❖Chapter 23❖

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(An: Its just a flashback scene :3 don't skip it though! It's important!)

LilMiku: Daddy is home mommy!
Mr.Hatsune arrived with a blue hair kid who was a bit taller than Miku
Mrs.Hastune: Alright, just a second sweetie, let me finish washing the dishes
LilMIku: Huh?! runs up to daddy daddy, who is this?
Mr.Hatsune: Uh aheheh this is a son of a friend of mine. This kid will be your playmate Miku
LilMiku: looks at his pretty blue eyes Wooow! He's cute! You look kawaii!
LilKaito: ...
LilMiku: What's wrong? Can't speak?
Mrs.Hastune: Welcome home dear, how was—
Mr.Hatsune: Just a playmate deary. A friend's son from work.
Mrs. Hastune: ...I see...well then, Miku, why don't you and him run along and play
LilMiku: Okay! You wanna see my room?! It's not so big! Come on! takes the boy's hand
Miku took Kaito upstairs into her room
Mrs. Hastune: Why would you do such a thing?!??
Mr. Hatsune: What thing sweetie? I brought our daughter a friend
Mrs. Hastune: You kidnapped him!!! That's what you did!
Mr. Hatsune: I don't recall kidnapping as the answer, Miku is happy now as you can see. It's all you ever wanted for our little daughter
Mrs. Hastune: sighs I guess I'm just overreacting then...
Mr. Hatsune: Course you are, you always overreact what I do. Just trust me on this Yukki
Mr. Hatsune: I love both Miku and Mikuo and you know that. Alright I'll get working on the garden now, I'll be outside kisses Yukki's cheek
Mrs. Hastune: Alright then...tell me if you need anything
Miku's room
Miku was all over Kaito's face, looking at him with curiosity
LilMiku: I'm Miku! What's your name?
LilKaito: ...
LilMiku: Not much of a speaker huh?
LilKaito: ...
LilMiku: Hhhh =•-•=
Miku zooms into Kaito's face, she squints her eyes and puffs her cheeks
LilMiku: Will you >///< please tell me your name?! We can start over! Ready? From the beginning.
Miku stands up, leading out a hand to Kaito
LilMiku: Hello! My name is Hatsune Miku! But you can call me Miku!
Kaito looks up to Miku, confused. He recalls being kidnapped by her father but from Miku's sweetness proves her innocence. She had no clue about that man. Kaito hesitates to take Miku's hand. As he finally took a grip of her hand, Miku smiles brightly, hoping to receive his name.
The touch of a hand, gave Kaito a sense of feeling inside of his heart. Emotions. He stares into her eyes.
LilKaito: K-Kaito
LilMiku: Ah!!! =>v<= That's such a cute name! Kaito, Kaito, Kaito, it's so fun to say too!....Ummm sits down I'm sorry if I was pressuring you...I get that I am a stranger smiles softly at him I just never had any friends before. So...
Miku tightly hugs Kaito
LilMiku: I'm really glad that you are here!!! I really am!!!
LilKaito: Um, me-me too...
LilMiku: Then we're the same!!! lets go of him Kaito did you knew my father? I never knew he had someone from work!
LilKaito: Kinda...I don't know...my memory is a little hazy...I can't remember anything that much.
LilMiku: Awww that's too bad. It's okay, you'll remember soon enough! Let's play a game~ How about...hmmm...This rock! grabs a rock ontop of my desk What we will do with this magic rock is play this hopping game :D lays out a huge template of those square thingy with numbers
LilKaito: You mean hopscotch? I've..never played it before.
LilMiku: You'll love it!
LilKaito: I-I guess I can give it a try
LilMiku: Okay! So the rules are, you use one foot to hop! Hop, hop, hop over the squares! But! tosses the rock on a random number Don't hop on that rock It'll be game over! Once you make your way through, hop backwards! Sounds easy enough?
LilKaito: Okay then...uhh you go first
LilMiku: Okay cx
Miku tosses the rock, it lands on a 2
She hops her way through, skipping the number 2, then hops backwards on one foot
She then trips on her way back
LilMiku: Ah! Ow...
LilKaito: Are you okay?! bends down to her
LilMiku: blushes y-yeah! I'm so clumsy...
