Chapter 5

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4 months into pregnancy... 2 months since telling Rhysand...

My pregnancy was obvious now, and had gone out to buy maternity clothes with my sisters and Mor. The weather was slowly warming, and Rhys, true to his word, had brought Lucien home a week after Solstice. When he found out I was pregnant, he was extremely happy, and congratulated both me and Rhysand. I had stopped training, but I wasn't irritable and hormonal quite yet. My morning sickness had been a very unpleasant phase, but it had passed though.

It was early evening, and I was in the sitting room alone. Rhys was doing some work in his office (which he had forbade me from helping with). Nesta had taken to training with Cassian, deciding she wanted to know how to defend herself. Lucien was out in the city with some female he met. I pretending to read a book while actually watching Azriel and Elain work in the garden together. They had been doing this increasingly often. Azriel would go out and learn about different plants and how to take of them with Elain. They were very cute together and I had high hopes for them. Right now, I could see Elain turning the soil with her hands, while Az's hands were working but he couldn't keep his eyes off her. She looked up and met his gaze, small smiles playing at both of their lips.

I was interrupted from my spying when Mor came into the living room, collapsing on the couch next to me with a huge sigh.

"Have some time for girl talk?" she asked, smirking a little when she saw Elain and Azriel.

"Of course! What's up?" I asked excitedly. It had been a while since I had any girl talk with anyone.

"So I met this female..." Mor said hesitantly. I gasped.

"That's great! What's her name? What does she do? What's she like?" I asked enthusiastically. I was very happy for Mor. She deserved to be happy, and if this girl makes her happy that's fine by me.

"Her name is Karshia. She is an artist," Mor said smiling. "She is very whimsical and fun, a great match for me. She has already told me she is a lesbian and I told her I am bi. She asked me if I wanted to go to lunch with her next week, and of course, I said yes."

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you, Mor!" I pulled her into hug and she laughed at my excitement. "What day next week?"

"Wednesday. I'll be sure to ask you for fashion advice the day of."

"I'd be happy to help!" I replied, grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you so much, Feyre. You have always been so supportive of me. And I'm going to ask you to please be there for me when I tell the others tonight," she said, her eyes pleading.

"Of course, Mor. I'll always be here for you no matter what," I said taking her hands.

"And I'll always be there for you," she said happily.

"I know," I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Then she headed upstairs to put her coat away, while I decided to go down to the training rings and see how Nesta was doing. As I got closer, I assumed I would hear the clash of metal upon metal, but instead I heard a sort of moan. I stifled a gasp. I poked my head around the doorway, and saw Cassian and Nesta engaged in a very passionate kiss. All clothes were on, thank the Cauldron. I giggled as Nesta moaned again.

I cleared my throat and walked into the large room. "So, just out of curiosity, how much of the hour you were down here was training, and how much was making out?" I asked. Nesta and Cassian sprang apart and looked at me sheepishly.

"Um, Feyre hey! How's your day?" Cassian said awkwardly, while Nesta just stood there blushing.

"It's good, Cassian, thank you very much. How's yours?" I teased, laughing. "Take it upstairs." I made a shooing gesture with my hand. They both checkled and placed their weapons on the rack, before scampering upstairs hand-in-hand. "You owe me an explanation." I said to Nesta as she passed by. She nodded and smiled, then ran upstairs after Cassian. I shook my head, grinning.

Just then Rhys walked in and wrapped his arms around me and asked, "What are you doing here? Not training I hope." I assured him I wasn't training, and I told him everything I had just seen. By the end we were both giggling. Rhys decided to go upstairs to take a shower before dinner, while I visited Mor.

"Do you want to tell everyone before or after dinner?" I asked her once I found her.

"Before I think," she said nervously. "Everyone will be there and won't be sleepy from eating." I giggled and nodded. I noted how nervous she was.

"Hey. It's going to be fine. Everyone will accept you, I promise." She nodded.

"Thanks, Feyre. Can you call everyone to the sitting room? I'm going to do it now." I nodded and head out, finding everyone and bringing them to the sitting room. At least I didn't interrupt Nesta and Cassian in anything. I found Elain and Azriel holding hands as they walked in the garden door, and Lucien walking in the front door. I found Amren in her study, pouring over some book. I finally got everyone to the sitting room, where Mor was waiting.

"Okay guys. Can you please listen to Mor before dinner? She has an announcement," I told everyone, then went and took my place beside Rhys. Mor took a deep breath.

"So um, this is going to come as a huge surprise to all of you, and I was a bit scared to tell you all at first, because I wasn't sure how you would react, but Feyre assured me that I had nothing to worry about." She threw a warm smile in my direction.

You know? Rhys asked down the bond.

Mhm. I replied. Then he focused again upon his cousin.

"I'm bisexual." Her words hung in the air.


A/n: Hahaha cliffhanger. Sorry I'm so cruel. In the next few chapters will be names for the babies, and lots of baby stuff. Love y'all <3

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