❖Chapter 9❖

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Miku's Pov~

Miku: AHA, PERFECT! KAITO ALWAYS WEAR A SCARF! AND A DASHING COAT! His white and his blue c:  Aha brown long boots! Perfect!  A dashing prince wear boots! Now all I need is...the scent of a guy and hmm my hair ;-;
Amy {in disguise} : Need a new hair style?!
Miku: Yes Miss! These twin tails won't do! So I need something uh short but not a haircut! I love my long hair thank you very much.
Amy: So you're saying a short looking bun!
Miku: Yes, that works!
Amy: Okay ^^ please have a seat right over there
Miku takes a seat right in front of a mirror. The "employee" ties Miku's hair hair into a lower bun. She applies gel to Miku's bangs, moving it to the right.
Amy: Watcha think?
Miku: Just what I need! Arigatou!
Amy: You're welcome
Miku: (Ahhhh now I just need...well I think guys aren't extra like girls are! That's a fact right o.o hmm....OOO wait! THAT'S RIGHT! Perfume! Guy perfume! Is that what they call it o-o) heads over to a men store
Guy: Uh are you getting something for your boyfriend?
Miku: No! For me! I
Guy: confused Miss...this is for men and they're called colone
Guy: Miss I can reassure you..
Miku: stares deadly
Guy: H-here!
Miku: Thank you!
Guy: That girl is scary.
Miku: Okay! Hair done! Perfume!  Clothes picked out! High heel brown boots! Yep! Obviously I can't look like Kaito with this hair, unless it's cut! But this would do! Now I wait!...gasp!  I think a mask will look great with this! heads over to a costume shop  :0 perfect! white mask ;) to match the prince attire. No one will know my identity hehe! I'll take this!
Girl: Okay, here you go  
Miku: All set and done :) walks mwahaha charming Miku, why yes I'll take your hand Princess Kaito

Kaito Pov~

Kaito: Hmm Hmm if I'm gonna be a princess... notice a makeup store and gulps Here goes nothing!! T-T Uh excuse me! I WANT TO GET A PRINCESS LOOK!
Cindy {in disguise}: RIGHT AWAY MISTER!
Cindy was doing Kaito make up
Cindy: There you go mister! A beautiful princess make up!
Kaito: Looks at the mirror W-WOAH! I look just like Miku o-o That gives me an idea....Thank you miss!
Cindy: Come back any time (Hehehehe)
Amy: (Nice work Cind!)
Cindy: (You too Amy!)
Kaito: Now for my hair. Uhh excuse me miss! Can I get a wig?
Girl: Which wig are you interest in?
Kaito: Do you have any twin tails?
Girl: Yes! gets a teal twin tail wig Would you like this?
Kaito: Perfect! Thank you!
Girl: Anytime
Kaito: Okay Make up and hair done. Hmm what else...Oooh! gowns! walks inside a gown store Excuse me Miss! I would like a princess dress! Actually just give me the beautiful dress you have in this store!!
Girl: walks towards him and notice his face Uhh Okay...just wait a minute
The girl comes back with the dress
Girl: Is this good enough?
Kaito: Hmm...No, something more flashy!
The girl shows another one
Kaito: No!
The girl showed another dress
Kaito: No no no!
Another dress shown..
Kaito: No! I don't like— sees a beautiful  black gown PERFECT! I will take this!
Girl: Alright, is this for your girlfriend?
Kaito: Uh no...this is for me
Kaito: Have a good day! Okay I think I got everything...Right? Hmm.... gasp A mask! Yes! walks towards the costume shop Hello! I want the best princess mask you have! A black one too!
Girl: Alright sir, is this what you want?
Kaito: Hmm No!
Girl: What about this?
Kaito: No no! I want feathers added
Girl: Like this?
Kaito: Hmm...do you have one that has designs on the mask?
Girl: Of course...shows another one
Kaito: Hmmmmm.....
I guess this will have to do  (sheesh what kind of mask store is this?) walks out of the store Yes! I got everything
Miku: was sitting at a bench waiting  and sees Kaito WoooW!
Kaito: MIKKUUU~ talks like a princess, runs towards Miku as if she was 1ft taller than me (that's hard to imagine, she's shorter than me o.o)
Miku: Kaito :D you look so..so..I MEAN Ahem, m'lady~
Kaito: Prince charming
Miku: Lets get dress at home, choosing clothes for guys is hard ;-;  so plain!
