❖Chapter 22❖

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Mrs. Hastune: When will you ever change?!
Mr. Hatsune: I can change when I want! Our daughter has a gift!
Mrs. Hastune: Doesn't mean you have to use her like that...that's just not fair to her! She's only 6 years old!
Mr.Hatsune: Sweetie...I don't think you understand, life is life! It's either this family or her! She won't even know
Mrs. Hastune: Yes she will! She's not dumb Hayato!! Sooner or later, she will know!
Mr. Hatsune: Unless we show her enough affection
Mrs. Hastune: sighs harshly I never knew you were like this, do you realize the consequences that lies within that company?!
Mr. Hatsune: The company has chosen Miku! At the age of 11-12 years old, she will be ready! I swear woman...you are just-
LilMiku: Daddy? Mommy?
Mr. Hatsune: hugs Yukki oh hi Miku~
Mrs. Hastune: ...shoos him away Sweetie? What are you doing out of bed? It's almost midnight
LilMiku: rubs eyes I-I couldn't sleep...I had a bad dream v-v
Mr. Hatsune: Why don't mommy go read you a bed time story?
LilMiku: Ya! :D I love mommy wents up to hug her
Ms. Hastune: smiles and holds her hand Come on now, mommy is going to tuck you to bed and maybe even a fairytale story?! How about that?
LilMiku: smiles cheerfully Tell me the tale of Cinderella!!
Mr. Hatsune: Good night Miku, promise me you'll grow up to be a great singer. Sing with all of your heart. Every one will adore your adorable little voice kisses forehead
LilMiku: Okay daddy cx I will! Oyasumiiiii! Let's go mommy! Cinderella! jumps happily
Mrs. Hastune: frowns at him and smiles Alright sweetie, lets go
In LilMiku's room
LilMiku: So, what happened to Cinderella? pulls up blanket covering mouth Did the prince ever found her? •-•
Ms. Hastune: Yes dear, after Cinderella ran away, her slipper slipped out of her foot and the prince said "I must find the girl who had worn this shoe"
LilMiku: But anyone would've fit the shoe!
Ms. Hastune: That's true...but you know what!
LilMiku: Huh? •o•¿¡
Ms. Hastune: The Prince actually went to Cinderella's house before anyone else! And you remember the steps sisters right?
LilMiku: Y-yes, they were cruel!
Ms. Hastune: Yes they were indeed! But their feet were too big to fit the slipper!
LilMiku: Hehe! But the prince found the girl right?! They lived happily ever after! ...Mommy...
Ms. Hastune: Yes dear?
LilMiku: yawns I want to fall in love like in the stories. I want to be like you and daddy...Some day my prince will come right? Fairytales...are...real yawns again, slowly closing eyes
Ms. Hastune: smiles Of course dear, then you and him will live happily ever after. pulls the blanket up and kisses her forehead
LilMiku: grips onto mommy's hand promise you won't ever leave me mommy? You and daddy love me...right...?
Ms. Hastune: places the other hand on top of hers Miku...you know mommy will never leave you, I will always love you...always
LilMiku: okay...smiles then falls asleep
Ms. Hastune: smiles and sighs If only you could live a normal life... gets up and leaves the room
It was morning~
Miku: mm.
Kaito: gets out of the shower ahh =w= what a lovely shower...
Miku opens eyes
Miku: ...where..
Miku quickly gets up from the bad dream
Miku: KAI-to.. stares strangely
Kaito: Uhh
Kaito was all wet with a towel on his neck
Miku: @-@ Gyah! red face
Kaito: H-Hey! It's normal for me to do this every morning!
Miku: whispers to self even after all that happened...Kaito is still hot...and I still act like this! Baka baka baka baka Miku!!!
Miku instantly slaps herself
Miku: Ow! It still stings...
Kaito: Miku?! Daijubou?! runs to her
Miku: stares... (HE'S SO CLOSE!!! THIS IS TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT!!! THOSE ABS!!!) K-K-Kaito! (Ah its like in the mangas! Where the girl gets nervous around the guy who accidentally went out of the shower half naked then then...I can't take it!) pushes Kaito
Kaito: tilts head in confusion What's wrong?
