❖Chapter 3❖

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, we've been pre writing/typing stories for the upcoming chapters, that way we won't need to worry about having a chapter ready, but worry fret! Cause this is just the start! Sooo here's a long story for you all to enjoy, it's about 2400 words XD!
Okay let me stop and let you all read!

Miku: Wait what
Miku: turns to see the girls KAITO!!!
Kaito: OH NO!
Cindy: Len! Rin!
Len: uh
Cindy: We wanna show you two something!
Miku: NO
Kaito: DON'T
Miku: runs over to them
Rin: tilts head confused
Len: Hang on! You guys have been avoiding this for a little while! I want to know
Rin: Yeah!
Miku: NO LEN! Not you too Rin-chan...
Kaito: Rin you're too innocent 
Rin: I wanna know!
Len: WE WANNA KNOW! Okay...what is it?
Cindy: Huehuehue
Miku: blocks path
Cindy: Heey!
Cindy: It's time for them to know!
Rin: Yeah! Let us see
Kaito: No!!! helps Miku blocks
Amy trips both Kaito and Miku with a swinging feet across the floor
Kaito: Owww!
Miku: damnit...
Rin: Let us see, let us see!
Amy: okay!
Slow motion...Kaito and Miku were saying no
Amy: Do the honors Cindy!
Cindy slowly pulls out the picture, Kaito and Miku slowly gets up and runs toward her
They weren't even close to stopping Amy and Cindy
Len: ..
Rin: ..

Len: And this is what you've been hiding? 

