the party

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It took only one second until someone shouted: "Hey, Em!" after they had entered the party. A girl in Emily's age appeared in front of them. She had blonde hair and was a bit shorter than Emily.

"Olivia!", Emily smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you! I'm so glad that you made it!", Olivia smiled.

"It's my best friend's birthday in some hours, I would never miss that!"

"Good - oh, who is that?", she pointed at Aaron, who had just silently stood next to Emily the whole time.

"This is - er - my cousin", Emily lied. "Aaron." It would be way too embarrassing to tell that she had a watchdog.

"Hey", he coldly said.

Before Olivia could say anything, the brunette spoke up: "Aaron would like to look around on his own a bit and then get us some drinks, wouldn't he?" She shot him an angry look and he just nodded before walking away.

"Damn, I never knew you had a cousin this hot!", Olivia gasped.

"He lives far away", Emily shrugged. "And he is not hot at all."

"He so is! And he is definitely your type."

"He is not. Oh, is Jason already here?", she then smiled, looking around. This was her chance tonight to finally get him.

"Sure", her best friend smirked, knowing about the crush Emily had had for a really long time.

"Perfect", Emily grinned. "Look, my mother wants me to behave tonight and to not get any bad news about me tomorrow. You know what that means?"

"It means that you'll show your worst behavior and want everyone to know so your mother is going to be really mad tomorrow?"

"Exactly", the ambassadress' daughter nodded. "And for that, I need someone to distract my lovely cousin. He loves my mother and wants to keep an eye on me tonight, this idiot. I know he's your type, Olivia. He's all yours tonight."

The blonde grinned: "Well, that's a really good early birthday present. I'll go to work then."

Emily grinned as she watched her best friend walking away to find Aaron. She knew that he was not the type to get a girl at a party and she also knew that Olivia would not give up on getting him tonight - and this was only her first step to make this night pure hell for him. But for the next few steps, she'd need some more alcohol. He either would quit on his own after tonight or her mother would fire him anyway after getting all the bad news tomorrow, Emily didn't really care which option it would be.

It was a hot summer night, and Olivia was celebrating in the garden of her parents' mansion. They were pretty rich, but a lot more tolerant than the Prentiss' parents. Olivia could go out or throw parties whenever she wanted, and additionally, could make her own future plans. Sometimes, Emily found herself jealous of that.

She made her way to the bar, ordering a cocktail before looking around in order to find Jason. Instead of his eyes, her eyes met Aaron's. He was standing a bit apart from all people and was constantly watching her. Emily was about to walk over and tell him to stop watching her like a creep, but she then discovered Olivia approaching to him. So she just shot him a provocative smile before taking her drink and disappearing in the crowd again.


Aaron hated this night, even though he would never admit it in front of Emily. Olivia was following him around all the time, trying to make him dance with her. Additionally, Emily was already drunk, had sprayed graffiti on the neighbor's car, called the delivery service at two a.m. and ordered 20 pizzas to her parents house and nearly set a curtain on fire. He knew that she had done all this on purpose and would not stop until the end of the party - which was going to take a bit.

The brunette had told him the truth when she had said that this would be hell for him. It had taken him a lot of patience and good arguments to convince the neighbors to not call the police and her parents, he had shouted at the woman of the delivery service for twenty minutes until she had agreed to deliver the pizza to Olivia's party, not to the ambassadress' house. And catching the candle before she could drop it into the curtain had actually hurt him and ruined his shirt. He was already exhausted, but he had to get through some more hours. At least, he thought so.

Emily instead found herself on the dance floor with Jason. It had taken her a lot of drinks to finally get him to dance with her, and she was really drunk already. His hands rested on her hips while hers were wrapped around his neck. It was the alcohol in her blood that made her yanking his head down and kissing him. To her surprise, he kissed her back, which quickly developed to a huge making-out session.

"Let's go somewhere else", she whispered and took his hand, walking him to back yard.

As soon as they were alone, she was up against the cold wall and his lips were assaulting hers again. She couldn't believe that this was finally happening, she had wanted him for such a long time.

Her hands found them hem of his shirt and as she started to unbutton it, he pulled away.

"Emily - wait", he whispered, breathless.

"What?", she hissed and shot him a confused look.

"I'm - I'm sorry", he sighed. "I can't."

"I'm sorry if I moved to fast", she quickly said and let her hands drop to her sides.

"That's not what I meant", he mumbled. "I mean us - I can't do this. You and me - I know you've had an eye on me for quite a while but -"

"But what?", she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"It's Olivia", he sighed. "I've liked her for some months already and I thought this here - with you - might change that, but I just can't stop it. I'm - I'm really sorry, Emily, I never meant to -"

"Go away", she only whispered. "Leave me alone."

Jason took a deep breath before slowly walking away. He had really not meant to hurt her, but he wanted to be honest with her. It was Olivia he was falling for, not Emily.

As soon as he was gone, a sob escaped from Emily's mouth. She quickly covered it with her left hand and slipped down to the ground. There she was, tears floating her face, her heart probably shattered. It had only taken some seconds until Jason had ruined it for her and all she could feel was pain in her aching body.

"I said, go the fuck away!", she shouted as she heard someone walking close to her, expecting that it was Jason. "I don't want to see your face now."

Instead, she felt someone sitting down next to her and also leaning against the wall. As she raised her head, she discovered that it was Aaron.

"Don't.", she immediately hissed as he was about to open his mouth. "I know that you are enjoying seeing me like this. It's okay, you've won this night, I admit it. I won't cause any more trouble tonight. I just want to go home."

"I actually just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what happened", he whispered.

She raised her head to look at him. Her mascara was running a marathon down her cheeks and her whole make-up was ruined.

"What did you hear?", she asked.

"Everything.", he replied.

Emily looked away again, trying to hide how embarrassed she was. Aaron Hotchner was the last person who should see her this weak and broken. He was her worst enemy, and right now, she was not able to fight against him.

As she opened her mouth to tell him that she was fine and he should just leave, only another sob would come out.

Without saying anything, he just wrapped one arm around her and pulled her close. Every inch of her body wanted to push him away, but Emily was just too weak, so she just leaned against him and cried into his shoulder.

And in this certain moment, both of them laid off their enemy-masks. For this brief second, they were just two people, they were just Emily and Aaron - not the ambassadress' daughter and Agent Hotchner.

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