❖Chapter 7❖

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Amy and Cindy disappeared into the stars
Miku: Let's meet up with Rin and Len to see what they think
Kaito: Yeah lets do that
meanwhile Rin and Len
Len: wait Rin!
Rin: wipes tears
Len: holds Rin's hand  Look, I don't know who they are or what they want. But we can't let it slide by us like that
Rin: I-I know but...
Len: but nothing, we can do something about them...
Rin: I don't want to do anything bad Len...
Len: Do you want those pictures to stay in their hands
Rin: N-No
Len: Do you want them to invade our privacy like that?
Rin: No..
Len: I don't either Rin, they have to be stopped...They can't hurt you, I don't want them to hurt you if they are a threat >~>
Rin: Len...
Len: I promise myself I'll do anything to protect you Rin...
Rin hugs Len
Rin: Arigatou
Len hugs back
Kaito: Ah! Len! Rin!
Len: Kaito?
Miku: GUYS!
Len: Wait, whats going on?
Miku: We have a plan
Kaito: Yeah, we're going to catch those two and end their shenanigans. But first..  whispers into Lens ear Do you wanna do that "thing" with Rin?
Len: You mean...
Kaito: Yes Len, yes
Kaito: Huh?
Len: whispers why don't you guys do it! I promise myself I won't hurt her again! 
Kaito: Oh come on! Just us doing it won't be enough!
Len: Kaito...I made her cry. I don't want to do that again
Kaito: Len puts hand on his shoulder  You're a guy! You're.A.Guy. Guys do this, believe in yourself man, your a strong man, and I know you and me both want this
Len: A 14 year old to be exact! I'm not that much of a pervert like you are with Miku! -.- Touchy touchy! Tch! 
Kaito: Hey!!!
Len: And I know you sneak around to see Miku
Kaito: W-Well
Miku: Heh confuzzle face
Rin: Whats going on?
Len: oh Rin-chan, we're just talking
Kaito: So you'll do it?
Len: thinks for a bit..hmm... shakes head no
Kaito: Great! I knew you had it in you Len! pats his back hard
Len: NANI?! KAITO! I said NO
Kaito: I knew I can count on you Len!
Len: (What a pathetic guy. Like I'll do whatever the heck he says)
Rin: Huh?
Len: clutches hands
Miku: Kaito, pulls Kaito's scarf what did you tell Len?
Kaito: whispers I told him if he and Rin will do the "thing"
Miku: I thought...that we were..
Kaito: We are
Miku: And Rin is too innocent!  
Kaito: I know, but that's part of the plan
Miku: Huh?
Kaito: You see, those two are smart. They could be overhearing us for all we know, We gotta make them take the bait
Miku: Hmm...you got a point. I never knew you were smart enough to plan this all out. 
Kaito: Hey!!!
Miku: giggles
Rin: Len? Are you okay?
Len: ...I'm fine Rin..happy face Yeah I'm fine :D
Rin: frowns you don't look too happy...
Len: Why would I lie Rin. I'm okay, see? points to face
Rin: ...
Len: Good as ever! Oh look it's getting dark now. After from everything that had happened, we deserve a rest
Rin: nods
Kaito: Ah Len, Rin, actually let's hang out at Miku's place for a little. Might as well discuss some stuff for a little while
Rin: Okay!
Miku: Let's go!
Everyone went to Miku's house...it was still night fall...
Miku: whispers Will this work? Will Len do it?
Kaito: whispers Daijubou Miku, everything will be okay. I'm sure Len will do it
Miku: I don't know. I feel bad for Rin having to go through this just to capture those two girls
Kaito: I do too...but it's worth it for our privacy...and our love time blushes
Miku: hugs Kaito yeah~
Kaito: looks at Rin whispers Okay I know what you mean now...I'm kinda getting worried too...
Miku: We have no other option do we?
Kaito: Im afraid not...
