❖Chapter 25 ❖

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Miku gets out from the shower
Miku: Refreshed! stretches Much better than a few days ago smiles
Kaito: knocks Miku? All done?
Miku: Hang on! Patience! changes into clothes Oof! gets out of the bathroom and smiles yes!
Kaito carries her then twirls her around into his arms
Miku: Ey! >-<
Kaito: chuckles You like that?
Miku: giggles hehe! Well not just that... wraps arms around Kaito's neck It's just.  It feels like we're living together like a married couple! blushes red
Kaito: blushes and puts her down I-I mean...it does seem like it...
Miku: Y-yeah! I would love to stay here with you forever. But I-still have a home.
Kaito: Yeah...I know, but at least you're safe with me
Miku: leans against Kaito's chest And I always feel safe with you
Kaito: Of course you do, I swear that I won't get you hurt! And you won't! Not on my watch at least
Miku: Then I'll do the same for you!
Kaito: Nani? Miku, you don't have to say that
Miku: Yes I do idiot! takes Kaito's hand by force You saved me way too many times!  And I felt guilty for having you save me because I was being weak!
Kaito: Oh come on Miku...it wasn't your fault that you were weak! It was your fathers fault for making you like this
Miku: I should've been stronger....to take in my own pain...
Kaito: But now kisses her cheek I'm here with you to share the same pain that you are going through, you don't have to suffer this by yourself any longer
Miku: kisses Kaito
Kaito: Mhm...Come on! I'll make you lunch! With whatever you desire Princess
Miku: Hmm... thinks hard about food
Kaito: Anything you want?
Miku: I CALL! LEEKS WITH SHIRATAKI! puts hands on hips stay healthy winks
Kaito: Alright then! At your service M'lady! walks down to the kitchen
Miku follows Kaito to the kitchen
Kaito: Just Shirataki and leeks? No seasoning or anything? o-o
Miku: I would like a ranch with it!
Kaito: That's it?
Miku: Hai!
Kaito: You're so plain Miku takes a pack of shirataki noodles from the pantry
Miku: sticks tongue out At least I'm healthy!
Kaito: G! Are you calling me fat!?!
Miku: Maybe...
Kaito: gasp YOU TAKE THAT BACK! I am not fat... -3-
Miku stares at the ice cream wrappers that are in the trash can over at a corner then giggles
Kaito: H-Hey! What are you staring at?!?
Miku: I wonder how you maintain to be so fit with all the ice cream you eat!
Kaito: Obviously, because I exercise! A hot guy like me gotta build up some muscles smirks
Miku: blushes ahem yeah sure...anywaaays...I want to cook something too
Kaito: You can chop up the leeks over there points to the leeks on the kitchen table
Miku: No!
Miku look through the drawers and cubbies for ingredients
Kaito: What are you doing? o-o
Miku finds a pack of noodles, wheat, oil, then grabs a bottle of soy sauce, pouring water into a pot, carrying the pot placing it on the stove
Miku: I am cooking too!
Kaito: Uhhh...
Miku puts the noodles inside the hot water, picking up the noodles with the mixing bowl, pouring oil on it, she shakes around the bowl
Kaito: Miku that's not how you're suppose to do it o-o
Miku grabs a plate from the dishwasher. She place the noodles on the plate
Kaito: (who puts oil in noodles?!? T-T)
Kaito: Fine...
Miku makes a little tower out of the noodles, pouring soy sauce on it, decorated with wheat and pieces of salad
Kaito: O-O
Miku: >///< blushes red hmph! Here! places plate on the table with a pair of chopsticks
Kaito: Uhhh...
Miku: You can trust me on this! I knew what I was doing! DO YOU NOT BELIEVE ME?!
Kaito: O-Of course I believe you!!!
Miku: I wanted to make lunch for you too! So you better accept it!
Kaito: I-Isn't this too much for lunch??? o-o
Miku: No! It's special for lunch! For you! turns around quickly to the counter to chop up leeks
Kaito: Aww...Miku, Thats sweet of you
Miku: I-I-Is my Shirataki done?!
Kaito: Yeah it's almost done pours it onto a plate You're done chopping up the leeks?
Miku: Yeah! hands over leeks
Kaito takes the leeks then sprinkles them onto the noodles, he gets a ranch bottle and squirts all over the noodles
Kaito: Looks very good, if I do say so myself =w=
Miku: Wooow ☆o☆ I love it! The sparkling leeks make it look even more delicious! Say...isn't this too much for lunch hehe
Kaito: Like you said it's special for lunch!
