❖Chapter 16❖

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The next morning, Miku and everyone came rushing into the hospital
Miku: Rin! Oh. Look at that Kaito.
Kaito: Aw...
Miku: He stayed with her all night...
Luka: We heard from what happened?! Is Rin okay? What happen?!
Gakupo: Is my Nii-chan okay? Is she hurt?
Miku: Well doctor didn't say she died. So she's okay
Luka: Oh thank goodness...
Gakupo: lays a banquet of flowers on a table Sorry about what happened. Who knew, a crazy girl would do this for Len. Pft, I can slice her in half if I have to
Luka: Gakupo! sighs
Gakupo: Sorry baby! Family blood!
Luka: The officer told me, the girl is now put into jail for about a month. Hopefully her actions will change and learned her lesson...
Kaito: Why not forever?!
Miku: I know right?! That was a big crime committed! She could've nearly killed Rin!
Luka: She's a 14 year old girl after all...once she's out, she'll be moved to a mental hospital.
Miku: Phew, that's better than nothing
Kaito: I still don't forgive that though...Rin and Len didn't need to go through this
Luka: Whats done is done, there's nothing we can do
Miku: Yeah, it is the government decision after all.
Gakupo: I would consider Rin to move out to somewhere safe
Luka: I would have her stay at ours. Demo we're not usually home that often...
Gakupo: Yeah, we're too busy with work and all. Having the funds for the marriage is a thing. I might be a wealthy man but I still do need to work for it.
Kaito: Is the preparations for the wedding soon?
Gakupo: Might want to hold it off for a while. Since this incident happened, Len and Rin needs a break from all of this
Luka: nods It's best if we just settle things down for a bit. I'm gonna go and try to get in contact with her parents. They need to at least know about this
Miku: You know her parents?
Luka: We talk every so often. Her parents...Ah never mind, let's go
Gakupo: Right with ya
Gakupo and Luka leaves
Kaito: Hmm...wonder what was that was about?
Miku: She cut off a sentence looks over to Rin and Len ...
Kaito: Poor Len...
Miku: I wonder how long Len has stayed here. He did everything for Rin to be safe but yet...How could this have happened?
Kaito: I don't know. I wished we could've done something...oh he's waking up
Len: mm..Rin...Rin! eh turns around to see Kaito and Miku h...you guys are here
Kaito: Luka and Gakupo Senpai was here too...
Len: They were? Oh. How thoughtful of them looks to see the flower
Kaito: How ya feeling?
Len: I don't know. Rin is alive and well but I don't know still....So much has happened
Kaito: Let's just forget about the past, like you said. She is alive
Len: It's glued to my mind Kaito. The nightmares won't go away...I'm scared to lose Rin again, If she were to be dead...
Kaito: puts hand on his shoulder I wished I could've done something. But what's done is done Len. It's okay, You may have regrets, but the first thing to do is just take it all in, and try to forget about it.
Len: You're right, but its not like these thoughts can go away that easily
Miku: Take your time Len. You need it
Kaito: We'll leave you alone, call us if you need a lift home
Len: Thanks
Miku and Kaito left
Len: looks to Rin gomen.
Rin's hand was twitching a little..
Len: ...
She was taking in slow and normal steadily breaths...
Moving just a little
Len: place hands on Rin's hands Ohayo
Rin's eyes slowly opened up. Everything was a blur...then she turned to see Len, right beside her
Len: puts a smile on face Is the wound doing okay?
Rin: tears slowly dropped down L-Len
Len: clenches onto Rin's hand tighter I know Rin...It's okay. She's gone...for good
Rin quickly leans up to hug Len and kisses him...trying to endure the pain..
Len: Careful Rin! Don't hurt yourself!
Rin: I'm fine smiles brightly See?...
Len: The wound is deep, and it may take time to heal. So please try your best and recover
Rin: slowly lays down but still holds onto his hand Mm..
Len: stares down at our hands, sighs Look, I appreciate what you did for me. You saved me and I thank you. But  please don't ever do that again...
Rin: I had to Len...
Len: I don't know if I was going to die or not. But at the same time, I didn't want you to die either. The moment she stabbed you, my heart shattered into pieces. It was like my heart had a hole, like I lost a family
Rin: ...But it's okay now Len... smiles I know, I know I shouldn't have done that. But if she were to kill you? I... couldn't take any chances
Len: sighs I'm just glad you're alive. Kaito said to forget the past, and that's what I'm trying to. But the thoughts won't go away. I just want, to live out our future.
Rin: I do too, for now on...our lives are going to be okay? Okay?
Len: It will. Now that Lily is out of the picture...Just you and I leans over to kiss Rin
Rin: We'll get married! Have kids! And the cycle continues
Len: blushes ummm (was she even asleep last night) Hm yeah! I'll cherish those children like how I cherish you
Rin: giggles That's going to be a long way to go...
