❖Chapter 24❖

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The next morning
Miku: K-k-kaito!...shakes around a bit
Kaito: wakes up H-Huh?! Nani?!
Miku: ....friend...hugs self
Kaito: looks over to Miku Miku? puts hand on her arm
Miku: wakes up huh?! quickly hugs Kaito
Kaito wraps his arm around her then puts a hand on her head
Kaito: Hey... everything okay? Did you had a bad dream?
Miku: I kinda did...It was scary >-< but I like it at the same time...
Kaito: What did you dream about?
Miku: Um-well...A boy of blue who became my very first friend... plays with fingers and it was scary because the little girl's mother died without knowing why it happened..The boy had to leave...but then the boy's mother came in to take him back, she was terrified because he was taken....B-By a man. Then I dreamt of something else. It felt blurry.
Kaito was silent for a second...then he had flashbacks of memories of his past flurried through his mind...
Miku: Kaito? you okay? waves
Kaito silently lets his arms dropped to his sides...
Miku: KAITO! shakes him don't scare me like that! Wake up dummy! Hello?!
Kaito: H-Huh?!
Miku: Did something happened in that head of yours? You dozed off....
Kaito: ...I-I don't know...it was like..I remembered everything from what happen when I was a child...
Miku: Then...you remembered...
Kaito: Miku.
Miku: You were the boy who played with me, and you were kidnapped by my father. And your mother almost killed me but you saved me...
Miku held Kaito's cheeks remembering that they did met as children, but in a way they didn't expect.
Miku: (...Those pretty blue eyes.)
Kaito: Then..that explains it all, our past...your mom..everything...
Miku: nods, lets go
Kaito: But..I never understood why your father would kidnap me, though...he never explained it fully.
Miku: I don't either, I wish mom was alive. She probably knew, but didn't tell me or Mikuo, she was trying to protect us, to keep us happy...M-maybe that's why father killed mom. She didn't like what he was doing.
Kaito: ...To let greed control him like that...that's just cruel...
Miku: I honestly blame the company and father. The company offers so much just for talented people like us
Kaito: Just who the hell is the owner of that company?
Miku: I wish I knew, they changed my father...into a monster.
Kaito: Its their fault to blame...the reason why we're living like this!!
Miku: I know Kaito....normal lives would've been better, but I love singing by heart. The company was a home for me. We met Rin and Len, Gakupo and Luka because of it...and I got to meet you, again smiles
Kaito: I know, at least there's some good parts about it smiles We should probably get ready now
Miku: Hai blushes umm...I should've brought more spare clothes when I had the chance. Maybe I should go back home to pack up.
Kaito: Wait grabs her arm are you sure? I-I mean...you could just borrow mine
Miku: embarrass face Yours are too large for me! I mean-sure you're skinny! But not like they will fit! I can get my own clothes >///<
Kaito: I-I guess that's true...I'll come with you!
Miku: Are you sure?! What if father is there?!
Kaito: I don't care! What matters is that you're safe from him! I'll make sure you're safe!
Miku: (He's so persistent for my safety, but I am too for Kaito, who knows what father will do to him if he sees Kaito again...) fine...but I'll sneak into my own okay! If there's any danger I can tell you! I'll scream with all of my might like how you randomly carry me around in public.
Kaito: Hey! Carrying you around in public isn't that bad! But fine, just know I'll always be here to save you...I don't want you to get hurt
Miku: Arigatou Kaito kisses cheek
Kaito: smiles Lets go held's hand out
Miku: Hai takes his hand
Rin's house
Len prepares the breakfast
Len: Rin...are you sure you should go with that Gumiya guy...I'm sorry, but he doesn't seem trustworthy. I can't seem to get that guy...bold enough to ask you out like that. Even during middle school...ugh...I should've been the one to ask you first sighs demo...I'm glad just glad you didn't actually go out with him
Rin: ...(If only you knew...) giggles Come on Len, just give him a chance, he's a really nice guy
Len: Have you seen the way he talks to you?! Or are you that into his charms...