Miku: giggles
Miku and Kaito sat at the table and picked up their chopsticks
Miku: tries out the Shirataki WOOOW Oh yeah I should mention...that plate of yours is called...Somen. Mom taught me how to cook that before she died smiles It was my favorite meal
Kaito: Wow...well then, I'm pretty sure it'll become mine too! tries it out O:
Miku: Is it bad...?
Kaito: No...It's.......AMAAZZZZIINNGGG!!!!
Miku: I still got it mommy^~^
But...aside from my plate, your Shiritaki is also AMAZING!
Kaito: A-Arigatou
Miku: NOMS THE WHOLE PLATE aaaaaaaaaaaaah~
Kaito: Geeezzz o-o Already???
Miku: pats belly  aaaaaah-hiccup I ate too fa-hiccup GEEZ >.< hiccups more WATER! rushes to the refrigerator and gulps down a glass of water Better~ =w=
Kaito: finishes the whole plate =w= that was heaven...
Miku: blushes >////< M-m-maybe I should cook for you more then!
Kaito: Yeah you should, that was probably the best meal I had...plus smirks Maybe we can have a cook off
Miku: Another one? Remember the last time we did one... flashback to the pancake scene, nods yep, that happened
Kaito: Oh come on! Miku! This time! It won't happen again!
Miku: sigh Whatever, okay a cook off it is! I won't burn anything this time!
Kaito: You sure? Cause you might burn something from heatness of myself
Miku: Baka! Sure I will! That won't happen! Just you watch you smexy beast! I CAN OVERCOME IT!
Kaito: OH YEAH?! Prove it then!
Kaito tears his shirt off
Kaito: pins her against the fridge
Miku: Nope! closes eyes No no >///<
Kaito: Come on Miku...you know you wanna look whispers into her ear in a sexy way You know you want to~
Miku: face heats up, burning red AAAAAAAAAAAAH! THAT VOICE! breaks away I surrender!
Kaito: Hah! See! Told ya
Miku: T_T
The door was being unlocked
Miku: o.o Nani?
Kaiko went inside with Mikuo, Kaito was still shirtless while Miku was sitting on the kitchen floor
Kaito: Uhhhhh
Mikuo: Well then...
Kaiko: Nii san? Miku?
Miku: Um! Yeah! Kaito is being Kaito! HE WAS BEING SEXY AGAIN T_T
Mikuo: (Sis falls for guys like him, at least he's the very first to make her that way, very odd...but I won't question it...) Okay, anywho! Miku
Miku: Heh? o.o
Mikuo: I have a little bad news.
Miku: Bad or good? I like good please.
Mikuo: Sis, this isn't the time to joke.
Miku: Aw man...
Kaito: (Oh no...)
Mikuo: It's Meito. He's back in town. Father called.
Miku: M-MEITO?!
Kaito: NANI?!
Miku: NO! I WON'T SEE HIM! FATHER CAN SUCK! I'm not going with him again!
Kaito: And she won't! Not when I'm around!
Mikuo: Okay, just be careful. Father hasn't given up yet, and I'm not sure what Meito thinks of this
Kaiko: Yeah, be careful guys...
Miku: I'm not leaving this house! Not when that jerk is around.
Mikuo: Just still little sis, father will do anything to get you back.
Kaito: No he won't! Not when I'm around! puts fist and hand together If he wants Miku! He has to get through me! Even this "Meito" guy
Miku: Kaito...hugs him
Mikuo: And I will be here to help too. No one can harm my only little sister. I won't let it happen again. I'm sorry I was never there for you Miku. Now you can count on your big brother, and Kaiko too, your step sis soon to be law. smiles
Kaiko: blushes
Kaito: I'm sorry what? Soon to be law?!?
Miku: Mikuo...you're not...
Mikuo: Uh huh. I kinda...well..slip in a ring somewhere...Sorry Kaito, I slipped a ring onto your sister's hand ^^
Miku: You're engaged this early?! THIS IS...its great!
Mikuo: Yep, we believe if we get married early. Our love is eternal ^^
Kaito runs up to Mikuo and holds out his hand
Mikuo: o.o Kaito????
Miku: I can't believe I'm going to have a sister finally!
Kaiko: Same! Having a older brother is annoying at times
Mikuo: hugs him back Ahaha there there Kaito, you've always been a brother to me (At least I think so.)
Miku: Tell me about it Kaiko
Kaito: Heeey!!/Mikuo: HEY!
Miku: You boys don't understand your younger siblings feelings T_T
Miku: Pffffffffft You've never played with me! I always played by myself ;-;
Kaito: Awww come on!! bring it in guys!!! It's time for some sibling bonding time TUT
Miku: I guess...
