【 ᴛᴡᴏ 】

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🔥 Katsuki POV 🔥

I'd never felt so broken. Everyone was so quick to 'comfort' me, but their meaningless words did nothing to ease the pain. I'd lost my Deku...and I couldn't live with that. There was so much I didn't say, so much I didn't do...He deserved so much better than he got. The only true piece of innocence in this fucked up world...and now he's gone.

I'm so sorry, Izuku.

I flinched at the sound of my mother's voice through the door. As soon as I'd been cleared to leave the school, I ran home and locked myself in my room.
"Leave me alone," I muttered, my voice strained from emotion.
"...Can I come in?"
"I said, LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled.
"You don't listen to me," She began, a small click coming from the door before she pushed it open, "So I won't listen to you."
I quickly wiped my eyes. I hated people seeing me at my worst. I hated the feeling of vulnerability, I hated the pitiful glances, the empty words of reassurance. It was all bullshit.
"Admit it kiddo, you need someone right now."
I growled, glaring at her.
"The only person I 'need' right now is dead, so just piss off already and let me rage."
"You're not raging, you're mourning," She corrected with a sad smile.
I looked down at my hands, which were wrapped in bandages. The worst I got from the falling debris was a few large cuts and bruises. I closed my eyes, trying to fight back what I assumed would be another flood of tears. Tears that my bitch ass mother didn't need to see. I felt her sit on my bed with me, before pulling me into her embrace. I froze. I hadn't been this close to my mother without trying to kill her for so long...it seemed foreign. I used to take comfort in her cuddles...when did that stop?
All composure I'd worked hard to maintain went straight out the window as I broke down in her arms. My tears dampened her shirt and my sobs were muffled by her shoulder. Everything I'd bottled up over the past few years all came out then. My mom ran her fingers through my hair, whispering calming words in my ear. It took a while for me to calm down, but when I did I was exhausted. I felt numb.
"You're friends are worried about you, y'know," My mother spoke out of the blue. I nodded slightly in response.
"One of them even came round here...oh what was his name...um...It began with a K I think-"
"Kirishima," I mumbled.
"Ah yes, that's the one."
I internally groaned. He'd always worried about me too much, and like everything else, I hated it.
"I'll call him tomorrow," I muttered. She smiled, before slowly pushing my limp body off of her and getting off my bed.
"It's late, you should get some sleep," She advised, closing the curtains in my room and heading to the door.
"Yeah, okay," I replied.
"Good night, Katsuki."
"G'night, Ma."


🥦 Izuku POV 🥦

Staring out the window, I watched the sun set, silently praying it wouldn't. I didn't want to be hidden away, forcing my friends and family to mourn me needlessly. But I didn't have much of a choice, did I?
I turned my head towards the door, and smiled at All Might.


"Ready as I'll ever be."

I was lead through the desolate school out to the back, an exit I'd never used before. There was a car waiting there, black of course and sleek design. Maybe if I knew a little more about cars, I could tell the make and model of it, but I didn't care much for that kind of thing, so I just kept my head down and slipped into the back seat.
"Detective Tsukauchi?" I asked, recognising the figure in the driver's seat.
"Hey," He smiled over his shoulder. All Might climbed into the passenger seat, closing the door quietly behind him.
"You know where to go, right?" All Might asked.
"Sure do," Tsukauchi confirmed. He started the car and drove out of the school grounds. I couldn't help but turn back and gaze at the building that had become so familiar to me. A place I wasn't likely to see for a while. The building got smaller and smaller as we drove away, until I couldn't see it anymore within the mixture of buildings and landmarks. I settled down in my seat, staring at my lap. I just wanted to be at home, with my mom, or better still, with Kacchan. All Might saves civilians with a smile which never seemed to falter (until season 3 apparently), and that was what I'd always admired. I'd always wanted to be like that, always smiling even if you have no reason to. So I lifted my head and plastered a smile on my face, hoping to deceive not only those around me, but myself too.

▪*:・°✧°・: *▪

Word Count: 846

Published: 01/07/2018

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