【 sᴇᴠᴇɴ 】

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💥 Katsuki POV 💥

A soft glow of a bedside lamp.
Where am I?
Muffled voices.
What the hell?
The door opened, and my mother stood in the door, talking to someone on the phone. Her features were wrinkled with worry, until her gaze settled on me.
"Katsuki!" She cried, dropping her phone and rushing to my side. I hissed as a sharp pain shot through my head.
"Are you okay?? Don't worry, Daddy's on his way home, he'll know what to do," she mothered, brushing my hair out of my eyes. I frowned.
"Where am I?" I asked. She paused.
"You're at home...Who are you? Do you know who I am? What number am I holding up?" She rambled as she held up two fingers.
"Ma, relax, I haven't got amnesia," I grumbled, pushing her hand away as I attempted to stand. She watched with fearful eyes as I took a few steps to shake off the dizziness.

"Goodbye, my love."

"Deku," I paused, memories flooding back like a river.
"Deku?" My mom echoed from behind me.
"He's alive," I muttered to myself, "I knew it! But wait, what happened? Where'd Izuku go?"
"...Honey, we've been over this...Izuku is-"
"Alive, Mom. He's alive, I saw him earlier, I chased him down an alley!" I exclaimed, facing her. She frowned at me.
"All Might said you'd been hit on the head, but it must've been harder than I thought..."
"All Might?"
"Yes, he carried you home, said he found you in a back alley unconsious in the rain. He'd noticed the wound on your head and raced you straight here..."
"I'm not concussed," I urged, "Please, you have to believe me, Izuku isn't dead."
"We both attended the funeral-"
"But saw no body."
"Why would they lie-"
"Izuku said he couldn't talk about it, so I'm guessing this is some super cover up, like FBI grade shady shit."
"Yeah yeah, I know," I rolled my eyes, "This is serious. My baby- I MEAN THAT nErD IS IN TROUBLE."
She raised her eyebrow at me, a small smirk playing on her thin lips.
"Slip of the tongue, you know what I meant," I growled.
"Mhm, of course it was, lover boy."
"Ugh, you're insufferable," I frowned.
"I know, isn't it great?" She grinned.
"Look, as much as I'd love to take the time to slap your face off, I have important things to do-"
"Like chase your dead boyfriend?"
"He's not dead!"
"Alright, alright," She surrendered, "But if you're going anywhere, I'm coming with you."
"Hell no. No fucking way."
"If there's even a slim chance that my future son-in-law is alive, I wanna help find him."
I almost choked on air.
"Future what?"
"Uh, oh...oops, did I say son-in-law? I meant, my son's friend...in law?" She smiled sheepishly. I stared at her as a deep blush spread across my face. It's not that I'd completely turn down the option of marrying Izuku-
"Anyway! We have things to do, people to see, a cinnamon roll to save!" She cheered, grabbing her coat as she skipped to the door.
"What did you-"


🥦 Izuku POV 🥦

"Did Kacchan get home alright?"

All Might had just returned from taking Kacchan back to his home; we'd rented a room at a relatively unheard of motel, which had alot of health concerns just upon first glance at the decaying structure. I'd spent the last hour noting down all the problems and possible repair strategies in my head to keep myself occupied.
"Just fine," He smiled, peeling his drenched coat off of his noodle man body and laying it on the leaky raditator to dry, "His mother is taking care of him."
"What did you say?"
"That I found him in a back alley with a head wound," He shrugged in response, sitting on the edge of one of the two single beds that screamed with every small movement.
"And she didn't question a thing?" I asked.
"Not really," He answered, "Why are you so worried?"
"Because Kacchan means the world to me," I replied instantly. He smiled sadly at me.
"Not much longer now, Izuku. You'll be back with everyone in no time."
"I sure hope so," I whispered, staring at a questionable stain on the carpet.
"It's been a long day," He began, "You should get some sleep."
I nodded, crawling onto the other bed and slipping into the worn sheets. The springs of the mattress dug into my back as I laid down, staring at the ceiling.
"Goodnight, All Might."
"Goodnight, son."
With a click, the dim light flicked off, the room engulfed in darkness. I closed my eyes, picturing the peaceful features of my boyfriend as he laid unconsious in my arms.

"That's bullshit! I never fucking moved on!"

I bit my lip as his words bounced around in my head. In all the years I've known him, he's never lied to me before. So why would he say that, if it wasn't true? That must mean...he rejected Kirishima? But why? He's got more lovable traits than me, he's a better suit for Kacchan, heck, he even has a better relationship with him! So why would he break down because of me? Deep down, I knew all the answers. I just didn't want to hear them. I didn't want to fully consider the true pain I'd put him through.

I'm supposed to love him...so why did I hurt him?

I turned over, the sound of the mattress springs wailing out under the pressure of my body. I clung to the pillow as I forced my mind blank, and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

▪*:・°✧°・: *▪

Word Count: 965

Published: 19/07/2018

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