Slam Poem - Tomorrow

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Days of Tomorrow

I've always looked towards tomorrow

In the good and the bad, highs and the lows

"I'll do it tomorrow"

Tomorrow will be better than today

But think about this

The tomorrow we've been waiting for

becomes the name of yesterday at some point

Tomorrow becomes today, today becomes yesterday,

tomorrow becomes yesterday and falls way behind me

What does that mean to you?

Does it mean we give up

Does it mean we don't move on

Does it mean we stop loving

Does it mean, we stop living

Or can it mean, that everyday

We have to do something,


Life isn't about living along but living through

As you live through, you'll disappear someday

Live your life as if you are dying

Because one day you will

Stop sitting on that couch with that useless phone

Trying to feel a drop of something more than

Fake friends who don't really care to see you in person

Why all the makeup?

Are you too afraid to show who you truly are?

Do you think you need a mask

Just to be beautiful

Just to be perfect

Just to be loved

Just to be wanted

Do you see that little light inside

That says "I am my own Beauty"

Because I know it's there

And it will stay there in the days, of tomorrow

Because people hide their light

The world grows a little dimmer

Less beauty is truly seen

No spark in the eyes can shimmer

What if you fall in love with someone

But not with who they truly are

What do you do

Love fades into nothing without trust

Will you keep turning away, not seeing with your heart

Or show who you truly are and accept someone else

Never hide yourself

Never look behind

Never stop trying

Never regret life

Because there is a person somewhere in our world

Who will always love you for your flaws and differences

And will be there Forever to show you a truth

Always in the days of tomorrow


God how I hate lies

They slip and spill and cause disaster

After disaster that others are left to clean up

But they don't stop

Once one is said

All it can do is spread

Grow and churn until it becomes something



So easy to say and so difficult to take back

It comes out without a thought in the mind

And has ruined my relationship

With the person who should trust me the most

I'm Sorry

Why do people lie?

Is it to change their reality

Or somehow change

What other people think

What other people feel

What society wants us to be

Or how we can show our true selves

I want to change the way i act

Change my first instinct that is to lie

Not in the days of tomorrow,


Take off the makeup

Take off the Mask

Look and the mirror and for once don't lie to yourself

You are strong

You are beautiful

Even with all the flaws, you are still perfect

You are smart

You are brave

No matter what anyone will say

And in the days of tomorrow

Someone always

Loves the true


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