❖Chapter 13❖

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AN: Time for some brotherly love bonding time! :D

At Kaito's house, Len was in Kaito's room, along with Kaito looking around his room
Len: Your room is fill with Miku stuff? looks at every poster raising an eyebrow
Kaito: Uhh umm...DON'T LOOK!
Len: How can I not look?! When it's all over your wall!
Kaito: W-Well, by closing your eyes?
Len: Then how am I going to see???
Kaito: Uhhh
Len: Kaito, you're not thinking
Kaito: I think when I think! eats ice cream
Len: When will you ever be serious? sighs
Kaito: Heh...it's funny when you ask that Len
Len: looks confused Huh
Kaito: I'm serious when it comes to Miku
Len: o.0 (He got all serious all of the sudden..) Are you playing tricks on me? Are you Kaito?
Kaito: Why would I play tricks Len?
Len: Okay then...If Miku was to be taken by someone else, if she was captured, what would you do?
Kaito: I would do everything in my power to get her back...she's the love of my life, I'm willing to give up everything just to save her...Even if it kills me
Len: o.o Woah...Um, you know, I take back what I said.
Kaito: Annnywaays, sooo why are you here?
Len: Uhhh...(damnit, just as I thought...nosy Kaito.)
Len: We just decided to sleep here you know? We haven't hung out like this in a while, since last summer break and a few years back, ever since you committed your time to Miku for the company
Kaito: fake tears You finally decided to hang out with your buddy...I'm so proud of you Len TwT
Kaito hugs him tightly
Len: squished yeah Kaito, heheh I miss you too..
Kaito: I'M SO HAPPY!!!!
Len: gets even more squished C-can't breathe...
Kaito: Anyways lets him go
Len: takes in air
Kaito: Tell me! Len! I need to know!
Len: W-wait! what?! I just told you!
Kaito: No no no no! There's more! I just know it
Len: Now you're just being nosy (EXTREMELY! WHY WON'T THIS IDIOT GIVE UP?) -.-
Kaito: I'm gonna use my thinking senses...HMMMMMMMM!!
Len: If I give you an ice cream, would you forget about this
Kaito: Ooo icecream! :DD WAIT NO!
Len: Damnit...
Kaito: I need to know Len
Len: (Kaito is so hard to convince!) Rin's parents are out of town and so are mine. We're just simple kids. We can't take care of ourselves and you know we're 14
Kaito: Hmm...
Len: ...
Kaito: stares intensely
Len: .....
Kaito: Okay!
Len: (phew..Like Miku said, he's idiot. For a second I thought he would figure out the lies by now.) Are you going to sleep or are you going to do something?
Kaito: Yeah, yeah soon...But...you know Len
Len: ???
Kaito: I may be a goofball sometimes but puts hand on his head You can always trust me
Len: (Well did I jinx it. Hugh he's being serious, and its not about Miku...) You wouldn't let this go, would you?
Kaito: I mean sometimes I CAN be nosy
Len: -.- Guess I have no choice or else you'll keep bothering me
Kaito: Yaaaatttaaa!!
Len: Don't tell Rin I told you, okay?
Kaito: My lips are sealed!
Len: sighs, lays on the bed with legs crossed, looking straight up at the wall Okay so, Rin and I are here because we want to get away
Kaito: Get away?
Len: closes eyes and thinks of Rin I want to protect Rin. I can't afford to let the same mistakes happen again.
Kaito: Uhh..I'm not following...What's going on?
Len: Rin is being threaten by a girl named Lily. Lily is a girl that has a huge liking for me for the longest time, But she wasn't my type at all. She bullied Rin back in elementary school and I was too much of a coward to stand up for Rin. But anyways, yesterday, Rin and I were going out to the boardwalk. Rin had a feeling we were being stalked, but I never noticed. At the boats, Lily pushed Rin out of the boat, leaving me to rescue her. Then at home, Rin caught a cold, so I went to get medicine. Leaving Rin left alone at home but I never knew Lily would followed us home. Course I was that stupid to think that, she's crazy Kaito.  She broke into the house without my watch... and then it's when we knew we weren't safe anymore. So I thought it was the best if she could stay with Miku. Until we can stop Lily.
Kaito: I see...you guys got it rough...but wait Len, when this girl "Lily" broke in, did Rin say anything about what happened? Anything, that Lily said?
Len: All she said was Lily threatening her.
Kaito: That doesn't concern you Len? I have a feeling she's hiding something from you
Len: You're right...I was so worried for Rin that I never thought of that
Kaito: Buuuut! You know! I could be just over reacting!
Len: I don't know Kaito. When you brought that up, I'm actually concern now. What did Lily said to her?
Kaito: That's for you to figure out tomorrow
Len: I know Rin trusts me, she has to...I love her.
Kaito: I'm sure she'll tell you everything Len, lighten up a bit
Len: I appreciate you trying to help me Kaito but its hard to get over with...protecting Rin from Lily is my duty..As her knight...blushes
Kaito: Awww! Len! Isn't that so Kawaii! See?! I knew someday you two would eventually be together!
Len: You guys changed me too
Kaito: Eh?
Len: You encouraged me and I'm thankful for that. I should never hide my feelings from Rin
Kaito: sniffs Len...That is the most sweetest thing you ever said to me
Len: Uh are you, crying?
Len: Tch!
Kaito hugs him tightly once more
Len: K-k-kaito! Air!
Kaito: lets go Call me by Onii San!
Len: Thats Rin's name for you. I'm comfortable with calling you Kaito
Kaito: Ehhh! It'll be cuter if you say it to -3-
Len: (This guy... -.-!)
Kaito: Oneggaaaiiii
Len: (THIS GUY!) On..onii..ss-san...There, happy???
Len: x---x
Kaito: YOU'RE SO KAWAII LEN!!! hugs him
Len: I THINK! WE Should Go To, bed.
Kaito: Oh right
Len: No, you cannot hug me while I'm asleep (weirdo)
Kaito: Tehhh...no fun
Len: Do that with Miku :^)
Kaito: Miku keeps smacking me ;-;
Len: Honestly, from what I witness, She loves you deeply. The only time she smacks you is when you're being an idiot
Kaito: Ehh! W-Well..You got a point rubs head
Len: I don't think she will smack you when you kiss or hug or being serious for once
Kaito: Heh, that's my Miku...smiles
Len: waves at Kaito's face while he's staring at a Miku poster up on his wall It's night time lover boy
Kaito: Oh yeahh!!! B-But, can I still hug you???
Len: ......I'M NOT A TEDDY BEAR !
Kaito: But you're so cuddly!!
Len: (May I please sleep on the floor) ......1 hug
Kaito: Yaaaaattaaa!!! You're so nice Len! sniff Even to your Onii San!
Len: sigh (it's whatever, it's Kaito, my best friend, what would I do without him anyways) hugs back
Kaito: =w= So cuddly
Len: I want sleep now x.x
Kaito automatically fell asleep while hugging Len
Len: Nani? o.o Do I have to? ...meh. My bed now :)
Len sleeps on Kaito's bed as Kaito is on the floor

An: An that my friends? Is how a brother relationship work :D
Make your older brother sleep on the floor, while you take the bed :DDD

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