Rin collaspe
Len: Rin! picks Rin up
Kaito: Is she okay??
Len: I don't think so
Cindy: Oh yeah uhh, I totally forgot Rin was very innocent...Oopsies
Len: You guys traumatize Rin!
Amy: Sorry
Kaito: W-We didnt mean it to happen
Miku: If it weren't for those two.
Amy: uhhh runs
Cindy: H-Hey! Wait for me! runs with her
Len: So you guys were...
Miku: slowly shakes head
Kaito: Y-Yeah...
Len: It...its whatever now! I'm going home...taking Rin home...
Miku: Sorry again Len
Kaito: Wait Len! Are you okay with it though?
Len: Perhaps, you guys are cute together, I'm sure Rin agrees too. Hopefully she'll forget it. It's your business.
Kaito: blushes
Miku: Thanks for understanding Len holds Kaito's hand
Kaito: holds hers And also, maybe someday you two will do it to smirks
Len: blushes then turns away Yeah maybe... Later!
Kaito: waves
Miku: Bai!
Kaito: Awww, That is Kawaii!
Miku: That really is! THEY'RE SO CUTE, after all that trouble we went through too
Kaito: yells YOU CAN DO IT LEN!
Miku: I'm pretty sure Len is gone
Kaito: Welp, might as well go home, what a day
Miku: Yeah...it has been a day, I'm too tired to go anywhere else
Kaito: Want me to carry you home?
Miku: ..AH uh I think I can walk!
Kaito: Haha okay
Miku: You know Kaito, I hope we can be like Luka and Gakupo
Kaito: Maybe we will
Miku: They are engaged.
Kaito: And that'll be us soon too...
Miku: I can't wait to see Luka in that wedding dress...imagines Luka and Gakupo's wedding
Kaito: Miku takes coat off and reveals a suit
Miku: W-WHAT what the?! Why do you have a suit? um...
Kaito kneels down on one knee, he pulls out a box 
Miku: huh?! we're in public Kaito!
Kaito: takes her hand out
Miku: Kai-Kaito! Idiot, I swear when we get home-
Kaito: Miku, ever since I'd met you, I knew it was fate for us to be together, I want to cherish more memories with you, from here on out, therefore...takes the ring out of the box Shion Miku, will you marry me?
Miku: takes deep breathes and looks around (Is this...is this real???! Did he planned this all out?! My heart...I can't reject >n<) Shion Kaito, says everything quickly I want you to know! How much I care about you and love you! I want you to know the days I lay eyes on your..your..EyES stares at his deep blue eyes THAT YOU WERE THE ONE FOR ME! I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A PRINCESS! NOT JUST ANY PRINCESS! YOUR PRINCESS! This forgetful girl that always needs her charming prince to save the day! I LOVE YOU SINCE WE WERE CHILDREN! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME! WHAT YOU MEAN TO ME AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! OH! What the heck enough with this lovey dovey! Of course I do dummy! I love you
Kaito: smiles brightly and slides the ring to her finger
Miku: gasp it has a leek on it! and...ice cream!
Kaito: I knew you'll like it
Miku: But wait, aren't we...16-18 years of age?!
Kaito: So? Why does age matter? What matters is that we're together for eternity
Miku: I guess you're right <3 I'm the dummy then! :c
Kaito: An adorable dummy
Miku: shut up! >-<....Shion Miku Shion Miku Shion Miku fhjksdhfs
Kaito: Miku...Miku
Miku: huh...mmm nibbling on a leek pillow
Kaito: Miku! MIKU!
Miku: I'M AWAKE!
Kaito: Daijubou? You fell asleep
Miku: I did? Oh..Where am I? Aww it was just a dream
Kaito: A dream?
Miku: immediately sat up in embarrassment N-NOTHING! I was dreaming about leeks
Kaito: Haha! You and your leeks
Miku: (Shion Miku)...Yeah! IT WAS A GREAT DREAM! Leeks every where (and ice cream)
Kaito: Was I in it??
Miku: o..Well you see...You were with me, and we were...
Kaito: We were?
Kaito: Ehh??? You dreamed me as an ice cream??? Was I at least in a waffle cone?
Miku: I WAS THE LEEK AND YOU WERE THE ICE CREAM! MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN! You were chilling in the waffle cone singing Aisu to me! It was cute! AISU AISU
Kaito: Man I wish I made my own ice cream song
Miku: If you do! You should perform it!
Kaito: Yeah! I'll call it.. AISU!
Miku: Our concert is coming up after all... >.<
Kaito: O-O
Miku: I do have songs picked out.
Kaito: Lets get to practice then!
Miku: Mhm yeah! First of all, where are we?
Kaito: We're at your house
Miku: I didn't even recognize my own room...wait did I left my door unlock. Oh oopsies
Kaito: Yeah...don't do that next time
Miku: Then I guess I'll go get my laptop!
Miku: Be right back! Stay put!
Kaito: Alrighty!
Miku: Ok! I got it Kaito! ...wha..waaa..trips by accident
Kaito: catches her just on time
Miku: oh um, clumsy me...Thank you blushes
Kaito: You're welcome
Miku: A-anyways. opens up laptop so what song shall we sing? I have them picked out, but I don't know where to start
Kaito: Hmm lets go down the list
Miku: Heh yeah~ scrolls hmmm..see anything we should sing first or last?
Kaito: How about...Cendrillon!
Miku: CENDRILLON?! Oh uh
Kaito: You don't wanna?
Miku: Yes! Lets do that!
Kaito: Alright!
Miku: I love that song <3 I do find it hard to kill you. hehe
Kaito: I know, this face is too handsome to die
Miku: Shut up you charming prince!
I can stab you right now, I think
Kaito: Go ahead, my hime sama
Miku: sticks tongue out you wanna bet?!
Kaito: Sure!
Miku: tackles Kaito Ehehe!
Kaito: falls onto the floor Oww!
Miku: looks down at Kaito o sorry hehe
Kaito: Miku...faints
Miku: Crap, I've done it D: tries to carry Kaito, lays him on the bed ah...I'm so weak!
Kaito: smirks
Miku: Heh?!
Kaito: HAHA! tickles miku
Miku: HAHA AH STOP.. STOP! KAITO! has a leek out of no where
Kaito: wipes a tear off Haha
Miku: BAKA slaps
Kaito: o-o G-GOMENA SAI!
Miku: I forgive chu. I guess, Phew...
Kaito: Yatta! Anyways gets off the bed We should start practicing
Miku: I haven't sang this song in a while! Have you?
Kaito: Nope! But, what could go wrong? We're gonna do it perfectly, on the first try
Miku: Yeah! I believe so too! I want to do it! with you!
Kaito: Same!
Miku: Okay...lets get started!
At Len's home
Len: Rin, you're awake! I hope you forgot about it.
Rin: W-Where am I?