Miku: You...you... >-<
Kaito: Nani?? Spit it out!
Kaito: Because I do this all the time!!
Miku: face got redder I'M A GIIIIIRL! GOD YOU ARE SO HOT! STOOOOP BEING SO SMEXY! accidentally falls over on Kaito off into the floor aah! NO THIS IS LIKE IN THE MANGAS! Nani?! Nani?! MAKE IT STOP!!! @////@
Kaito: blushes red and pushes her up and leans up O-Okay...maybe I should go put a shirt on...Ehehe...
Miku: ....
Miku faints
Kaito: O-O MIKU! shakes her
Miku: His chest was naisu....like leeks...
A sudden phone rings
Kaito: Oooh! A phone call!! Wait...WHY THIS EARLY?! runs over to the phone and picks up Kaito at your service!
Len: HEY! I hope you didn't forget about us!!
Kaito: What?
Len: facepalms You ordered your damn meal then left! You even made us pay for you!! Also you weren't Kaito! In fact! Are you even Kaito? My bad, wrong phone number!
Kaito: N-No! Wait! Len! sighs But if you're that worried, I'll come over and explain everything to you
Len: Nah nah, we're coming over, We need answers
Kaito: ...Nani? o-o
door bell rings
Len: All planned
Len: Hurry up, can't wait here all day!
Kaito runs immediately downstairs and opens the door
Len: covers Rin's eyes Are you serious?
Kaito: What?
Kaito: looks down OH CRAP!
Len: (This guy...)
Rin: Huh?
Len: Nothing to see Rin ^^ covers her eyes
Len guide Rin in the house, covering her eyes still
Kaito: gets a shirt and puts on
Len: Okay, we need the details
Kaito: Uhh
Miku arrives downstairs still sleepy
Miku: That...was a dweamy dweam...
Len: Miku is here?
Kaito: C-Cause she was here for a sleepover
Rin gasp at the sight of the bandage on Miku's cheek
Len: Sleepover huh? No really, we need EXTRA DETAILS, EVERY SINGLE ONE! GIVE US ALL OF IT!!!
Kaito: B-But...it's you know...adult business
Len: You guys aren't even adults and its funny when its said by an ice cream man and a leek lover
Miku: What's going on? I heard leeks scratches head
Rin: Tell us what's going on...you're all practically leaving us like we belong in the shadows here...
Miku sat along on the couch with the group
Miku: I really don't know. I hate to remember. Would it be better to let it go :T
Len: Nope, you both are going to tell us right now. We're all best friends
Rin: And if you don't tell us...how can we trust each other?
Len: We're concern okay? Kaito wasn't himself yesterday and MIKU! Didn't came along at the diner.
Miku: I couldn't come because! I said family business!
Rin slams her hands on the table
Miku: Rin-chan?
Rin: Fine, don't tell us...we've been through so much together too. You two are like siblings to me, and can't even tell a single detail? tears drop Who are you guys?
Kaito: Rin...
Len held onto Rin's arms
Miku: ...I guess touches the bandage on my cheek I just thought it would be too much for you guys to handle...to know the truth. I wasn't the Miku you know now. I was alone back then, yes I had a family! But...there was a lot going through that I couldn't take it in
Len: What's your point Miku
Miku: The point is...the...point was...
For how I acted before we got to be called Family.
Len: Yeah..?
Len and Rin remembers the time when they first met Miku. From the looks of her emotionless face and cold tone voice.
Len knew how much of a fanboy Kaito was, he always dreamt of meeting his dream girl who had that talented voice. Walking to school every day with that guy was a pain but it showed how much Kaito really loved her.
After a few days of noticing Kaito and Miku together at Crypton Company. The closer and closer they get, Miku was starting to show a bit of personality which soon to be her true self.
Miku: I was depress and...suicidal.
Miku looks down at her lap, clenching her two hands together.
Miku: And, I'm sorry that I've never told you guys...you all are family, the only fa-family I have.
A tear drip down from Miku's cheek.
"Only family" Rin flashes back to the time Len cried. The only family he had.
Rin: Onee chan...