Len lays out the tray of breakfast at the table for Rin and himself.
Rin: The only charms I'm into is just you reaches for his hand
Len: blushes (Rin-chan!) Now you're just pulling my weak spots!
Rin: giggles a little Gome I think you should have some faith in me Len...he was your childhood friend after all...wasn't he?
Len: Was a childhood friend. Then he became my rival. And, and, he just changed somehow. Now he attracts all women! And he knows I'm with you but the way he talks to you! calms down a bit Gomen Rin for the way I act, I should trust you more. I know you love me, but Gumiya just gets to me easily, too easy.
Rin: I know, I've seen it happened, but trust me in this, nothing is going to happen. I trust your judgement, but trust me okay? You know I love you, as much as my heart can take smiles
Len: I love you too. reaches out for a kiss
Rin: blushes red, kisses back
Len: blushes
Rin: A-Anyways! W-We should hurry up and eat!
Len: Ri-right! noms the plate
Rin: smiles and remembers back to middle school (....)
Len: (I should trust her, but Gumiya sighs I still have this urge in me to protect her even if Gumiya is a "nice" guy. But the way he smooth talks his ways to her, I can't let that happen. Pull something funny on Rin, you know you'll get it Gumiya, there's no way I'm letting things off that easily. This isn't jealousy, this is for Rin. I can't lose her again.) touches Rin's hand Nay, what time are you going to see Gumiya?
Rin: Huh? Oh um looks over to the clock In an hour or so...(I got dozed off a little...)
Len: An hour, that's like at 12 Okay, you should get ready soon Rin
Rin: Y-Yeah good idea, can you get the cream for my stomach?
Len: Sure! goes over to get the cream hands it to Rin
Rin: Arigatou Len! Give me 20 minutes runs upstairs
Len: Okay..
Rin ran into her room, closing the door shut. She was getting dressed up and spread a little cream onto her stomach
Rin: Ahhh! It burns! >-< Hopefully...maybe it'll be healed up fully soon? runs downstairs
Len: Everything okay Rin?
Rin: Mm! Though this cream burns ;-;
Len: Aw Rin, when it burns it heals, you'll be okay kisses forehead Have fun for me okay? If anything happens. You know what to do
Rin: Mm! I'll call you right away...I'll see you later hugs him
Len: hugs her back
Rin: Sayonara! waves leaving the door way
Len: waves by the door Sayonara Rin! ....I'm sorry... follows her quietly
At Miku's house
Miku: give me a lift!
Kaito: picks her up Get onto my shoulders now
Miku step ontop of Kaito's shoulders, onto the lower roof, making her way into her bedroom's windows
Miku raises a thumbs up outside from the window
Kaito: nods
Miku: Okay, my clothes...
Miku grabs a bag that was lying next to her bed and opens the closet that was across from her bed
Miku: picks out clothes to put into the bag Oh yeah! I should get my sleeping gowns and stuff! packs the sleeping gowns, and sleeping wear That should be all, phew, now back to Kaito! climbs out of the window with the bag and lands on the ground See! Not so bad!
Kaito: Phew...I know, but I was just trying to make sure
Miku: Thanks for worrying Kaito but Mikuo is also there if anything goes wrong smiles lets go! I have my stuff! I need a shower ahaha
Kaito: Right! Here, let me carry your bag for you
Miku: hands over the bag to Kaito what a gentleman you are today huh
Kaito: W-Well..I-I'm just trying to be a prince to my lady and your protector
Miku: giggles baka
Len was quietly observing Rin who heading towards the park
Gumiya: Ah~ Rin! stands up
Rin: runs over to him Hey Gumiya!
Len: rolls fist (Gumiya....)
Gumiya hugs Rin
Len: G..!
Rin: Um...
Len: (Already making a move?!)