Len: We'll just work our way for it
Rin: And then live happily ever after! Just like we wanted!
Len: Happily ever after, the knight and his princess...I love you Rin, always will
Rin: I will always love you too...for eternity....drifts to sleep
Len smiles, kisses her cheek and sleeps with Rin again
Kaito went upstairs to Miku's room,  knocking on her door
Kaito: Miku?
Miku: Hm...sleeping...leeks...
Kaito: •-• I'm coming in!
Miku: T...!
Kaito: opens the door
Miku: My privacy! >n<
Kaito: O-O
Miku was hugging a leek pillow
Kaito: G-GOME!!
Miku: hides face behind the leek
Kaito: ...You alright? sits on the bed beside her
Miku: Yeah I'm fine Kaito! Now get out of here...tch! still hiding behind the leek
Kaito: Hai hai! Just let me know if you're feeling down
Miku: When am I ever down? reveals a smile
Kaito: I just wanna let you know, you know, if someone takes your leek or something!
Miku: But not like anyone will take my leek...but arigatou Kaito, you always look out for me with your caring words. I wish more people were like you (Even...) hides face behind the leek again
Kaito: Why are you hiding behind your leek?
Miku: Because...I want to... I was sleeping...Zzzz
Kaito: ...A-Ah...I guess I'll leave you be then
Miku: Arigatou
Kaito kisses Miku on the forehead and leaves the room, closing the door behind him
Miku: (Kaito...I want to feel his warmth again, but I can't) hugs the leek tighter
Kaito was still behind Miku's door
Kaito: (I just want Miku to be alright...Maybe I can go buy her something!) Yeah! runs downstairs
Kaito ran outside to the store
Kaito: Hmm...What should I get Miku? Obviously she likes leek, but...
Kaito was going to aisle to aisle, finding something for Miku. Then he spotted a music box. He grabs a hold of box and was admiring it.
Kaito: It's perfect!
Gakupo walks by
Gakupo: Ohayo
Kaito: Huh? Gakupo Senpai?
Gakupo: I didn't expect you here Kaito
Kaito: Me neither
Gakupo: smirks Aha! Is this what I think it is!
Kaito: blushes E-Eh?!
Gakupo: looks at the music box in Kaito's hand
Kaito: A-Anyways! What are you doing here senpai? Getting a gift?
Gakupo: Ohoho me? Just shopping for my beloved Luka
Kaito: Figured...
Gakupo: Everything must be complete for the wedding. Good thing I was born as a wealthy man. Not to brag.
Kaito: Oh speaking of the wedding, when is it gonna be?
Gakupo: Soon my boy
Kaito: Ehhh?? I wanna know!
Gakupo: Soon. We were planning after the concert or after the day of the concert.
Kaito: I see, I'm looking forward to your wedding senpai!
Gakupo: Arigatou, the only thing I can't wait to see is, Luka in that white wedding dress...Ah she is a beauty in an-
Kaito: Senpai, you are such a pervert
Gakupo: Tch! Hey, we are men and, it's true! Luka is beautiful! I'm sure you have a taste for Miku as well winks
Kaito: blushes •///• W-Well! At least I don't act towards her like you do towards Luka Senpai
Gakupo: Fair enough...But anyways! This list must be done! Sayonara! Kaiboi!
Gakupo walks off to a different aisle
Kaito: K-Kaiboi? Sayonara senpai... sighs Senpai is really something alright...Ah right! I need to hurry up and buy this
Kaito pays the cashier and rushes to Miku's house
Kaito: She's going to love this! opens the door
Miku: ...what am I going to do...What if the same situation happens with Kaito and I? Kaito in danger...what if he- hugs leek
Kaito: knocks on Miku's door and opens it Miku, I got you a little present
Miku: e..! Huh? Present? looks at his hands You didn't have to Kaito...
Kaito takes the music box out of the bag and walks up to Miku
Kaito: I had to
Miku: Woah stares at it Kaito, this is, beautiful. winds up the music box, it has a little princess and prince twirling around listens to the melody I love it
Kaito: I knew you would!
Miku: hugs Kaito unexpectedly Arigatou.
Kaito: hugs back Ever since the incident...I knew you weren't act like yourself. So I thought this would at least cheer you up a little
Miku: Nani? How did you know? I'm that easy to read huh
Kaito: K-Kinda...
Miku: sits up with a bright smile Okay, I'll try to be myself from now on. I'm sorry I worried you Kaito. I'm just scared you know.
Miku: To lose you. looks down at my hands on my lap
Kaito: It's okay Miku...I would've felt the same way, but we gotta be positive! You know like we always been
Miku: M, right! playfully slap Kaito with a leek hehe
Kaito: Ow! Hehe
Miku: Aw, I wasn't even hitting hard! Unless you want me to! raises leek
Miku: I'm kiddin' :T idiot
Kaito: Hehe! That's my Miku right there! tickles her
Miku: TCH! H-h-heyeyhey! HAHAHA hey! I'm ticklish! s-sosotos--tostpstop! hahaha! XD
Kaito: Hahaha!!