Rin gives Miku a tight embrace
Miku glances over to Rin. She lay a hand over Rin's arm, giving her a soft smile.
Miku: I thought father loved me
Rin: ...
Miku: I thought he would accept Kaito, I never thought he would hit me, or limit me away from the outside world, or find myself stuck in the same situation again, except I'm older now, and there were way more things happening when I was younger, and he never told me!!! He took Kaito away. Killed my mother. I was abused and made fun of back in middle school, I always had hid my feelings because you wouldn't look at me the same way as you do now. I'm sorry that I never told you. But I am happy
Miku returns back to her sweet smile with her face wet from tears. Kaito wanted to led a hand out to Miku, but Rin has taken the position.
Miku: To be apart of this family.
Len: Miku...that's a lot to take in..sorry..
Rin: lets go of her Thank you for telling us everything, but you're okay now right?
Miku: Yeah...
Miku looks over to Kaito
Miku: Well, I am because of him
Kaito: smiles So now you guys know, Sorry for keeping it from you two
Len: It's whatever, no need for another apology. Since you told us what you told us what we need to know, it makes us thankful for your trust. We're just worried, it's like how you worry for us.
Kaito: laughs a little Thanks for worrying, we appreciate it
Len: I just never thought Miku had a life worst than mine, and here I was being a coward all of my life, but you know what I realize held Rin's hands There's always that one person who can bring you to the light
Rin: smiles at him
Len: So everything is fine now right? Also, I have a few questions. The one I'm curious about is...taking Kaito away?
Miku: My father confessed that he was trying to kidnap Kaito when we were both just...little children.
Rin: covers both mouth...
Len: So, the Hatsune family knows the Shion family?
Kaito: It's a long story. Actually, I don't know if I even remember it myself...
Miku: I don't remember anything at all as well. The last time I saw my mother was when she read me a bed time story. It was a lovely fairytale of Cinderella! I loved both my mother and father as a child. Of course every children love their parents, but then...I don't know what happened. I think, if I can remember...I met a boy father brought home.
Miku catches Kaito's attention, something started to stir in his mind, he kept listening in to Miku's words.
Miku: He was. Very cute, shy, and awkward while I was giggles a playful type. It's hard to remember...He was so sweet for being a quiet kiddo, I think I had a mini crush on him.
Kaito: Wha-what?^^;
Miku: and and...we played and played! That is, until he had to be called home. It was so fun~
Kaito: ...
Kaito suddenly gets a flashback
A small little kid with blue hair was outside reading a book against the wood of a tree.
He wore a regular blue shirt with a yellow stripe through the middle, and kaggy brown shorts.
Mrs. Shion: Kaito, why are you out here alone sweetie? Don't you have friends to play with?
LilKaito: Huh? Kaa San...I rather be out here alone reading this book
Mrs. Shion: Hm, you are a very strange boy Kaito. Why not play with your little sis or have an ice cream? Be like a normal boy for once
LilKaito: puff cheeks a little I am normal Kaa San...I'll go play with her later, you can leave me alone now
Mrs. Shion: sigh pats Kaito's head Okay, alright. Mommy will leave now. Just know, I love you very much~ (He needs friends.)
LilKaito: I love you too
Mrs. Shion: But be ready for lunch soon okay?!
LilKaito: Hai continues to read
Mrs.Shion left Kaito alone outside, went inside the house
Mrs. Shion: Will that boy ever change, its so depressing seeing him alone honey
Mr. Shion: Hmm...well..maybe a little ice cream will cheer him up!
Mrs. Shion: He doesn't want that honey...not even playtime with Kaiko. All he wants to do is read his books
Mr. Shion: sighs What can we do? He barely talks to us...it's more like he's distancing himself from us
Mrs. Shion: Hmm, I wish he was the little boy we've known from a few years ago. (LilKaito: Papa! Mama!) Maybe there will be someone to change him for sure. He needs friends.
Mr. Shion: I hope so too, but for now, we just gotta do what we gotta do, be the best of parents for him
Mrs. Shion: And the company business. Maybe he'll find friends there. They said he has to be at least 11 or 12 years old to begin. Do you think that will help? I just need to get him into singing. I want what's best for Kaito, he deserves a better life than we do
Mr. Shion: I don't know...I don't trust that company for some reason...