Kaito: Tell me about it! I didn't know picking outfits is hard I had to go through 40!
Miku: Welcome to being a girl! sighs  OH WAIT I FORGOT Before we go home!
Kaito: Yeah
Miku: calls Mikuo
Mikuo phone rings, he answers it
Mikuo: Sis?
Miku: Mikuo?! Where have you been?!
Mikuo: Places
Miku: Places isn't a good enough answer! You left for almost a good month baka!
Mikuo: Sorry I didn't mean to worry you, didn't I left a note on your desk next beside your bed?
Miku: UuuuuH about that....
Miku wakes up, stretching out her arms. She looks to her right side noticing a note on her desk.
Miku: takes the note and reads
"Sis I'll be gone for..."
"There's food left on the counter for you. With leeks ^^ and more food in the refrigerator! Take.."
"-Your Brother Mikuo"
Miku: FOOD?! :D AW BROTHER IS THE BEST! \○•a•○/ !!!!
Miku: (Heheh x.x...)
Kaiko: Mikuo who are you talking to on the phone?
Kaito: Is that Kaiko?!
Miku: Oh wait what? Kaiko is with you?!
Mikuo: Yeah, we're heading back home. About to head out of the airport
Kaito: Already?!
Miku: AIRPORT?!?! You traveled?!
Mikuo: It was a secret ^^
Kaito: Suspicious
Miku: Very.
Mikuo: Woah do I hear Kaito over there???
Miku: Ah-! Well..mmm-maybe?
Kaito: Hey! Mikuo!
Mikuo: Oh Kaiko, it's Kaito
Kaiko: What?! Kaito?
Mikuo: hands the phone to Kaiko
Miku: Wait! Let's face time! face times
Kaito: Oh my god! Wow
Miku: You guys did went together!
Mikuo: waves and smiles  
Kaito: Lil sis are you dating him?
Kaiko: W-What?! blushes
Mikuo: chuckles
Kaito still has make-up
Kaiko: Wait, I can't see you guys clearly...
Mikuo: Here this might help brightens up the phone
Kaiko: gasp Oh my god, KAITO?!? O.O
Mikuo: Uh Miku, Kaito?
Kaito: Uhhhh
Mikuo: I find Miku with a bun okay, but Kaito?
Kaito: What? Aren't I pretty? sassy princes voice
Miku: About that...
Mikuo: Uh huh talks strangely
Miku: We're...cross dressing
Kaiko: Whaaaaat???
Kaito: Yeeeeepp
Kaiko: burst out laughing
Mikuo: laughs with Kaiko
Kaito: Hey! Why can't anyone take that seriously?!?
Miku: I know right! Meanies!
Mikuo: I love you too lil sis. We're going straight home now okay? Let's meet up at our house
Kaiko: See you all soon!
Mikuo: hangs up
Kaito: Hmph! I don't know why they were laughing though
Miku: The fact you look like your sister teehee
Kaito: I look fabulous :) Wait...MIKU! Again with the comparing! You look like your brother!
Miku: Whatever! We're siblings, of course we look alike. Anyways...let's meet up with them at my house
Kaito: Okay!
Rin and Len
Len: I don't want to see her face again...
Rin: I don't either! I swear! If she touches you one more time!
Len: If she touches you! I will not back off this time! sigh I never knew she had feelings for me. All I know is that she was bullying you back in elementary school. I wish I did something. I wish I could've stand up for you. I would've taken the beat for you. But all I am was..
Rin: Don't say such things Len! But that explains a lot why she is always around you...
Len: I'm sorry Rin
Rin: It's okay
Len: I changed
Rin: I know you did
Len: I don't feel scared as I use to anymore...my only fear is losing you...I just want to. Protect you.
Rin: smiles  Len...I promise that I'll protect you too! I can't be a little girl anymore....
Len: Huh
Rin: She was right...I am annoying, free spirited. But now, I'm gonna change, for you.
Len: Rin...You don't have to change. I love the annoying you, I love what you are and who you are. We'll protect each other now that we know how we both feel...
Rin: Okay...
Len: I...was a total coward. No more Len, no more running away from the one you love tears come out a bit
Rin: Len...wipes his tears
Len: (I have to say it, its now or never. She must know my reasons. We're lovers now, so I...have to trust her, she has to know.) Rin...there's something that has been on my mind and I'm sorry I never told you...
Rin: Tell me what?
Len: quickly hugs Rin, more tears run down my cheeks Thank you
Rin: Huh?
