. It was only three thirty. My shift ended at four, thank god. For now, I had to focus on taking orders from customers. Right then, my boss walked in from the staff room.

"Trinity! Can I see you for a second?" He called me over with a gesture. I walked towards him. 

"Yes sir?" My heart was racing. I hope I didn't do anything bad.

"I've been keeping an eye on you the whole day." He looked me straight in the eyes. Oh great, I knew it. I'm going to get fired!

"You've been working pretty hard. I think you should get off early. You deserve it, trust me." He smiled. I couldn't believe this. My boss is letting me go early. 

"Thank you sir! You're a lifesaver!" I shook his hand. He smiled again and went back into the staff room. 

I took my apron off and hung it on a coathanger. I said my goodbyes to the rest of the employees, grabbed my bag, and headed home. The best thing about working at Starbucks downtown at Yonge  & Dundas is that there was a lot of people around. But when I walked out of the store, there were a lot more people than I thought. The reason? A band named Never Shout Never were going to perform tomorrow. There was a huge line of people waiting to buy tickets. People on the stage were setting up. They even put a banner in front of the stage which really stood out. I didn't know anything about them, but I knew tomorrow was going to be a hectic day. Before getting on the public transit, I stopped by Tim Hortons to buy a sub. This was going to be my lunch for the day. While I was passing the stage, I couldn't help but stare at the banner. All it had was the band name, "Never Shout Never". I didn't know what the band members looked like but I was really curious to know. It was fine though. I'd get to see them tomorrow. For now, I had to focus on getting home as soon as possible. 

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