Gumiya: takes arms off  What? Don't like it? It was just a hug winks
Rin: W-Well..it's not like I don't like it...it was just out of no where...
Gumiya: Ahhh sweet Rin wraps arm around her back Just admit it...you like it
Len: (Don't Rin, don't let him!)
Rin: shakes his arms off  Anyways...Where do you wanna go?
Len: good... (g-g I can't just stand around here.)
Gumiya: Well, anywhere you may ask my dear! I will go anywhere you may desire
Len: (Quick Len before this guy makes another move...ugh.)
Rin: Then...would you like to go to the bakery cafe? Len and I always go there for our date
Angel Len: Idiot, don't kill someone who never done anything but flirt. Another way!
JealousyLen: I got it boys! Make Gumiya attract for another woman away from Rin! claps attract Gumiya with your looks! You are way more charming then you think Len. Steal the boy's heart. Rin will leave! TERRIBLE DATE)
Len: (NONE OF THIS IS HELPING! Dressing up just to get Gumiya away from Rin?! Seriously??? But hey that is something...)
Gumiya: smirks Why not? I would be honored to go on this lovely date with you to the cafe
Rin: May I remind you, it's a hangout? Not a date
Gumiya: Yes Yes, a hangout, lets go takes her hand
Rin gets dragged along with him
(AngelLen: After all, violence is never the answer Len. Rin wouldn't want you to do that. I agree with JealousyLen. So Len would you want to blow your cover or make Rin go home without noticing?
JealousyLen: Yay me~
Len: (...Rin wouldn't like if she found out I followed her. I said I trusted her...)
(JealousyLen: He's been making moves on her, and tried to convince it was a date)
Len: ...
(ugh okay okay! Fine! I'LL DO IT! TO THE STORES)
At the bakery
Gumiya: So my darling Rin? How have you been?
Len was picking out dresses
(Len: oh my god...)
Rin: I've been better, though a lot of things has been going on these past few weeks
(Len: Fine...this...)
Gumiya: Will you tell me? Explain to me what happen
Len purchases a costume then dresses up in the fitting room
Rin: I-I don't really wanna remember, plus everything is going to be alright
(Len: Oh my god...oh well this is nothing. Rin made me wear one of these before...aaah..now off to that bakery.)
Gumiya: Oh come on, you know you can trust me
Rin: W-Well...all I can tell you is that...I was confronted by Lily
Gumiya: L-Lily?! Ho-wow...(Interesting....)
Rin: Mhm...B-But, enough about me! How have you been Gumiya? It's been a while, since I-I've last seen you
Len made his way outside to the bakery
Gumiya: flicks hair I've been doing fine myself
Len: (Found them, now lets see what other moves this bastard got.)
Len enters the cafe in a maid outfit. The employees greeted Len like he has always worked there.
"Hello miss"
Len: (G-G! M-miss...) ahem hi
Len was standing around like an employee
Len takes a tray from a table and held it in hands, smiling
Gumiya: But come on Rin, tell me more about yourself. You've changed, and gotten cute, I've missed you so much ever since middle school...touches her hand
Len: (CUTE?!)
Rin: ... I didn't really change that much, but Len changed me though...smiles He's always there for me
Len: (...yeah I have Gumiya. Always...had...) looks at down at the tray (You still brought me up after putting up with me. My coward side and protectiveness maybe even my jealousy. At least I can see that you love me, but of course you do, I'm just an idiot stalking. Should I really be doing this..?)
Gumiya: Ah! Rin, this is between you and me, not the little lamb
Rin: Little lamb?
Len: (On second thought!!!)
Gumiya: Never mind that, here would you like another refill?
Rin: Uhh..sure
Gumiya: Excuse me! Little miss over there!
Len: O///O Y-yes? walks over
Gumiya: Would you be a dear and get some more of that tea for my beautiful princess?