Len: looks over to Kaito and Miku
Rin: What are you two whispering about?
Rin tilts her head in confusion
Miku: Uh! Our concert!
Kaito: Y-Yeah! It's like in uhh 2 or so weeks??
Rin: Okay? Anyways! Soo what do we do for the plan??
Miku: The plan?! The concert plan?!
Rin: No...I meant the plan to catch those girls
Len: facepalms
Miku: Oh right..
Kaito: Oh right! Uhh Miku will tell you! pushes her in front
Miku: (Thanks Kaito. Dummy)
Kaito: smiles...eheheh...rubs head
Rin: Soo?? I'm waiting!!
Miku: Well..Since they enjoy watching us being lovey dovey, Kaito and I will distract them!
Rin: Ooo! like you to gonna kiss each other?? That kind of distracting??
Miku: Ye-yeahA ! That!
Kaito: Y-Yup!
Rin: What about me and Len?
Miku: oh gosh
Kaito: Uhh...nudges on Miku arm and whispers Mikkkuuuu
Miku: We'll capture them! You and Len can stay over at your house
Rin: Nani?
Miku: We'll ask Gakupo and Luka to help us out! They're both tall and are adults that know how to...handle a situation like this! smiles
Rin: No no no! I wanna be a part of it too!
Miku: I think it's too risky if they catch you two!
Rin: No it's not! Right Len?? I wanna be a part of it!
Len: She-she's...she's right! I don't want you hurt Rin. It's safe if we're at your house
Kaito: Sooo that means you'll do the "thing"
Len: ...looks away blushing I don't know...
Rin: Yaaay!!! So tell us what to do and we'll do it!
Len: Rin..! Listen, Miku is right. It's far too risky and it is dark right now.
Rin:...Bu-But Len...I thought you wanna do this with me..
Len: I want to Rin, I really do. But I'm scared that...well..we still have no clue what those girls can do! They can fly and-
Rin: You're not! It's okay Len! We're all in this together! So...please? puppy eyes
Len: Not the puppy eyes >_< ...
Miku: Cmon Len..
Kaito: you can do it!!
Len: O-okay fine
Rin: gasp happily YAAAY!!
Len: we'll capture them at Miku's house!
Miku: Why my house?!
Kaito: Is my house not good enough??
Len: We dunno but always target the leek girl is what they say
Rin: Mm! Mm!
Miku: wh-WHA WHO SAYS THAT?!Meanie! Its not a war-house! OR A FIELD OR A PLAYGROUND!!
Kaito: Alright alright! pats Mikus hair It's ok
Miku: ~ー~
Miku: MY LEEEEKS!!! Mine!
Kaito: D-demo! Ice cream TnT
Miku: imagines Kaito slapping my precious leeks with his strawberry popsicle like a game
"K.O" Kaito laughs with green sauce all over his face "HahaHAaHA ICE CREAM DOMINATE" Leeks...v-v
Kaito: Ice cream? And...whispers into her ear in a sexy tone You and I. Miku~
Miku: face turns red O///O U-uh! F-fine...I'll..share it.
Kaito: Yaaattaaa~ =w= (Always works!)
Len: So when are we doing this plan?
Miku: Uh
Kaito: T-Tomorrow???
Miku: Was hoping it would be tonight but that's alright I guess. You all have a home to go to.
Len: Course... looks away
Kaito: Probably for the best.
Miku: hugs Kaito's arm in surprise then looks up to him Can I come over to your house for the night! smiles
Kaito: Yeah Of course! I mean uhh...sure... blushes
Miku: Hehe yaaay!
Len: That was a bit random of Miku. She went from serious to..
Rin: being lovey dovey! So cute!
Len: blushes x~x
Miku: Hey! I never visit his house that much >_<
Kaito: It's true =w= Oh yeah, and Len
Len: Yeah?...
Kaito: I'm counting on you winks
Len: I still don't know Kaito.