Mrs. Shion: School doesn't help, you know that. The company is all we got and to help our family. For Kaiko and Kaito.
Mr. Shion: I suppose you are right...I just want him to be happy, that's all
Mrs.Shion: Our little children...
Mr.Hatsune: Yukki! I'm leaving, take care of Miku!
Mrs. Hastune: notices his bag What's in that bag?
Mr. Hatsune: It's for work, no worries darling
Mr.Hatsune kisses Mrs. Hatsune cheek
Mr. Hatsune: I'll be home soon
Ms. Hastune: sighs Alright, take care
Mr. Hatsune: Sayonara my little Miku
LilMiku: Bye daddy! Have fun! And..and..can you buy me leeks! We ran out T_T
Mrs. Hatsune: Of course sweetie, daddy will go buy them for you. Right honey? glares...
Mr. Hatsune left and shuts the door without a word
Mrs. Hatsune: sigh
Mr. Hatsune: Shion Kaito heh?
Over at the Shion family, front yard...
LilKaito: closes book Waaah~ stretches That was a good story
A car arrives at a house next to the Shion
Mr. Hatsune: Okay...now that boy...
Mr. Hatsune spotted Kaito who was about to get up
Mr. Hatsune: Oh there you are my son! Wait up boy!
LilKaito: Huh? stops
Mr. Hastune: Would you like an ice cream? I have a daughter back at home and she doesn't want it. You can have the rest of this hands over a box of ice cream She is a very sweet girl that is about your age
LilKaito: •-• I don't take ice creams from an old man, even if it is a box
Mr. Hatsune: (O-old?! That brat.) Heheh...but my daughter will love to play with you! We live nearby!
LilKaito: I don't even know you, or your daughter, so no thank you
Mr. Hatsune: (He's smart, but you know...)
Mr.Hatsune slap Kaito's neck
LilKaito: G-Gyah!
Mr. Hatsune: You're part of the Hatsune family now
Rin: Onii chan...Onii chan!!!
Miku: Hello? Kaito! shakes him
Miku: o.o Heh?
Len: Wanna tell us?
Kaito: The day! I got kidnapped! I remember it all!...some what
Miku: Kidnapped?! By father!
Kaito: Yeah, I was outside, just reading my book then suddenly...a tealed haired man pulled up to me. He offered me ice cream, but I rejected him. He told me about a daughter, who was my age
Len: And that daughter was...
Miku: Me...hugs Kaito I can't believe he done that! How dare he?! How can he kidnap a child!
Miku: You must've been so terrified Kaito! I wish I could've gone back and do something!
Len: Not like you could do anything Miku
Rin: Yeah, you both were anonymous of each other. Younger before we exist^^
Miku: But!
Kaito: Well actually, I couldn't remember my reaction. The next thing I know was, I blacked out.
Rin: Then the boy was you Onii-Chan
Len: Oh yeah! That makes sense! Miku said something about playing with a boy.
Miku: Do you remember anything else Kaito? I was still a child so of course I was clueless...
Kaito: N-No, I don't remember anything else...
Miku: When you first arrive to the house, father said you were a playmate. I didn't know he kidnapped you, but the way you look, when I asked to play, you looked so emotionless like you never had a friend before. You even struggled to talk! You didn't act like how you are now!
Kaito: I guess that explains everything
Miku: Pretty much so, but still! How could you reject ice cream?!
Kaito: G...It wasn't my fault! Who accepts ice cream from an old man!
Miku: giggles oopsie
Kaito: A-Anyways...That basically covers it up, I guess
Len: So...you two did met before
Miku: In a strange way.
Kaito: Yeah, but anyways enough about us, how have you guys been? Rin, is your wound okay now?
Rin: It still hurts, but I can walk now!
Len: I don't need to carry her anymore haha! Still, she is light as a feather ^
Rin: blushes
Kaito: C-CAN I?!
Len: Exactly! You still carried her!
Miku: pulls Kaito's arm you can carry me...blushes
Len: Yeah carry Miku! I can carry my Rin!
