Chapter 35

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It was day after yesterday's incidents. I was still in shock. We had yet to figure out what Astria's powers were, and if she had any others. And if Cayden had any powers, besides his ability to change his features. Rhys and I had stayed in our house all day, not letting our kids out of our sight. I was heading to the kitchen to see what Cia had made for lunch when it happened. I suddenly felt dizzy. I braced myself on the dining table. I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt like I was being sucked into my own mind.

I was back in my coma state. I heard Rhys screaming, screaming for Cayden to come back. I tried to call out to him, but I couldn't speak, couldn't see. I felt unspeakable sadness. I was sinking, clawing, trying to get out of my dark prison. I felt like I was being sucked into a black hole with water being poured over me, preventing my getting out even more. I felt Rhys' horror, his pain, his sorrow. I felt him. But I couldn't reach him. I couldn't help him. I waited for Astria's brightness to overpower the darkness, to pull me out, to stop Rhys' heartbreaking screams, and to bring my son back so I could hear his heartbeat echoing through me with every beat. But she didn't. I kept sinking, until I was fully covered and couldn't breath. Rhys kept screaming, breaking me a little more with every scream. Cayden remained silent, that silence reverberating through me louder than any heartbeat could ever be. Unable to hear my son's life, I let myself fall limp in the darkness, letting it capture me. Rhys was sobbing, heartbroken sobs, and I felt as he sunk into the darkness with me. It was heartb-

A touch on my shoulder shook my out of my horrible trance. My eyes flew open and I took a deep shuddering breath. I gasped a few times, realizing I hadn't been breathing. I touched my cheeks, feeling the wetness of tears that had been falling, ones I hadn't even realized were there.

"Feyre darling?" Rhys asked softly, hand still on my shoulder. I turned into him, breathing heavily and silently crying into his chest. Without him even asking, I opened my mind and let him see. He smoothed my hair and when I looked up, I saw tears shining in his eyes too.

"Sh-she didn't ha-have powers. Cayden di-didn't come b-back," I stuttered, crying quietly.

"It's okay, Feyre. Cayden's fine. Astria did save him. They're both okay," he said softly, turning me so I could see them, playing in a carriage together. "Feyre..." He trailed off, but I knew he wanted to ask me something.

"Yes?" I asked, calmed down enough to talk without stuttering.

"Is that what it felt like? You could hear me? You knew?" He asked. I nodded.

"It felt like I was sinking. I could hear you. I knew what was going on, even though I couldn't see," I replied softly. Rhys nodded, pulling me in again and kissing the top of my head. I don't know how but it was like being in one of my nightmares, even though I was wide awake. I squeezed Rhys tighter, taking deep breaths and being comforted by his soothing rubs on my back. After a few minutes, I untangled myself and went to the kitchen, bringing out a lunch of chicken tacos for us and applesauce for the kids. We fed them between bites of our own food, not speaking, just enjoying the comfort of each other. After lunch, we sat on the couch, about to read the kids some books we had bought recently, when someone knocked on our door. I opened it and found all of the Inner Circle including Catalina and Diana.

"Hey guys," I said, reasonably softly. "Come on in." Nesta and Elain both gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. Cassian squeezed my shoulder, and Azriel hugged me. I was a little surprised but it was comforting.

"Are you okay?" Lucien asked, wrapping his arms around me. I nodded. Raelia also hugged me, giving me a smile. Amren also gave me a nod. Varian squeezed my shoulder, and finally Mor, Karshia, Catalina, and Diana also came in and gave me hugs. I lead them all into the living room where Rhys was with the kids. Az and Cass gave him a hug, being supportive brothers. Nesta and Elain smiled at him, still not sure how to greet a High Lord. Lucien and Varian squeezed his arm, and Mor gave him a hug. Catalina also hugged him, but Diana and Karshia stayed to the side, also giving him a smile. Amren looked at him critically before holding out her arms. Rhys blinked, and I could feel his total confusion through the bond. If not for the situation and my mood, I would have laughed. He finally responded, leaning down a little to hug her small form. After hugging Rhys they all went over the kids, who were smiling and giggling, apparently having a conversation of baby babbles. They looked up at all of us and smiled. I wasn't sure if they remembered what happened yesterday. Everyone looked at them and smiled, tears brimming in some of their eyes. They all reached down to squeeze their little feet or pat their head before going to sit in on the huge couch.

"So do we have any ideas about what Astria's power is?" Cassian asked, glancing at her lovingly.

"I had a theory," I started. "I have powers from the Dawn Court to heal people, using my blood. Astria might be able to heal people as well, but instead of using her blood, she's using something from her own court." Everyone looked confused, except for Azriel.

"Starlight," Azriel said. I nodded. Realization dawned on everyone else's faces.

"She got her ability to heal people from me, and from Rhys, she got the power of using starlight. Or something that resembles that, because I'm pretty certain you can't summon starlight," I finished.

"That actually makes sense," Amren said. "Since before they were born, before you even knew that you were pregnant, any kids you two had were destined to be powerful. I'm assuming they have a lot of abilities, and we will discover them as the grow up. So far Astria can summon her wings and heal people, even bringing them back. Cayden can transform his appearance into anyone he wants to." I nodded. Amren was very insightful when it came to this stuff.

"Are the Arashaak gone?" Nesta asked. My attention snapped to her. With all the drama, I hadn't even thought about whether or not they were gone. It seemed everyone else had forgotten as well.

"I don't know," Rhys said. "We need to be on guard for another attack. And the next time they come, we have to make sure we figure out where they came from, who sent them, why they're here, and how they know where Velaris is."

"It seems like the blood worked. But we need to be better prepared for their attacks. So far, both times they've scratched one of us, and now we can't afford to have someone cut and have to be resting for a few days," I said. "I got lucky." I finished softly, looking at my beautiful daughter. Everyone nodded grimly. I helped Elain make a dip with some celery and carrots. We spent the rest of the day playing with Astria and Cayden, smiling at their attempts to walk.


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