scream & shout

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Some weeks passed, stressful weeks though. Elizabeth Prentiss had planned more events and dinners than she ever had before and everyone was always in a rush. So was Aaron, by trying to convince Emily to go to as many dinners as possible. Mostly, she agreed and went there for at least two hours, but she had her phases, too.

Aaron had just entered Emily's room in order to tell her about another event that was about to come up soon.

"Don't you dare to say it out loud", she yawned and looked up from the cigarette in her hand.

He just smirked: "I'm afraid to tell you that you can add another event for the next week."

"I'm going to die", she yawned again.

"Did you have any sleep last night?", Aaron furrowed his eyebrows.

"Olivia was here", Emily told him.

"Olivia? The Olivia?"

"Yes, you idiot, the Olivia. We talked a lot and it was really good to see her again. After all, she's still my best friend.", she shrugged. "And she left me a letter from Jason."

"What?", he choked. "What does it say?"

"I haven't opened it yet", she sighed and pointed at the envelope on her desk. "Is it weird that I am afraid that all the pain is going to come back even worse when I read it?"

"Absolutely not", Aaron replied, his eyes fixed on the letter.

"Do you think I should read it?"



"If you don't read it, you'll never really get over the whole thing.", he explained. "Maybe it's going to hurt, but it'll help you."

"Okay", she sighed. "I trust you."

And with these words, she reached out for the letter and roughly ripped the envelope open. Her hands were shaking and all she actually wanted to do was burning this letter and act like she had never received it. But it was too late for that.

Some minutes passed as she was reading the letter. Aaron tried to analyze her reactions, but there weren't any. All she did was staring on the letter, reading it without any emotion.

After a while, she let out a sarcastic laugh and crumbled the letter in her fist.

"He wants me back."

Aaron's eyes widened in shook.

"This bastard wants me back", Emily repeated and shook her head.

"How do you feel about that?", he carefully asked.

"How I feel?!", she asked back. "I want to beat the shit out of him! About week ago, I would've jumped back to him, but now all I want to do is to scream in anger. Who the fuck does he think he is? At first, he got my hopes up high, then he broke my heart and now he wants to have a chance with me?! Do I look like I'm completely stupid?!"

"You want to scream?", Aaron smirked.

"Hell, yes!"

"Okay, I know the perfect place for you to scream and shout", he smiled. "Come on!"

Surprised, Emily got up and followed him as he left her room. A short time later, they found themselves in his car. Emily had no idea where they were going, but she trusted him with her life and would probably follow him everywhere.

"Where are we going?", she asked, confused and excited.

"Somewhere, where you can let it all out", he replied.

"And where exactly is that?"

"You will see", he smiled.

They had been driving for about ten minutes as they finally pulled up at the edge of a forrest.

"We have to walk some minutes from here", he informed her as they got out of the car. It was a short walk, filled with comfortable silence. Aaron climbed up some rocks, until he smiled and shouted: "Here we are!"

Emily followed him skeptically, but she was mind-blown as she finally stood next to him. They stood on top of a huge cliff, with a breathtaking view on the huge forrest, which seemed to be endless from here.

"Do you like it?", he smiled.

"This is beautiful", she whispered. "How come you know such a place?"

"When I was younger, I needed a place to be on my own sometimes. This was the only place my brother didn't know about, so I spent a lot of time up here. You can do whatever you want up here", he said. "Shout, dance, throw some pebbles, whatever you want."

"What if someone sees or hears us?", she asked.

"Trust me, no one will", Aaron grinned and took a hand full pebbles and threw it far, far down the cliff.

Emily grinned at him, before doing the same and shouting "Fuck you, Jason", down the cliff. She hadn't expected that this would make her feel so much better, but it did. She probably kept shouting for quite a while, and at some point, Aaron even joined her. In the end, even Jason's letter made his way down the cliff.

They kept on screaming and shouting, until both of them sat down on the ground, breathless.

"Better?", he asked her, breathing heavily.

"Much better", she smiled and they kept staring at the skyline.

Some hours passed, until they had to get back. Emily smiled to herself the whole way back to her parents' mansion. She hadn't felt that free and relieved in a while, and she was more than thankful for that.

"I'm over him", she then broke the silence.

"Over Jason?", he asked.

"Yes", she smiled proudly. "And I probably wouldn't have been able to do that without you, so thank you, really."

"It's been a pleasure", he smiled back at her.

Quickly, they made their way into Emily's room again as soon as they returned to the Prentiss mansion. They both knew that Elizabeth didn't like it when her daughter left the building without telling her, even when Hotch was with her.

Aaron let out a breath as he finally closed the door to her room behind him.

"Someone scared?", Emily grinned.

"Hey, if someone caught us, we would've been in trouble", he explained. "Your mother would have been so mad!"

"Oh, you're just scared that she's going to change her mind about you and that you'll lose your reputation as her favorite", she laughed.

"Okay, you caught me", Aaron grinned.

It took him by surprise as she stepped closer to him and hugged him. "Thank you for today", she smiled. "I really needed that."

"Anytime", he replied and wrapped his arms around the small of her back as he inhaled her unique scent. When they pulled away, their eyes met. Automatically, both of them froze. The whole world stood still and neither of them recognized what was happening as she yanked his head down and their lips crashed onto each other.

It was like someone had finally released them after all this time, and now, they were all over each other.

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