Len: You gave me a home
Rin: Len?
Len: The truth is...my parents abandon me.
Rin: What?!
Len: I lived alone. No one loved me
Rin: Why didn't you tell me?!
Len: I was too scared to. I...didn't want you to worry about me.
Rin: But Len!! You worry about me the most and that isn't fair! I should be too! I should've been there for you! It's not fair!
Len: I HAD NOTHING ELSE TO SAY OKAY?! cries more my mom...my dad...never loved me! I had no one! I didn't know what to do! They say I am worthless...they say I couldn't succeed in life because I was born different! I couldn't be like the other boys. I always love to sing here and there. But music was forbidden, they wanted a doctor but I didn't want that future so they left me. I suffered for a long time Rin. Till I found you...right there before me, smiling at me. My first friend. clings on tighter gomenasai...gomenasai...don't cry..please..I don't want to see you cry because of me...
Rin: kisses his cheek and hugs him giggles you're the one crying silly, but please...no more secrets holds Len's cheeks
Len: stares blankly
Rin: It's okay...Len.. lets out a pinky finger and smiles Take it.
Len: takes her finger
Rin: From now on, we'll trust each other. Promise me you won't leave me! Len! I-I love you!
Len: smiles Rin...
Len pulls Rin in, kissing her on the lips. Rin kisses back
Miku: gets dress  Heeeh my haair! Oh ya and this hat with feathers! Almost forgot about that
Kaito: puts wig on
Miku: Hello prince charming winks at the mirror •. -/ ☆
Kaito: I definitely work out with that make up for sure!
Miku: opens up the door to the hallway SET AND DONE Kaito is still changing. What a slow poke
Miku waits in the living room. Kaito comes out slow motion with his dress flowing around him, smiling and waving like a princess. sparkle dazzle effect around~kawaaaaaaaii
Miku: Is that o-o I guess we thought of the same thing (I..I didn't expect him to have a wig that is exactly like my hair!)
Kaito: I guess we did. Don't I look just like you? but more princessy! strikes a pose, flicking the pigtails
Miku: Um no! Obviously I'm more princessy! Wait, I'm confuse about my own gender T_T
Kaito: shakes head
Miku: What am I?!
Kaito: My Prince Charming~
Miku: struggles to act like a prince (how does he do it!) M..m-m AHEM! M'lady! Shall we have this dance? lets a hand out
Kaito: Aww you shouldn't have princess voice activated, taking her hand
door unlocks
Kaito: o-o
Miku: Uhhh
Mikuo: And here we are!
Kaito: Uhhhh
Kaiko: Hii!!!...guuuys...
Mikuo/Kaiko: stares directly at them
moment of silence
Miku: blinks
Kaito: Uh...soo...YOU SEE NOTHING! carries Miku in bridal style
Kaito ran upstairs, his wig fell of on the steps. Kaiko and Mikuo stared at the wig in confusement.
Kaito yells while running up the stairs
Mikuo: looks at Kaiko awkwardly
Kaiko: Sooo...that happened
Mikuo: Welcome home?
Kaiko: Yep...
Mikuo: Well from the looks of it. Those two seem close
Kaiko: I think they're dating
Mikuo: How ironic, my sister is dating your brother
Kaiko: A-And...we are too...
Mikuo: blushes ye-yeah
Cindy: snaps pic
Mikuo: would you care for some leeks Kaiko •-•
Kaiko: Sure—Huh?
Mikuo: covers face with arm
Cindy: Oh don't mind us :DD
Amy: Crap the flash
Cindy: Well I'm sorry! Amy! I needed high quality pictures!
Miku: comes running downstairs JUMPS ON THEM
Cindy and Amy flew
Miku: ROPE!
Kaito: WHA!
Cindy: Bye bye!!!
Amy: Cya! :D
Kaito: I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS!! sees the rope Oh!
they got away
Kaito: Oh..
Miku: That was our only chance ;-;
Kaiko: Who were those two? Friends?
Mikuo: Uh they flew
Kaiko: Concerning?
Kaito: Very...
Miku: Annoying...
Kaito: I can't believe they got away!
Miku: I know -.-
Kaiko: Wait Wait Wait! Can someone explain what's going on?
Mikuo: Same
Miku: Well the more help we can get right?
Kaito: I guess so...but knowing my sister. Her clumsy side might mess the whole plan up
Kaiko: HEY!