Len: Uh my house, You fainted so I carried you.
Rin: I fainted?
Len: I bet your house was locked so..I guess you don't remember then..phew
Rin looks around
Len: blushes immediately when noticing Rin staring UH! I can get us some lemonade! If you want!
Rin: I-It's fine...
Len: Sorry, I never had a girl at my house before
Rin: It's okay..S-So why did I fainted again?
Len: About that...I don't want you to witness that again.
Rin: tilts head in confusion Witness what?
Len: Uh um...B-But I have great news that will make you happy I promise! (anything to make you happy!)
Rin: Really?! What is it???
Len: I bought the necklaces for us that you never got the chance to buy. 
Rin: Mm!! I admire these so much! Thank you Len!!! 
Len: May I? 
Rin: Mm! ^^
Len wore the necklaces around Rin's neck 
Rin: And may I? 
Len: O-oh.. blushes 
Rin did the same for Len, one treble and one bass for the two. 
Len: So cute (gasp I said it out loud again) I mean, your bow is cute!
Rin: Eh?!
Len: It suits you Rin
Rin: Aww thank you Len! You're always so sweet
Len: You're welcome! So Rin, do you need to go back home? I can escort you if you like
Rin: Arigatou Len, but I can walk by myself
Len: Oh..if you insist (god damnit Len...)
Rin: blushes N-Not that I don't like your company or anything but!!
Len: Then! I would like to escort you! (I SAID IT OUT LOUD AGAIN)
Rin: giggles a little If you insist
Len: My face is tomato red isn't it...Ahhh okaaay we should go
Rin: But you look cute like that though
Len: You think so?! (She thinks I'm...)
Rin: Mm! smiles brightly
Len: (I don't know what to say...she's just so bright and cheerful and..Gyah I need help!) OKAY LETS GO! takes Rin's hand
Rin: A-Ah! Okay!
Gakupo: My, do you looking stunning today...winks
Luka: Wow leans against the doorway Since when were you so full of yourself smiles
Gakupo grabs Luka like they were going to dance 
Gakupo: Well, not too full of myself when it comes to you~ how do you do it? Make me fall so easi...falls gy.
Gakupo fell flat on the face
Gakupo: for you.
Luka: catches self And then, you made yourself fall
Gakupo: Well its okay to have both ways right? My charming self and you of course
Luka: Can't disagree with that. Are you ready? It's been 10 minutes, you made reservations right?
Gakupo: Oh! Oh! RIGHT! YEAH! Shall we go now my butterfly? held's hand out
Luka: takes Gakupo's hand of course, we can't be late
Gakupo: I promise you that you will like this restaurant that I made a reservation for. It's expensive, but anything for the two of us <3 For our engagement
Luka: Can't wait! Lets go
Miku's house (Attempts later at Cendrillon)
Miku: I think..I think got it! "Tear away the dress that I'm wearing, this tiara was not meant for me and all that I can feel now as your eyes stare into mine, is the fire in me burning" Ah yes :D
Kaito: I knew that you could do it!
Miku: How about you Kaito? You seem like you got it
Kaito: "Our two souls alike in seclusion, and now they found each other's company! But if I am not the one who will stop your tears, than it's all one side stooorrrryyyy!" 
Miku: claps yay! hugs Kaito I'm so happy that we get to sing this together
Kaito: I am too! This is fun!
Miku: I'm thinking of like three total songs for the two of us unless you don't feel like it's totally fine! Unless they changed it up. Can't hurt to get an early start!
Kaito: Ie Ie! It's totally fine with me! I want to hear it!
Miku: Um...blushes a little then okay smiles I'll play them! plays Romeo and Cinderella UH! This is kinda a dirty song and I'm embarrass that I wrote it I hope you don't mind
Kaito: Hmm...listens
Miku: plays with fingers
Kaito: It's good! I really love it!
Miku: (HE LIKED IT! I WANNA DROP MY LEEKS! UM drop? What?) THEN! WE'LL DO THIS ONE! I do have another set of lyrics for you. Since you're Romeo
Kaito: Awesome! hugs her Thank you so much Miku, your songs are the best!
Miku: Even though I try, I can't understand why, isn't the prince the one fated for his Cinderella?
Kaito: Sometimes happy endings don't exist. But you know, I'll find you Cinderella, it doesn't have to be the glass slipper. I just need to see you. Your face then I know, you are the love of my life.
Miku: pushes Kaito you're such a prince! (That I always hoped for...like in the books I read.) blushes
Kaito: And that is why I am perfect for you <3
Miku: Ahem begins to sing
Kaito: Listens into her beautiful voice
Miku: "We made a vow never caring what others would think So we hid and we loved but gone when I had blinked I don't want you to leave so I just won't believe But I'm the tragedy Juliet who dies of love Ridden me of all the things so I now finally drink This is the end of us now Romeo"
Kaito: claps that was amazing Miku!
Miku: Yeah and now the last song will be... Deep Sea girl! heheh you're pretty much the hero in everything aren't you Kaito? Or we could choose "World is mine"
Kaito: What can I say! A prince has got to be the hero to save his princess!...Hmm
Miku: So, you're Kaiko!
Kaito: Eh Nani??
Miku: Aw nevermind, I misheard. I thought you called yourself a girl for a second. You already have a little sister named Kaiko
Kaito: M-Me?! A girl?! imagines and blushes red Y-Yeah!
Miku: imagines Kaito in a maid dress so kawaiii
Kaito: shakes head A-Anyways uhh which song which song...hmm
Miku: Oh UM I CHOOSE "World is mine!"
Kaito: No way! I was gonna choose that too!
Miku: I figured you would >.< Because I am da pwincess #1 that will get her chocolate puddin' cake and a leek
Kaito: Yes you are! O-Hime sama
Miku: Yesh! Respect me! But...don't...HOLD ME OUT IN PUBLIC YOU IDIOT >---< I get Shyyy
Kaito: smirks and picks her up
Miku: h-hEY
Kaito: Lets show the world, who's my #1 Princess! runs out
Miku: K-KAITO! whines like a baby and blushes every where ahhHHH tries to punch Kaito, fails hyaaaaaaa! D:
Miku: MINA?
Everyone was looking at Kaito and Miku, and they happened to run into Rin and Len as Len was escorting Rin...

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