emergency exit

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Emily took a brief look out of her room, discovering the floor was empty. Everyone was downstairs, preparing huge tables and a lot of food and alcohol.

"Perfect", she mumbled and closed the door behind her. Quickly, she made her way to her mother's office. It was the only room with an emergency exit that was easy to be used and completely reached outside without passing any windows.

Agent Hotchner had told her to be ready at 6:30. It was around 6 o'clock, and Emily had never intended to even go to her mother's 'event'. No, instead, she had gotten ready for her friends' party. It was way too early to already go there, but the only way to get out of her parents' mansion would be to do it as long as everyone way busy.

She had chosen a tight, black dress. It was pretty short, but her self-confidence was more than strong enough to easily pull it off. Also, Jason was coming to that party; her life-long crush. Impressing him would be her mission for that night.

"Finally", she grinned as she finally reached the ground and was completely outside, completely free.

"Oh, what a coincidence to meet you here", someone sighed behind her, and she spun around.

"What are you doing here?!", she hissed as she discovered no one else but Agent Hotchner in front of her.

"Making sure that you'll stay here tonight", he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Your mother's emergency exit, seriously? I thought you'd be way more creative than that."

"Well, sorry to disappoint you", she snapped. "And concerning your plan of making sure that I'll stay here; forget it. I'm leaving. Right now."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that", he shrugged.

"My friends are going to pick me up any minute and all you are going to do is to watch me leaving", she smiled provokingly.

"Oh, your friends already left", he said. "I told them you couldn't come."

"You're lying."

"You wish", he sighed. "Jason was really sad that you wouldn't make it, though."

"How dare you-"

"Let me tell you something", he interrupted her. "I don't want to be the one ruining everything for you around here. I don't want to be your baby-sitter, I don't even want to talk to you. You annoy me, you really do. We are only some years apart and you are by far the most childish person I have ever met at your age. But I have to stick around with you because I want to keep my job. And if you want this to be over soon, I suggest you go back in there with me, get ready for this evening and stay calm and friendly the whole night. Maybe your mother will believe that you finally accepted her and this life and leave you alone."

Emily was beyond speechless. Had he really just said all this? Was she childish and annoying? It took her some seconds to form an answer.

"Don't act like you are the victim of the two of us", she snapped. "And don't you think that I have already tried everything so my mother would leave me alone? She will never leave me alone! You have no fucking idea what you are talking about, seriously. Just - just never talk to me again!"

Leaving him standing there, she stormed off into the big house again. Aaron let out a huge sigh and slowly walked after her. At least he had managed to keep her at home.

He gave her some time, until he knocked on the door to her room again. There was no reply, so he just opened it on his own.

"I never allowed you to come in", Emily hissed without even turning around. She was still wearing her black dress, leaning out of the open window with a cigarette.

"Are going downstairs like that?", he asked, ignoring her words.

"I told you to never talk to me again."

"If you go down there tonight and behave, our little friendship is going to be over after tonight and trust me, I don't intend to even talk to you again after that.", he sighed. "Are you coming or what?"

She closed her eyes, silently cursing. Never before she had felt this weak, and it made her go insane. Never before had someone even had such control over her, nobody had ever been able to beat her in every situation, and he had only been there for some hours. And he made it look so easy, which was probably the worst thing about the whole situation.
Little did she know that he was also having a hard time with her. He couldn't stand her, that was for sure. Yet, Aaron could not deny that there was something about her. He wasn't able to define it in any way, but there was something about her that drove him mad.

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