Kaito: Of course my princess! carries Miku in bridal form
Miku: Yatta!
Len: carries Rin Mine >-< Not Gumiya's!
Kaito: Gumiya? Wait...was that the guy that I saw yesterday?
Len: G...
Kaito: Spill It Len!
Len: Don't mention him! I hate him!
Kaito: But I wanna know what happened!!
Len: FINE! I speak of this once
Rin: giggles
Len: Gumiya was my rival back in middle school, he tried to steal Rin away with his..."looks" ...
Kaito: I know I stole Miku away with these looks smirks at her
Miku: puffs cheeks Not! Not even Meito stole me away with his looks.
Kaito: But I still got you at the end <3
Len: Good more questions :)
Kaito: N-No keep on going!!!
Len: I hate Gumiya lets move on to that Meito guy!
Kaito: I DON'T need to hear this "Meito" guy
Len: I see...jelly aren't ya Kaito?
Kaito: NO! It's just...His name sounds ugly!
Len: So Miku dated another guy before you???
Kaito: G! Len!! I will eat your banana!
Len: I will eat your ice cream
Miku: ENOUGH! I'll get it over with. It wasn't really a relationship, it was more of an "arranged" relationship. That's all okay?!
Len: I doubt that was all
Kaito: Yup! That's all! Nothing else!
Len: I know there's more! THERE HAS TO BE!
Kaito: Nope! That's it! End of discussion! Lets talk of this guy "Gumiya"
Len: I said I speak of him once! And never again!
Kaito: But what about yesterday?! What did he say?! What did you say?! What did you do?! What did HE do?! Did he made moves on Rin?! ANYTHING?!
Kaito: Ohhh smirks I see...
Len: WHAT?
Kaito: Len is jeaaaloooussss~
Len: No! We are not going back to the same thing that happened in middle school! I refuse to!
Kaito: Come on Len! There's no need to be jealous! GOTTA BE A MAN!
Len: I'm not-I'm not jealous! Gumiya can do whatever he wants, but not to Rin! We just saw him once, there's no way he'll come back!
Kaito: Keep saying that to yourself Len...whispers They always come back
Len: whispers Meito might come back, so keep teasing me!
Kaito: G!! You wanna play it like that huh?!
Len: If you keep talking like that Kaito, Who knows? Another prince may come
Kaito: smirks I would doubt that...why don't you worry about Rin..she might get swooped away by that greened haired knight
Len: F! No! He will never be worthy to be with Rin! I am her only knight! I'LL KEEP SAYING HIS NAME TILL YOU STOP MENTIONING THAT GUY
Len: Deal
Rin: sighs Can you two stop?! You're making my head hurt..(...I don't want to remember, Len doesn't need to know...)
Miku: I don't want to remember him...thank you very much...
Rin: gets a call Huh? Uhh, be right back gets off of Len and runs to another room
Len: Rin...I hope it's not...Hang on!
Len quietly leans against a wall next to the room
Len: (it better not be...)
Kaito: Really Len?! Spying on her
Len: !!! whispers shut up, we'll get caught. I just need to know
Rin: Hello?
(???) Ah Rin, it's good to hear your sweet voice again
Rin: Gumiya?
Len: (I knew it!!!! Curse him! He still has her phone number!)
(Gumiya) I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me? Maybe tomorrow afternoon?
Rin: I don't know. I don't want to make Len upset...
(Gumiya) chuckles a little Just tell him, you're hanging out with a friend or something. Come on Rin, it's just to hang out. What harm can it do?
Rin: I don't know...
(Gumiya) You know you want to...it's like old times, when we were...together..
Rin: ...Fine...but it's only to hang out though, nothing else.
(Gumiya) Yes! I'll see you at the park at 12 until then my love
Rin: hangs up and sighs
Len: (Hang out?! UGH this guy! And Rin agrees to it!! I don't trust him! I have to protect Rin at all cost! I have to! I'll follow her where ever she goes! And when I meet Gumiya...I will...I will...why does he have the charms but not me?!)
Len left to the living room
Len: (Maybe I shouldn't. It's her life...)