Miku: giggles well it's worth a shot
Mikuo: Explain
Kaito: Those two girls that were here
Miku: Have been invading our love life
Kaito: And not just us/Miku: It's not just us
Kaito and Miku both blush
Miku: Rin and Len are involved in this whole mess... while Gakupo and Luka not so much, not sure why. Maybe they have adult things to do that there's no time for them to be alone as much.
Kaito: Yeah that's true, but they also been around them every so often. I wonder what they're doing now...
Miku: Me too
Mikuo: Question
Miku: Ye?
Mikuo: How come you never told me about Kaito, sis?
Miku: Uhhhh, well it happen while you guys were away.. fluster face
Kaito: I mean technically, what I wanna question here is...Since when are you two together smirks
Mikuo: hmmm, yet again it's ironic.
Kaiko: I-I guess so!
Mikuo: Didn't know you would date my sister..wanna tell the story Kaito?
Kaito: Uhh sure, but you all might wanna sit down for this one, It's going to be a loooooong story
Miku: I like stories!
Kaiko: Me too!
Miku: Yay twinsies!
Everyone was sitting on the couch, listening to Kaito story, when he first fell in love with Miku
Kaito: Okay...it started back at Crypton Studios, near the entertainment business center in the middle of the city. Miku and I didn't knew each other...but we knew of our songs we singed, but I guess you could say we were in a friendly rivalry
Miku: We never duet before back then...Heheh but the company, wanted to introduce me to Kaito so...
Kaito: Our managers one day introduced us to each other. It was...kinda awkward...
Miku: Yep! I don't know how I felt when I saw Kaito at first, But I felt something weird. A strange type of feeling
Kaito: Yeah...I didn't know what it was
Miku: He had the looks, the way he talk was funny and ahem hot, friendly guy... but he was also so compassionate and sweet. We were shy at first, but we got to know each other since we were going to be partners. Things happen. When you see only hear or see someone behind the screen, it's hard to determine their personality or who they really are but the look of Kaito brought me to curiosity. Back at the studio. When I first heard Kaito sang one of his songs, his voice was soft, charming, something that sang out who he is compare to a video. giggles It tickled my ears xD
Kaito: Hehe...blushes and rubs neck Like Miku said, we were eventually joined as partners, our managers picked out a song for us to sing together
Miku: Heheh yeah, then we tried one of my songs out, and it went pretty well then they said...our voices sounded incredible together that we should try to make our own song. We never made our own songs before. It was fun!
Kaito: I mean..sure it was hard...but you know as we were singing..I felt...a connection. It was different
Miku: Me too...we sang like it was nothing. Our voices synergized together
Kaito: Our harmonies and voices combined so gracefully..I was amazed
Miku: And as for making the song, it started out at my house. You weren't home once again Mikuo, you were with your friends
Mikuo: Ohhh, and yet you never told me about this Kai-boi back then
Miku: It was a business thing >p<
Kaito: A-Anyways back to what we were saying
Miku: Ah right
Kaito: Miku invited me to her house...honestly..I was pretty nervous
Kaiko: Of course you would be! Nii San had never step foot in a girls house EVER!
Kaito: Kaiko!
Miku: Heheh, Besides my brother and dad, I was nervous too. But without any question, I allowed him in my room and you know how my room was back then Mikuo
Mikuo: chuckles pretty much
Kaito: Ahem..we didn't do anything obviously, all we did was working together writing a song and composing the music for it...it was actually pretty fun, that time, I was able to get to know Miku better
Miku: Yep!
Mikuo: What was the first song you guys made? How did you came up with it?
Miku: Uhhh
Kaito: It was Cendrillion
Mikuo: And how did you come up with it? sarcastic geez I wonder
Miku: pft! Shut up Brother! You know why! Kaito knew what I liked because of how my room was, it was embarrassing...I love the fairytale Cinderella. How she runs away from her prince, leaving him with her glass shoe. So he can search far and wide for his love... Well...Cendrillon was quite a different tale
Kaito: We altered the story just a little
Miku: Just the thought of something that will make it more romantic! And more dramatic along with a happy ending! Not only that, the way I wrote my lyrics had to dealt with my feelings. I'm not sure if Kaito noticed hehe
Kaito: I-I mean...at that point, I was pretty oblivious, especially when it comes towards with love? But with Miku? It was different..her voice...it was angelic...so cute. Just hearing it through my ears, are like a musical wave flowing through my body, something about her...it was something I can't explain..