Len: (y-your beautiful princess?!) O-of course giggles and walks over to the counter to refill the tea (God this guy is really trying to take her away from me behind my back too! There's no turning back on this, or second thoughts, I must...be more attractive! I'll free you Rin! Away from Gumiya!) Here you go miss! hands over the tea to Rin
Rin: Arigatou smiles
Len: smiles back
Rin: Wow, you're so kawaii! You remind me of my boyfriend Len...I used to make him wear one of those before!
Len: Oh wow! That's so nice of you sweety! Hehe you're also cute yourself~ So are you fine handsome man (ew...take that back, take that back.)
Gumiya: Why Thank you M'lady kisses "her" hand
Len: Oh-hehe blushes (I feel disgusted. Can this end soon?)
Gumiya: We should hang out sometime, you are a one of a kind
Len: (Never in my life) I would love to with you! You are so cute~
Gumiya: But...that can never happen, I am with my lovely girl right here, I truly apologize...m'lady...smirks
Len: (NO YOU WON'T) Oh that's a shame! I don't know if that girl has ever shown her affections to you like I have. I'm sure we can be something more if you wish~ (AHHHH STOP STOP STOP FOR RIN!!!!!!!! I MUST!!!!!!!!!!!)
(DevilLen: I'm laughing my ass off)
Len: (SHUT UP!)
Gumiya: You are very cute I must say but hugs Rin I have eyes on this beauty
Gumiya: But, if you'd like, I would give you a chance walks up to "her" and takes "her" chin
Len: (oh no...just play along Len...this better be worth it...go Rin..go Rin..!)
Rin: Um...so...should I get going...or?
Len: x.x um...hehe...
Gumiya: Nani? No, Rin, you can't, we just got here
Rin: You seem...preoccupied with...her
Gumiya: smirks Is my Rinny jealous?
Rin: No...
Gumiya: Rin.. walks up to her and twirls her into my arms No need to lie whispers into her ear Sooner or later...you will fall for me again..
Rin: blushes red and pushes him off
Rin: I-I already have Len..s-so I'm sorry Gumiya...
Len: (Haha Gumiya!) giggles
Gumiya: smirks Maybe this will change your mind about him kisses her
Len: ...
Len stood in silence with his tray in hand, his girl being kissed, kissed without consent.
Len: (Th-this leaves me no choice...I told Rin that he is bad! I knew it all along he would do something like this! Rin...) drops tray Um...excuse me..
Gumiya: breaks off the kiss Hmm?
Len knocks Gumiya out with a punch to the face
Rin: Gumiya!
Len: I blew my cover takes off the little hat
Rin: covers mouth....
Len: Rin please understand, I know I said I trust you, but...this is what I meant by Gumiya isn't trustworthy. I knew something like this would happen.I couldn't just let you walk away with that guy all around you. It's not like I can run to where ever you are in time from home. So please listen, I had to. touches her face for you
Rin: removes his hand
Len: ...
Rin: I-I just want to be by myself...
Len: Gomen..
Rin: walks away
Len: Rin...
Len was standing helplessly
Len: See you home then...
Gumiya: Heh... leans up a little
Len: You...
Gumiya: smirks Aww...did Rinny get mad over her boyfriend? How sad
Len: This is your fault, interfering with our relationship. She will never fall for you.
Gumiya: Oh? Did Rin not tell you yet?
Len: Tell me? Tell me what?!
Gumiya: So she didn't... chuckles a little and gets up Oh well, looks like you'll have to find out yourself smirks I wish the best of luck to you two...I will make her mine again, Kagamine Len... walks away
Len stayed in the bakery for a while, thinking to himself alone
Len: (What is he talking about?! Find out myself? I know Rin isn't hiding anything from me, we've promised together not to keep secrets from each other after all... sighs For all I know, I won't give up. Rin will forgive me...she will...she knew what Gumiya did. If she loves me then she'll understand pretty soon. Gumiya left me with no choice. It was either to lose Rin or protect her. I'm not who I was before. Not the little lamb Gumiya calls me.)

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