Mikuo: Yeah come on Miku! Let's all forget about our past and give it off with a nice hug! Like brothers and sisters lets out a hand
Miku: mMmmm...Do I trust the hand or not?
Mikuo: Miku!
Kaiko: giggles
Miku: -.- takes the hand
Kaiko: Wait! Before we have a group hug
Mikuo: Huh? Kaiko?
Kaiko: Nii San! Go put on a shirt!
Kaito: Wait Nani? looks down and looks at the ripped up shirt on the ground Oh. Uhh BE RIGHT BACK!! runs upstairs
Mikuo: Why were you guys against the fridge while he was shirtless? (Questioning it.)
Miku: U-Um... flushes red @///@
Mikuo: I see...so you are into guys like him huh sis?
Kaito: runs downstairs Alright! GROUP HUGG!!!
The Shion and the Hastune siblings all huddle in together, hugging like family
Miku: (M-Meito is really back...)


??? picks up the phone
(???): Hey there buddy, long time no talk.....Watcha say? Len with Rin? Hmmm I can help you with that, if you can help me with these two name Kaito and Miku ^^...Deal?
(???): Give me a moment to set out plans.
(???): Okay, let's go meet up at a cafe how bout it?
(???): Afternoon
(???): Alrighty, see ya there kid

Len was sitting alone at a bench
Len: (''looks like you'll have to find out yourself'' what could he be talking about...?)
Rin: walks up to Len Len?
Len: Hmm...Rin? looks up at her
Rin: giggles a little Still wearing that I see.
Len: blushes then waves heh...haha do I look cute?
Rin: Mhm ^^...can I sit down?
Len: scoots over  go ahead.
Rin: sits next to Len I appreciate for what you did Len, but can't you trust me for once?
Len: looks down  I'll try next time, sorry, it's just. He kissed you, and you could've stopped him, but I guess my jealousy side wouldn't allow it, I care so much for you Rin...mhm but I'll let you handle it next time I guess. You just worry me sometimes Rin chuckles I'm sorry still.
Rin hugs him tight, with tears dripping down
Len: Rin-chan...? hugs her back
Rin: You have no idea...how scared I was, if you weren't there at all...I-I wouldn't know what I would do...
Len: smiles and hugs her more And that what's I thought, I knew you needed me, I knew how uncomfortable you looked. I didn't like him any bit. You need to trust me, that way I will be there. For you. pulls Rin away  You understand? All I want is for you to be with me. No one else's. You're mine and it's the best I can do for the one I love. Rin.
Rin: sniffs I know...but..I don't always want to depend on you every time, it makes me feel...weak looks at hands shaking and smiles I guess it's because I've always been that way...
Len: No Rin. You're not weak. You were never weak from the start. You have shown to me what having courage means. What it means to save your lover, to protect them. You think you're weak, but to me you have sparkled something within here points at heart that I never thought I would find. I want to protect you more than ever. The night Lily tried to kill me, you saved me. You have such more things in you that you never thought about. I was the coward one, therefore I was weak. So here I am now because of you, you're the reason I've changed. I love you Rin.
Rin: Len...Thank you for saying that Len, I never knew I always had someone to say such things to me...you have a really kind heart and a good guy smiles brightly I'm glad that you're always there for me...
Len: And you're adorable, lighten up a bit so I can cherish that smile of yours. Those tears don't suit you so let me...
Len wipes Rin's tears away with a finger, giving out a soft smile. Rin smiles happily.
Rin: nods I will! For you!
Len: smiles gently ....(Maybe it's best to forget what he said. But no, I have to find out what he meant...demo should I even trust his words? What if there's nothing to hide about and I'm just being paranoid about it right now? No Len, its better to find out the truth right now.) S-So Rin...can I ask you something?
Rin: Go ahead
Len: A-Are you hiding anything from me...?
Rin: H-Hiding from you? No, of course not! We promised each other not to keep secrets after all
Len: I know, but...I just wanna make sure, was there anything going on between you and (God. Do I have to say it?) G-Gumiya?
Rin: ...(Oh no...does he know?! Did he told him?! H-He can't know, or else...Len will go on a rampage if he does!) N-No! N-Nothing! Nothing at all!...lets just go home! I-It's getting late
Len: (...this isn't like her. It's more like she's dodging the question, she's stuttering and hesitating.But if I push her to tell me the truth, she'll feel pressured, I'll ask her later, I have to know what's going on. Sooner or later I have to find out about the truth. This is for the both of us.) Alright, lets go takes her hand

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