give me an answer

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Neither of them realized what was actually happening, but both of them knew that they had wanted this for quite a while already.

Aaron had kissed Emily back without hesitation, his hands roaming her small body, her hands wrapped around his neck. He had no idea how long they just stood there and kept kissing, but as he felt how her hands wandered up his torso and started to unbutton his shirt, he pulled away.

"Emily, wait", he whispered out of breath.

Immediately, Emily flinched away. If he rejected her now, this would be the second time her heart would be shattered within some weeks.

"We can't", he whispered, his eyes filled with sadness.

"Why?", she asked silently. She didn't even bother to deny her feelings, it was too late for that anyways. After all, she had kissed him first.

"You're 17, you're a minor", he sighed. "And I'm 21, a federal agent, working for your mother, who'd kill both of us if she found out."

"I don't care about any of those arguments", Emily replied. "As long as you want me, too, I will do anything to keep this a secret."

Aaron stayed silent. Hell, yes, of course he wanted her. In the beginning, he had disliked her a lot, but soon after they had started to become friends, he had been totally losing it for her. She was so much different than any other girl he had ever met.

"All you have to say is that you want this, with me, and I'm in", she whispered. "Or tell me that you don't."

He still didn't reply, all he did was to keep staring into her brown eyes. He wasn't even able to think clearly, in his mind he was thinking about this amazing kiss over and over again. This had never happened to him before and it drove him crazy.

"Emily", he finally spoke. "This is too dangerous, for both of us. And you deserve way better than me, I'm just a grumpy agent that cares mostly about his work. I naturally suck at relationships."

"Trust me, I already know you better than most people", she replied. "And I still want you. I don't even know why I am this open to you, but I guess that's because I know that deep, deep down, you want me, too. I felt how you kissed me back."

He swallowed thickly, knowing that she was right. Emily moved her hand up and cupped his right cheek, before getting on her tiptoes and whispering in his ear: "All you have to do is to give me an answer."

She backed down again and looked him right in the eyes. As he turned around in the direction of the door, desperation overcame her: "Oh come on, am I really that bad?"

"No", he sighed. "I am."

And with these words, he locked the door before turning around to her again, pulling her close and kissing her wildly. Emily let out a relieved and content moan as she kissed him back and wrapped her hands around his neck again. They stumbled backwards to her bed and this time, he didn't pull back as she unbuttoned his shirt.


"I really should go back to work", Aaron whispered as Emily was all cuddled up against him, her head resting on his chest and both of them tangled in the sheets. "It's nearly 2:30 pm."

"Just a few more minutes", she mumbled and closed her eyes again.

"You already said that about half an hour ago", he replied.

"Oops", she grinned, her eyes still closed.

The agent couldn't help but smile down at her. He knew that she'd probably kill him if he called her adorable, but that was what he thought about her. She was perfect in her own way, and that somehow really got to him.

She eventually opened her eyes as his phone rang.

"Hotchner?", Aaron picked it up. "Okay. (...) Yes, I'll be there." After hanging up, he looked down at Emily again. "That was Wilson, we have a meeting about the event tonight now."

"Ugh, I've always hated this guy", Emily yawned as she let go of him.

Aaron just chuckled and picked his clothes up from the floor. "He's a really good agent", he said and got dressed.

"He's a dick", Emily replied. "Seriously, how can someone be that unfriendly? Does he have any kind of fun in his life?"

"Well, I guess working around here for years is not that funny", he grinned. "Except you have to keep an eye on the ambassadress' daughter, who is kinda falling for you."

"Hey, you liked me first!", she exclaimed as she pulled her top over her head.

"That is so not true!"

"It is", she grinned. "You were so nice to me suddenly, and you were worried about me when I went to this game to face Jason. Oh, and you told me what kind of love I deserve even though you truly hated me in the beginning."

"Well, you tried everything to get rid of me, but I'm just such a charming and good agent", he grinned as well. "Nobody gets rid of me that easily."

"Trust me, if I had kept going, you would have left really quick", Emily replied, still sitting on her bed.

"Well then, you should call yourself lucky that you stopped. Otherwise, you'd be alone in that bed now", he smirked and leaned in to give her a kiss before leaving. "Without someone giving it to you."

"Oh, shut up", she laughed and closed the gap between their lips.

"See you later?", he asked as he walked towards the door.

"Of course", she nodded and watched him leaving.

As the door closed, she let out a sigh and leaned back against the wall at the edge of her bed. She had just slept with the guy she used to hate the most, and she had honestly never felt better before. He gave her such a high, at the same time he made her feel so safe and loved. Who would've known that things would turn out this way?

Smiling to herself, Emily got up and took a quick shower before sitting on the window still. She opened the window and let the fresh air fill her lungs before lighting up a cigarette. She was completely overwhelmed by all this happiness shooting through her veins, but she was more than fine with it.

[ this chapter is dedicated to @agentprettyboy ]

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