【 ɴɪɴᴇ 】

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💥 Katsuki POV 💥

I had run all the way to the Police station from my house as soon as I'd heard the news, and found my little green bean sitting in a chair, kicking his legs back and forth as he stared at the ground. Before he could react, I wrapped my arms around him and sunk to the floor infront of him, clinging to his waist desperately. He ran his fingers through my hair and tilted my head up. He flashed me a bright smile, the ones he always used to show me, the ones where his cute little dimples stood out and his beautiful eyes glittered.
"Kacchan," He sniffed, diving off his chair and into my arms, snuggling into my shoulder. Instinctively I held him tightly, afraid to lose him again.
"Fuck you," I sobbed, "Don't ever do any shit like this again, or I'll cut your fucking dick off."
"Always so mean~" He gigged, wiping his tears onto my jacket. I pulled him back just enough to see his face and crashed my lips against his. He let out a squeak of surprise, but quickly kissed me back.

"I wAsNt PrEpArEd~" a voice wheezed from a few yards away, and Deku's bright orbs glided over to the source of the noise. A wide smile appeared on his face as he blushed. I turned my head, rolling my eyes at the geek squad.
"Uraraka!" Deku beamed, climbing off me.

Woah, ditch me much....shitty nerd bastard....

He threw his arms around her, but she pushed him back and slapped him...quite hard. My sadistic side wanted to laugh and enjoy the moment, but my more loving side beat that thought down with a stick and set it ablaze until it was nothing but ash. I glared at round face, warming my palm ready to blast her away.
"What the HECK were you thinking, you idiot??" She raged, grabbing Deku by the shirt and shaking him frantically back and forth, "I-I cried for you!! You a-asshole!"
Iida for once didn't try to stop her, and instead just observed with vague interest.
"I-I'm s-sorry-" Deku stuttered, the waterworks already on overdrive. Like usual.
"Don't be sorry! B-Baka!" She wailed, hugging him, "I hate y-you..."
Deku looked completely lost as tears streamed down his face. He nuzzled against her as he hugged her back.
"I love you too," He whispered.


Oh look! A little Bakugou dressed as a devil has appeared on my shoulder!

"Hey dude," Little Bak nodded in greeting.

"Um...what the fuck are you doing, author-san?" I questioned.

"Ahem, don't question me, just get on with the plot and stop breaking the fourth wall," Abbi typed furiously, toootallyyy not breaking our beloved fourth wall.

"Stay focused," Little Bak barked, pointing to Deku and round face, "a thot be stealing our- I mean...your man!"
I rolled my eyes, a small 'Tch' escaping my lips.
"They're just friends," I defended.
"Really?" Little Bak raised his eyebrow at me, "You've gone soft. Go blow the bitch sky high!"


A new contender has appeared! And its...a little angel Deku. Of course, how original.
"Kacchan noooo!" Angel Deku cried.
"I wasn't gonna do anything, chill," I calmed. He frowned at me.
"Lameeee~" Devil Bak groaned.
"You," Angel Deku huffed, walking ontop of my head to Little Bak and bonking him on the head "Quit causing trouble!"
"Hey! This is my job!" Little Bak raged, pushing Angel Deku back until he almost fell off my shoulder.
"You've got dirt on my gown!" Angel Deku exclaimed, holding the material of his little white gown.
"Trust me, it's an improvement," Little Bak growled.
"Can you guys shut the fuck up? You're driving me nuts!" I interviened.
"Um...no one's talking, Bakugou."
My head snapped up to find all three of them staring at me. I looked back to my shoulder, to find nothing there.
"Nevermind," I grunted, folding in on myself to hide my embarrassment. Deku giggled, but didn't make any proper comment on it. Thank god.
"There you guys are!"
By now, other people from our class had begun to filter in, giving Deku hugs or insults and then hugs. Bipolar Douchebags. I just sat silently for the next hour as the whole class arrived, laughing and catching up with my Deku. I didn't move, didn't argue, didn't speak, just kinda sat there. I knew Deku, he'd come to me when he was done. No point getting worked up with false jealousy. He loves me, and me alone. Although I was a bit on edge when Todoroki hugged him, as a light blush dusted his cheeks...but I shook it off. I wouldn't embarrass myself by going off on one screaming insults and scarring that half and half bastard with my quirk. Although the thought lingered for a while. I was tempted. Oh, so very tempted.

I didn't move at all as I just flicked my gaze up. Deku looked down at me with concern, and I realised that everyone was leaving. Some had already gone, but the last few were just heading out.
"Are you okay?" He asked, kneeling down to me. I watched him for a moment. Flashes of the past few months hit me hard, the pain and the floods of tears. The emptiness, the rage. So many fucking emotions that I couldn't drown.
"Fine," I replied, forcing a smile. He reached out and placed his hand on my cheek, a sad look in his eyes.
"You really are a bad liar," He smiled slightly. I leaned into his warm touch.

'Fuck Deku, why have you got to be so goddamn perfect?'

He giggled, leaning forward and kissing my quickly.
"I'm not perfect," He said quietly, brushing my hair out of my eyes. Did I say that out loud?
"To me you are," I mumbled, cursing the heat that rose to my cheeks. He bit his lip.
"If I'm so perfect, why did I hurt you?" He asked, tears glittering in his eyes. I opened my arms, pulling him into a hug. He snuggled against me, his hot tears dampening my shirt. Great.
"You didn't hurt me," I began, playing with his seaweed strands of soft hair, "You taught me a lesson."
"A lesson?" He echoed.
"Yes dumbass, a lesson. You made me realise that I took you for granted, that I just expected you to be there to make everything better with that infuriatingly adorable smile of yours. Plus, you taught me never to trust All Might," I explained, "Fucking jerk."
Deku just stared at me, his mouth slightly open. He was kinda freaking me out to be honest.
"What? Don't stare at me like-Woah okay then."
A small high pitched wail was muffled by my shoulder as he cried against me. I tried to soothe him, but he pushed me away.
"I love you," He sniffled. I blushed.
"I love you too, squirt."
"Squirt?" He giggled.
"Sh, you're ruining the moment."

▪*:・°✧°・: *▪

Word Count: 1183

Published: 16/08/2018

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