Chapter 37

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I glared at the Arashaak, protectively cradling my children close to me. I heard a low noise, like a growl, and I looked down, realizing it came from Astria. If she had teeth it would have been intimidating. Cayden was glaring, but unfortunately he just looked cute. But I was surprised that they knew what this creature was.

"Ha," I scoffed. "You surrender? Yeah right."

"I do. Please. I'll explain the Arashaak's story, how we got here, where we came from, and why we're here. I'll answer any other question I'm capable of answering," it said. Then it saw Rhys' skeptical look. "Don't believe me? Search my mind, High Lord." A couple moments passed in silence. Then Rhys spoke through the bond.

It's telling the truth. What do we do?

Bring it to the townhouse. You have that holding cell in the basement right? I replied.

Yeah...but I'm not sure. They're all going to be in their pajamas. Hell, we're in our pajamas. We don't look intimidating, and we sure as hell aren't in a position to fight.

We bring it there, lock it up and then change there. I'm sure you can borrow leathers from Cassian or Azriel, and Nesta or Elain will have clothes for me.

What about Mor? She's going to want to hear this. Rhys responded.

I'll go to their house with the kids and bring them all to the townhouse. You take the Arashaak straight there.


"The High Lord is going to take you to a holding cell. You will have your chance to speak." I addressed the Arashaak.

"Thank you. Lord," It said, inclining its head towards Rhys, and then towards me. "Lady." Rhys glanced at me, before placing his hand on the Arashaak's armor and winnowing away. I rushed into the house. I grabbed clothes for me and winnowed to Mor's house. I landed right in the middle of their living room.

"What the- Feyre! What's going on?" Mor said, startled. Karshia, Diana, and Catalina ran in from the kitchen. I took a deep breath, Mor taking Cayden from my arms.

"A single Arashaak appeared at our house, surrendering, claiming it would tell us everything we wanted to know. Rhys took it to the townhouse, so that we could use the holding cell. I came here to get you. We have to get ready and go," I spluttered out. They all nodded, rushing off to their bedrooms. I changed into my own leathers. We all winnowed to the townhouse, finding Rhys, Azriel, Cassian, Nesta, and Elain in the sitting room and dressed. The males were in Illyrian leathers, as well as Nesta. Only Elain was in leggings and a shirt. Just after us Amren and Varian rushed in, and then Lucien and Raelia.

"Who's going to listen to it's story? All of us can't fit in that cell, and we need someone to watch Cayden and Astria," Rhys asked.

"I'll stay behind," Elain said, coming up to me an taking Astria. Nesta followed. Amren glanced at Varian, who took the hint and followed after my sisters.

"Me too," Raelia and Karshia said, taking Cayden. Catalina and Diana followed them wordlessly. I nodded. We all climbed down the stairs, entering the cell. The Arashaak was on a chair, tail and claws tied back. We filled the room, spreading out in a semi circle.

"Begin your tale. Start with your origin, where you came from and why you're here," Rhys said firmly. The Arashaak nodded.

"We came into being many many years ago. Before there were even Lords in Prythian. I was one of the first. We were immortal. We ruled over Prythian, keeping other creatures in line. Then the Lords came into power. Some of us went to war, fighting for our rule. Most of us, like me, went into hiding. Those who fought were slaughtered. I refused to become one of them. For a long time, we hid in the mountains of the Day Court, closest to you. We adapted to the climate. We moved within those mountains, the High Lord never finding us. We never caused any trouble. When the first war with Hybern came around, the King sought us out, knowing we were alive. He told us that we would fight for him or die. Many went. There were a few who stayed behind, but they were killed. But even the King did not know of my ancient magic. I hid myself. So well that even my own thought I had died. After the war, when the few who survived came back, hoping to find someone here, I revealed myself. I helped rebuilding the tribe. Families were created. The past was forgotten. But the stories were still told, grudges still held. Some families told their children that Hybern and the High Lords were all the same. Arashaak had died at the hands of Hybern and the High Lords' armies. These children grew up hating all Fae. But other families knew that High Lords' people and Hybern are not the same. I was one of these. We lived in peace in all of Amarantha's reign. I used my magic to conceal us all. The name Feyre Cursebreaker echoed through our land. I still kept my magic up, keeping us a secret. By the time we heard about the second war with Hybern, it was already over. But some of my comrades didn't believe it. We fled through the mountains, not knowing which court we were entering. We fled, reaching the forest of Velaris, which I wasn't even aware of. Those who were completely against Fae sensed them, and they attacked. They were the ones your daughters killed," he paused, looking at Mor. I was surprised by how much he knew. "We waited for a week for them to return, and they never did. Their mothers were sad, but they had warned their sons against it. I tried my hardest to convince those few stubborn males to give up. But they disobeyed their mothers. They came and attacked. When I heard that they had poisoned the High Lady, and killed their child, I was furious. That is why I came to you. There are still a few who want to attack. I know their plans. I know where they want to attack, and when. I want to help you, if you help me." The Arashaak finished. I looked at everyone. They seemed equally shocked. I glanced at Rhys.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want you to find us a place where our tribe can live peacefully. We will never bother you, and we'd like to not be bothered either." That sounded reasonable. I looked at everyone and I could tell we were all thinking the same thing.

"We will find you a place, as you will be giving us the attack details," Rhys spoke for all of us. The Arashaak nodded.

"If we're going to be working together, we need something to call you," I said, not wanting to call him 'the Arashaak'.

"You may simply call me Elder," he replied. I glanced again at everyone. I knew that wasn't his name. We unchained him, and he agreed to stay in the holding cell. We brought him food and let him be.


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