Kaito: You have to Len. Gotta be a man
Len: I don't know what your plan is, nor why you want to enforce this upon Rin and I. But after we're done with this, we're not doing this again...This is all for Rin..
Kaito: If you say sooooo whispers But I know you want it
Len: I DO NOT! Tch!
Miku: Hopefully Everything will go well tomorrow...
Kaito: Yeah...
Len: Anyways, I leave you two then! My parents aren't home so I'm going with Rin-chan! grabs her hand
Kaito: Ohh smirks I see how this is going...
Len: N-No!
Kaito: You two are going to—
Len: Kaito!
Kaito: Gome Gome X'D
Miku: You two are going to kiss away like a fairytale! Wait thats our thing oh. But it can be yours too giggles
Len: Whatever!
Rin: Anyways we're going to go now. Bye bye Miku! Onii chan! latches onto to Len's arm
Len: Bye guys leaves with Rin
Miku: waves
Kaito: Aww isn't that cute =w=
Miku: I know a lot of songs they sang together. They way their voices harmonizes so beautifully >.<
Kaito: Just like us
Miku: I-I guess! Your voice is very attractive. It's so soothing to listen to when you whisper in that tone, it's soft, gentle, very...alluring... blushes, closer up to him
Kaito: And your voice is like an angel from heaven...sing with me Miku
Miku and Kaito were about to kiss...
Cindy: MY SHIP!
Kaito: Yep...There they are...
Miku: sigh^
Miku: We didn't need any fans haha ^^
Kaito: Yeah cuz Miku already has a fan...and it's me!
Miku: AM NOT
Cindy: AWWW!!!
Cindy: takes pic
The phone rings, Kaito's song Thousand Years Solo plays
Kaito: Is that my song?
Miku: Nani?! quickly runs over to the phone, picks up Uh-h-hello?! YE-YEAH?! CONCERT IN TWO WEEKS?
Kaito: o.o?
Kaito: What happened?
Miku: you didn't hear that did you. >.<
Kaito: The concert in two weeks?
Miku: (the ringtone, I hope he forgot about it) y-yeah that! Senpais chose their songs. Now we just need Rin and Len
Kaito: Really?! I wonder what song it is
Miku: Same
Kaito: I'm sure we chosen our song to though
Miku: Yeah we did-Romeo. Oh oops! That slip out of my mouth!
Kaito: My Mikuella...
Miku: Mikuella?
Kaito: Yes! It's your name and Cinderella combined!
Miku: It's... blushes very creative. I love it. Thank you
Kaito: smiles What may my Ohime sama wish to do?
Miku: If you will, Prince Shion...may you escort me to your home kingdom?
Kaito: Okay held's hand out Ikimashou Ohime sama
Miku: takes hand and curtsey before Kaito 
Kaito and Miku made their way to Kaito's house
Miku: When was the last time I was here?
Kaito: About a month ago? I don't remember...
Miku: Wow you guys really use up my house a lot. So much for having leeks ;-; sniffs
Kaito: Ehehehe...rubs neck It's okay Miku, I have Ice cream (:
Miku: blushes, feels the warmth of Kaito's hand Do you have leek ice cream ? •~•
Kaito: Uh Of course! I totally didn't steal any of yours and brought them here that's just crazy!
Miku: Nani?! No wonder some of them were missing! It's not like I count my leeks or anything!
Kaito: What? You count them?? o-o
Miku: And you stole them?!
Kaito: N-No I didn't! I bought them! Yeah!
Miku: has out a leek
Kaito: Uh oh..
Miku: fire eyes
Kaito: AHHH!! runs
Miku: eats
Kaito: stops Wh?
Miku: ah leeks~ hugs
Kaito: NANI?!??
Miku: ~v~
Kaito's jaw was wide opened
Miku: I love you soo much! nom
Kaito: C-Can I have some?
Miku: No! has out another leek
Kaito: squeals
Miku: pat Kaito head with the leek and hands it to him
Kaito: takes and takes a bite
Miku: Eat your veggies kids!