Miku: pulls Kaito's scarf as he tickles me AHA GOT YOU!
Kaito: N-Nani?!
Miku pulls Kaito scarf to the point, he got pulled on top of her
Miku: Oh blushes Hey baby! kisses Kaito
Kaito: Hehe..
Miku: Hehe.. :3
door opens
Kaito: o-o
Mikuo: Uh hey Miku
Miku: pushes Kaito off, then sits up Oh hi broey.
Kaito: S-Since when did you get here so fast?!?
Mikuo: I live here? Since when did you came in? You have the key to our house?!
Kaito: Ummmmm Nooo?
Miku: Yes, I gave him the key to this house, is something the matter Mikuo?
Mikuo: Well, besides Kaito having the key to our house. It seems that...Our father has come back home.
Miku: HUH Daddy?
Kaito: Wait? What? I'm not following...
Miku rushes down the stairs
Miku: Dad?
Mr. Hastune: Miku, I missed you darling. How have you been while I was away?
Miku: Oh! hugs dad I missed you...and you won't believe what's been happening while you were away! I've been through a lot! Bad and good times, but Mikuo has been taking care of me. so I'm fine daddy ^^
Mikuo: If you didn't heard what I said Kaito, our father came home
Kaito: I-Is That going to be a problem?
Mikuo: Ah, he hasn't met you yet, so I'm not sure...
Kaito: Should I go than??? Or...
Mikuo: Not when he's downstairs
Mr. Hastune: Mikuo! Come down here!
Mikuo: Okay father! You're on your own Kaito
Kaito: Wait What? But—darn it!
Miku goes into the room
Miku: Kaito, ahhh I should introduce you to my dad! But I don't know what to say! I'm so happy right now! Thanks to you! And this news!
Kaito: Wait Miku before you do that
Miku: hm?
Kaito: A-Are you sure Everything is going to be okay? I mean...
Miku: What's wrong?
Kaito: What if he's strict on you
Miku: He has never been strict to me ever.
Kaito: I don't know Miku...
Miku: He loves me, I bet he will love you too!
Kaito: Are you sure?
Miku: He has to! This is my life. And I choose you to be in it!
Kaito: (I just gotta trust Miku's words...) Okay
Miku: breathes, takes Kaito's hand
Mikuo: So these are the new tools? Awesome! I'll use this to do this project I have been working on!
Miku and Kaito make their way down the stairs
Mr. Hastune: turns to see Miku with a guy
Kaito was nervous
Miku: Dad! This is Shion Kaito! My um...You haven't met him! But I can assure you he has been there for me throughout my life and ever since you were on that trip! He's been my lover ever since we were partners for the company! As mom said, my prince...I hope you can accept him...
Mr. Hastune: glances at the blue haired man
Kaito: It's very pleased to meet you Mr. Hatsune. I hope you give permission into dating your daughter, with all due of respect, I will do everything in my honor to protect her with my will. I'll even make sure she won't get hurt, even a single scratch
Miku: blushes
Mr. Hastune: Dating?
Miku: Um yeah...
Kaito: (crap...did I say something wrong?)
Miku: (why is he being suspicious...why is he concern? Should I answer?)
Kaito: (I knew this was a bad idea)
Mr. Hastune: I never expect my 16 year old daughter to be dating so soon with this...this..man in blue hair.
Kaito: (crap...)
Mr. Hastune: I can't lay my hand on it, but I do not like anyone with the name of Shion or accept any guys to be interfering with Miku's career
Miku: Hey! That's not fair dad! He's been part of my career too, and what about his name?! Whatever happened! I love him! This is my life, I thought you would accept it...I'm your daughter.
Mr. Hastune: Even if he is, he'll distract you from your music career and your education but most importantly your music career. Miku, do you remember what I told you? To keep on singing.
Miku: Y-ye..yes I do, but what does this have to do with Kaito and I?! I'm still singing am I?! What's with the Shions?! Anything you say doesn't make sense!
Mr.Hatsune: Listen here grabs her arm I am your Father. And you must not argue back. I know what's right. But you are still a child.
Miku: B-but!
Kaito: clutches hand a little ... I understand
Miku: Kaito! You can't say that...
Kaito: puts hand on her shoulder It's okay Miku...whispers in her ear We'll figure out a way to convince your dad, now isn't the time, we'll figure it out together okay?
Miku: nods okay...
Mr. Hastune: Get out of my house.
Miku: ... I don't even know you anymore runs upstairs
Kaito left the house without any words
Miku: plays the music box repeatedly ...why did it come up to this..Why...
And. Him.

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