It's on

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The next morning, Aaron was called into the ambassadress office again. He had spent the whole previous night trying to 'catch' Emily. He had found her by tracking down her phone, yet he hoped that nobody had noticed the fact that he had actually lost her for some hours.

"Good Morning, Agent Hotchner", Elizabeth greeted him.

"Good Morning, Ma'am", he nodded.

"About last night", she sighed and put the papers in front of her aside. Fear shot through Aaron's body. Of course someone had told her that he had lost Emily last night, this woman had her eyes literally everywhere.

"This was actually the first time in years that Emily showed up to an event and didn't cause any trouble", she continued. "I don't know how you did it, but you did a fantastic job."

Aaron's mouth fell open in surprise, before he quickly said: "Thank you, Ma'am."

"Many agents and other people have tried but failed, you are the first one to finally succeed", the ambassadress sighed. "Thank you."

"It's a part of my job", he nodded and shot her a polite smile.

"And you're really good at it", she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Which is why I want you to continue being at Emily's side. I really need her to show up and behave more often, especially now. Many more meetings and events are coming up in the next week and I need my family to be in a good light."

"Excuse me, Ma'am, but I'm a security agent", Aaron said. No way, the last thing he wanted was to be around Emily Prentiss one more second. "I don't think that -"

"Mr. Hotchner, I know that you didn't expect to become my daughter's watchdog, but you seem to be the only one that can handle her. This is really important to me and I need you in this position. If you don't think you're capable of doing it, you can give me your resignation until tomorrow morning."

"No, no", he gasped. "I'll - I'll do it. No problem."

Elizabeth shot him a short smile: "Perfect. Emily's best friend is throwing a birthday party tonight. Since we have nothing planned for tonight, I allowed her to go. I want you to go with her and watch out that she doesn't cause any trouble when she's drunk or high. I don't want to see any negative news about my daughter tomorrow, am I clear?"

"Sure, Ma'am", he nodded.

"Good", she said.

Suddenly, Emily pushed the door open, still wearing her pajamas. "You wanted to talk to me?", she yawned.

"I do", her mother replied. "Mr. Hotchner, would you please wait outside?"

Aaron nodded and walked past Emily.

"Still tired of last night?", she whispered and shot him an arrogant smile. He just rolled his eyes and left the room, patiently waiting outside.

"What?!", Emily had screamed that loud that even Aaron had flinched in the corridor. "No! No fucking way, this idiot is becoming my babysitter! NO!"

The door to the ambassadress' shot open and Emily stormed out. As soon as she discovered Aaron, she quickly walked up to him, pointing with her finger at him in anger: "You little bastard! How could you agree to this?! I'm not going to let you be my babysitter, forget it!"

"Do you think I wanted this?!", he whispered, not wanting the ambassadress to hear him.

"Why didn't you say no?!", she hissed.

"Because she would have fired me if I had!", he exclaimed.

Still breathing heavily, Emily took a step back. "You better tell her that you changed your mind and resign", she snapped. "Otherwise I will get you fired within the next two days." With these words, she turned around and ran off to her room.

"You can bet that this is the last thing I'd do", Aaron whispered to himself. He didn't like her, hell, he hated her, but she had just opened a competition. And Aaron Hotchner was not a guy to lose or leave a competition without even trying. This game was on.

It had taken Aaron nearly an hour to convince Emily to go to her best friend's party.

"I won't go to a party with a fucking babysitter!", she had yelled all the time. "Why would you even want me to go? I'd only give you hard time, like I promised. You should call yourself lucky that I don't feel like going tonight, otherwise these will be last few hours of you having this job."

"So you want to miss your best friend's birthday just because your mother made me watch you? I'm not gonna follow you around all the time like last night. I can watch from a bit away so you can still enjoy your night and I hopefully won't get any trouble.", he had sighed.

"You want me to enjoy a night? You hate me", she had shot him an irritated look. "And by staying away you will only make it easier for me to embarrass you."

"Don't get me wrong", he had explained. "I just want this night to pass smoothly without any trouble or catch-me-games. I still can't stand you. Your little tricks and games in order to embarrass me won't work, I'm well prepared."

She had taken a step closer to him and looked up into his eyes: "It was pretty reckless of you to not immediately quit. Your loss. It was the last chance I would give you before the big game starts. I don't mind it, though. I love causing you suit-suckers problems. So if you really want me to go to this party, don't expect it to pass smoothly. It'll be hell for you."

"I know that you think you're scaring me", he had sighed. "But you don't. And honestly, I can't wait to keep my job and kick your ass in this little game."

"Same goes for you."

"Well then, I certainly can't wait.", he had said.

Usually, Aaron would have been glad that she didn't want to go to the party, yet he knew that she'd regret it the next day and she really needed to be surrounded with people at her age. As weird as it my sounded, he knew that keeping her content and happy would be the only way to work with her so he'd have a calm day for just once. Nevertheless, the competition between the two was too high and neither wanted to lose, no matter whether a tiny bit of sympathy for the other existed next to all the hate. He needed to proof her that he was better than her and this night would be the perfect chance. But Emily Prentiss was more than good and prepared - he'd need to watch out.

"Me neither", she had hissed. "Me neither."

10 things I hate about you - HotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now