Kaito: Wow Len...and she agreed to it too
Len: Kaito, is it right for me to even go with her? It feels wrong and I know Rin wouldn't like it
Kaito: Hmm well...it would, but! Go spy on them!
Len: I'll think about it. I hate that guy with all of my gut. He has the charms, the looks, everything, I don't get it. Why is she fine with him? And back in-
Rin: I'm back!
Len: Oh! Hey Rin
Rin: hugs Len and smiles
Len: Who was it?
Rin: Huh?
Len: Who called you silly?
Rin: Mmm...promise you won't get mad?
Len: I promise (make up a lie please, the name, that frickin name)
Rin: I don't want to lie to you...
Len: (WELL! Guess I have no choice but to embrace it! Rin is too sweet T_T
AngelLen: You asked "silly") G-
Rin: It was Gumiya
Len: ...ohh him^^; , that's nice. I didn't know he had your phone number still
Rin: Me neither, but he ask me to hang out with him. Is it okay with you?
Len: Oh no problem! I trust you Rin pats you love me, I love you <3 besides it is a friend thing hugs Rin just be careful okay? I still don't trust him, but I trust you to know that so...
Rin: giggles a little I will, don't worry, nothing is going to happen. I'll call you, if anything goes wrong
Len: Okay Rin ^^
Kaito: whispers in his ear You heard that? "If anything goes wrong" He might put the moves on Rin
Len: whispers I know I know Kaito...that's what's so fishy. I don't trust him, and I'm going to keep saying that.
Kaito: whispers Why don't Miku and I join you! It'll be a little spy mission!
Len: And you know what, I don't trust you guys either. You guys might blow my cover.
Kaito: Naaannniii????
Len: Especially Miku, her clumsiness
Kaito: Shes right here. I hope you know that
Miku: ...whatever...It's not like I fall on purpose. Just t-to-waah!
Miku falls purposely onto Kaito
Miku: Ahhhh~
Kaito: Oof...
Miku: So warm >v<
Kaito: Ok Len...tell us if anything goes wrong-hey Miku!
Miku: cuddles a; Have I ever mentioned how sexy you are?
Kaito: blushes red X///X Yes! Many times sweety!
Miku: ~v~
Len: Alright. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone then
Rin: Lets go! I wanna go somewhere fun with you Len!
Len: Hai! To the mall!
Rin: Yatta! ^^
Rin and Len left, leaving Kaito and Miku
Kaito: You can get off of me now^^;
Miku: Eh??? •///•
Miku quickly gets off of Kaito
Miku: So...uh gomen, I was...distracted.
Kaito: Yeah, very -///-
Miku: giggles a little Eheheh so...I can't go back home?
Kaito: leans up I don't know, I don't want you to...at least..when he's there...
Miku: I see...I guess I'm homeless for a while, yay
Kaito: But you're home with me!!
Miku: Yeah blushes You're right smiles I still feel the pain of father hitting me every time rub cheek it really hurts... I wish I had a normal life
Kaito: smiles and pats her head I'm sure everything will work out, I'm just glad you're alright
Miku: And that's all it matters yawns sorry, I know its like the afternoon and all, but I'm just stress out, having to retell what my life was...
Kaito: It's alright, I can carry you upstairs, if you'd like princess?
Miku: I can do it-
Miku stumbles
Miku: So tired...
Kaito: carries her bridal style Let your prince be the one to save the day!
Miku buries her face into Kaito's chest falling asleep, in Kaito's arms
Kaito chuckles and kisses her forehead, taking his beloved princess upstairs
(LilMiku: yawns I want to fall in love like in the stories. I want to be like you and daddy...Some day my prince will come right? Fairytales are...real yawns again, slowly closing eyes
Mrs Hastune: smiles Of course dear...then you and him will live happily ever after. pulls the blanket up and kisses her forehead)
Miku: sleep talks Happily ever after with Kaito...
Kaito: I wonder what's she's dreaming about.
Miku led out a slight smile
Kaito places her gently on the bed.
He pulls the blanket up and tucks her in, giving her a final kiss on the forehead.
Kaito: Sweet dreams Cinderella. Romeo won't leave you.

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