Kaito: Bleh....so...plain..
Miku: Especially leeks!...wait turns WHAT DID YOU SAY
Miku: Your ice cream are plainly bad!
Kaito: gasp dramatically HOW DARE YOU!
Miku: BAKA puff cheeks
Kaito: T~T hugs a huge tub of icecream out of no where It's okay...she won't hurt you...
Miku: hugs Kaito from behind, squeezing him, has leek in hand
Kaito: So warm... =w=
Miku: You know Kaito? I hate you sometimes but I can't help but to get...get je..jelly.
Kaito: Jelly? Of who?
Miku: Of. takes a bite out of your ice cream
Kaito: Eh?
Miku: nom ~o~
Kaito: ICE CREAMMM!!!!
Miku: Uh Kaito? random thought, still hugging his back
Kaito: sighs I guess one bite is fine...but no more!
Miku: smol bite mmmmm
Kaito: O: Miku! takes her leek
Kaito: Thank you! eats with icecream
Miku: Leek ice cream T~T
Kaito: so gooood...=w=
Miku: looks at the clock oh. (...GYAH I'm  so forgetful!!!) embarrass face
Kaito: Wow...it's getting late
Miku: looks down ah ah ah
Kaito: Y-You...Wanna stay over night?
Miku: Ye-yeah! But the only problem is.. I don't have any heheh clothes... >.< O-Oh! Uhh! That's okay!
Miku: Huh
Kaito: gets out a Miku light pink sleeping gown
Miku: W-what? Why do you have a gown! o_o
Kaito: Uhh totally did not steal it for this occasion
Kaito: N-NANI?!? I mean! Well Fine! I DID WORE IT! (Whew good cover up Kaito =w=)
Miku: blushes real hard imagines Kaito in a sleeping gown S-so looks at him strangely A tall boy, who has a soft charming voice, fits into a gown of my size?
Kaito: S-Shut up!
Miku: burst out laughter with mouth covered
Kaito: Though I did look quite dashing in a gown smirks
Miku: You're so kawaii Kaito!
Kaito: I know I am
Miku: Hahaha! But how did it fit?! XDD
Kaito: I-I managaed!
Miku: Okay! takes the gown wherever ever you stole it from...I'll go change
Kaito: Okay
Miku: (Wearing this in front of Kaito. What a perverted idiot >_< I SEEN HIM UNDRESS! But wait is that okay to say right now? Ah! At least it's just my mind!!! But...he has such a nice body with those blue locks of his~)
Miku was hiding in Kaito's closet that she "accidently" snuck into
Miku: (O-oh nooo! >n< What am I going to do?! I didn't mean to lock myself in here! I was just finding my way around to the bathroom •-• maybe. But ah! I can't stay in here...!) looks around the dark space with clothes hanging above and in the small cubbies (@-@ Kaito's "possessions")
Footsteps up the stairs...thump thump thump..
Miku falls back a bit but then leans in, peeking through the door
Kaito: goes into my room, checks the bathroom, then heads out o.o? Did Miku left??? shrugs Ah guess so...stretches I could use a shower =w= these muscles did worked themselves out heads towards the closet
Miku: gasp (N-no! He's going to find me! Miku! Think! Think! >~<)
Miku quickly scoots into a dark right corner, hugging her legs and pulling her long pigtails in. Forming into a hidden ball.
Kaito opens his closet door, he picks out a plain white t-shirt. Kneeling down ( he was near Miku), opening the middle cubbie to pick out a navy blue boxer
Miku patiently waited. Kaito leaves the closet door cracked. She continues to watch Kaito.
Kaito takes off his navy blue shirt, leaves it on the bed.
Miku: o///o (h...w..hhhh...) flushes red
Kaito turns to his backside (of Miku). Unzipping his black jeans. Miku watches from the closet, dozing off as he pulls down his pants revealing more of his skin.