Miku: blushes K-kaito..but the confessing part...was awkward...Honestly, I never knew he had a love for ice cream. He didn't know about my obsession with leeks
Kaito: It was nothing for us to be ashamed of, but really Leeks? Out of everything, you were obsessed with leeks? xD
Kaito: gasp dramatically YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Miku: Will not!
Kaito: You know it's good!! EVEN LEEK ICECREAM!
Miku: Anywho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The confession part, started out in the park
Kaito: (make fun of my icecream just cause leeks are healthier -3-)
Miku: I saw the blue hair boy, with a scarf on, eating an ice cream. I wanted to go by the park because...I wanted to see if I could run into Kaito >.<
Kaito: I wasn't even expecting Miku to be there honestly
Miku: A-After a couple of years of being partners. I..wanted to say something. I had a letter kept in my heads. I couldn't say anything but gave Kaito the letter! blushes
Kaito: As she gave me the letter, she ran away without say anything. I didn't know what to say...I opened up the letter and found a written message
Miku: It was almost like a song lyrics heheh!
Kaito: nods I was a little shocked and was happy at the same time
Miku: I wrote it all on my own, and hope Kaito would accept my feelings
Kaito: Of course I did! All this time I also had feelings for Miku to! With all that has happened with us being partners...our feelings grown stronger
Miku: speechless
Mikuo: So that wraps up the story...All because of music huh
Kaiko: Aww! Music full of love! So romantic~
Kaito: blushes a little
Miku: Y-y-yeah! How about you two?
Kaiko: G!
Mikuo: Not so much of a long story like yours unfortunately
Kaiko: nods
Kaito: I wanna hear it!
Miku: Tell us!
Kaito: Tell.Us.Everything!
Mikuo: Like I said, not so much. But, we had notice you two were hanging out a lot. It was pretty much a boring summer. I met your sister Kaiko from well, Miku. We decided to hang out together for summer. Going out to the movies, park, all of that typical stuff. Very cliché like a date. But we were just friends. It was starting to get to the point where I realized I haven't been hanging out with my other guy friends a lot lately...but I have questioned myself. And I noticed Kaiko strange act around me...that made me act the same way towards her...
Kaiko:...We've been hanging around so much that I noticed I developed...f-feelings...I don't know why? It just happens...I mean I didn't want to admit them, cause I thought he wouldn't feel the same way
Mikuo: We both hid our feelings away from each other, couldn't say a word till one of us decided to speak..It felt lonely those times
Miku: I remember you were in your room all of the time
Mikuo: That time, yeah..Heh so it occurred to me one night, that I had to tell her even when she was asleep or not. Surprisingly, she was online.
Kaiko: N-Not cause I was waiting patiently for him or anything! B-But I also I want to tell him about how I feel to
Mikuo: Haha somehow, we admit at the same time
Kaiko: It was awkward...I was blushing so much that I nearly collapsed! None of us expected that to happen
Mikuo: I wish I could've seen your face XD
Kaiko: >///<
Miku: claps ! I'm happeh for you !  brother! :D and Kaiko! YOU COULD'VE TOLD ME THOUGH! And Mikuo! I was so worried when you locked yourself in your room!
Mikuo: Sorry sis!
Kaito: You could've told your own brother, I mean knowing me, I, can give great advice (:
Mikuo: It is the same for you two. Not telling us anything
Kaito: G!
Miku: >>....>
Kaito: You got a point...
Miku: I mean! You guys were away! WHAT WERE WE SUPPOSE TO DO
Mikuo: Call us
Miku: O call you to say, "I'm with Kaito!" I think that's better in person
Kaito: Alsssooo, if you guys were hanging out that time! Why didn't we know about that?!
Kaiko: I wanted to keep it a secret, besides you two were busy with recordings and stuff. Soooo I didn't wanted to bother you
Mikuo: Yeah. You guys had something to do, we had nothing during the summer
Miku: Guess you two are right
Kaito: Fair enough
Miku: Okay, since we said everything grabs Kaito's wrist we're wiping your make-up off
Miku: I tried to be serious holds laughter in
Mikuo and Kaiko laughed
Miku: But you look so pretty <3
Kaito: T-T I want aisuuu...
Miku: We'll get your ice cream once we remove your make-up okay?
Kaito: Okay oka sama...
Mikuo: Already like a married couple huh guys
Miku: Oh shush
Miku went with Kaito to the bathroom upstairs

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