Miku: aura flying around his beautiful face, almost drooled
Kaito: Time to clean this beautiful body :D
Kaito leaves his worn out clothes and scarf on the bed
Miku: (E-eeeh @_@ so..hot..that body. No. Miku. Ha-has...stop working..) was about to pass out
Almost passing out, Miku quickly wakes up. She rushes out of the closet to his bed.
Miku: Kaito's lovely possessions is mine! >///< MINE! HEHE! steals his clothes but not the scarf
Kaito: o_o? (Did someone said something?) checks ears, then shrugs (Must be the ice cream gods calling out to me TwT)
Miku stole some of his boxers and clothes from his closet then makes a run out quickly like a fox
Kaito: walks out of the bathroom, looks to the bed then blinks •-•
Kaito: The ice cream Gods spoken! I SHALL COME FOR YOU rushes downstairs
Kaito: walks in Hey Miku I—
Miku: In the bathroom humming to Cantarella while brushing my hair...Dadidadidadadadadida- notices Kaito, red tomato face ..........
Kaito: Oh
Kaito: IM SORRY!!! runs out
Miku: This is the second time! That..that idiot! Walking in without giving a single knock again! But v.v I'm also forgetful sighs ;-; locks door....okay done embarrass face
Miku walks out of the bathroom
Kaito: Woah....
Miku: W-what do you think...? rubs left arm blushing
Kaito: Y-You look so...beautiful
Miku: Arigatou and um, a-are your eyes okay?
Kaito: Uh Yeah!
Miku: I'm sorry I poked you >n<
Kaito: It's ok! It's my fault for walking in!
Miku: For the second time..
Kaito: Ehehe...
Miku: Your room didn't changed a bit. The last time I was here...(ahem @-@)  sees a World is Mine poster of me o.o
Kaito: I-I DON'T LOOK!
Miku: Wha-!
Kaito: grabs Miku away from the poster, onto the bed
Miku: ...
Kaito: S-So... blushes
Miku: tries to sit back up aah heheh.mm looks around the room then spots an ice cream plushie with a face near Kaito on the bed aw that's really cute! Derpy eyes! May I?
Kaito: Y-Yeah
Miku takes the plushie and hugs it close
Miku: Kawaii ^^ Kawaii ^^ ice cream-chan!
Kaito smiles at Miku's childishness. He lays a hand next to her without realizing how close they were.
Miku was still playing with the plushie then she blushes at the sight of Kaito. She felt a kiss coming in...
Miku lowers the plushie down while Kaito pulls Miku closer to him.
They kiss.
Continues to kiss...
Miku/Kaito: Mm! •///• !!!
Stops kissing
Miku/Kaito: gives in a nervous laugh, looking away from each other blushing
Kaito: So uh Miku...
Miku: Kaito.
Kaito: Why don't you sleep here and I-
Miku: No! I call floor! This is your room and house so allow me!
Kaito: N-No! I insist! I can sleep on the floor! Or...we can sleep together. Done it before haven't we?
Miku: touches Kaito chest by accident (WHAT AM I DOING?  WHAT ARE YOU DOING MIKU???) Ff..
Kaito: grabs her hands and leans in close
Miku: (Kaito...gy..gyah! >~<) kisses Kaito quickly um we should sleep
Kaito: Together?
Miku: nods Together
Kaito turns the lamp off next beside him
Miku turns to the right, outside of the bed. Kaito cuddles Miku from behind
Miku: <3 Oyasumi.
Kaito: Oyasumi Miku <3
Miku: Kaito yawns
Kaito: Yeah?
Miku: I love you falls asleep slowly
Kaito: I love you too.. closes eyes
Amy: (AWWW!! pic pic without flashing! Don't wake them up!)
Cindy: (Okay! takes a pic I got it! Let's go!)
Amy: (Okay!)
Cindy and Amy flew off into the night sky...

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