LilKaito: Here helds hand out
Miku stares at his hand holding out to her, she imagines Kaito wearing a crown, a blue slash, white uniform with a red cape on the back like a prince, slowly taking his hand and blushes ...
LilMiku: Th-thank you
LilKaito: You're welcome gives a small smile
LilMiku: U-um...do you...do you want to head downstairs and go outside to play instead? We have a swing set...
LilKaito: Yeah sure, why not? I would like to get to know you more
LilMiku: Tch...okay smiles
Miku and Kaito were outside swinging, it was peaceful and silent afternoon, though the clouds were getting pretty gloomy.
LilMiku: S-so! You don't remember your family?
LilKaito: Eh? That's crazy, I do remember them
LilMiku: Oh sorry, I just thought...your memory was that... giggles
LilKaito: Well, they aren't that messed up.
LilMiku: Any siblings?
LilKaito: Yeah...I have a little sister that is the same age as you
LilMiku: That's nice! I have a brother same age as you too. We don't really talk much though, he has friends
LilKaito: I see...well I would like to meet him sometime though
LilMiku: When he's home, he gets annoyed with me every time I ask to play! Oh well, I can play with myself. It isn't as bad as it seems...
LilKaito: Where is he right now?
LilMiku: Maybe with his friends haha ^-^#
LilKaito: swings a little Must be nice to have friends...
LilMiku: I know right, is this what it is to have friends...hehe! Hanging around like this, it really clears away these grey skies smiles looking up at the clouds
LilKaito: smiles a little at her
LilMiku: Mm...I'm curious!
LilKaito: H-huh
LilMiku: What's your hobby? What do you like to do? swings
LilKaito: Mm..well looks up a little I like to read
LilMiku: Read? I like stories! I'm still learning how to read! But I would like to read a full fairytale story!  Mommy would be so proud of me once I can read!
LilKaito: Maybe, someday, you can read to me too
LilMiku: blushes I would love to!
LilKaito: Do you like to do anything?
LilMiku: Me? ...um...well...I love to sing!
LilKaito: R-Really? I do too!
LilMiku: gasp I have to hear you sing!
LilKaito: blushes a little I-Im not that good...
LilMiku: I bet you sound great! And cute! And adorable! Daddy always encourages me to sing! He says once I'm 11 or 12 years old, I can sing for the world to hear! I am nervous but I still want to try!
LilKaito: I'm sure you'll do fine! Your voice is really cute
LilMiku: gyah! shakes head I guess it is >-<
LilKaito: Mhm h-hey Miku
LilMiku: Y-yeah?
LilKaito: I-I would like to ask you something...
LilMiku: Yeah? tilts head
LilKaito: D-Do you wanna be friends?
LilMiku: gasp friends?!
Miku's eyes lit up
Yay of course hugs Kaito my first friend
LilKaito: blushes and slowly hugs back
Mr. Hatsune: looks outside the window That's perfect, Miku is already warming up to the boy. The double the merrier
Mr. Hatsune: Now I just need to make him part of the family, then we're settled.
Mr. Hatsune calls the company
Mr. Hatsune: Mr.Kagami, we have another talented child that is waiting to be part of, he's only 8
Rinto: Really? That's perfect...just 3 more years and he's more than welcome to be part of this music industry.
Mr. Hatsune: Yes sir, I will talk to you later. There's so much more to be done, I appreciate the company for supporting the family very much.
Rinto: You're more than welcome
Mrs. Hatsune overheard everything on the phone
Ms. Hastune: (That man...I knew it!! I knew all this was fake!!)
Mr. Hatsune opens out the glass doors
LilMiku: That's daddy!
LilKaito: Let's go then
LilMiku: Hai! Coming daddy! grabs Kaito's hand
A small pink tint appeared on Kaito's face
It was dinner time, the rain had set in, thunder BOOSH
Mrs. Hastune: sets down bowls of rice with meat inside Here you go you two, enjoy
LilMiku: Thank you mommy! noms
LilKaito: eats Wow...this is good
LilMiku: I know right?! Mom cooking is the best!
Ms. Hastune: Thank you sweety, also make sure you finish eating up Kaito, I'm sure your parents are gonna pick you up soon
Mr. Hatsune: (that woman...)
LilMiku: Aw you have to go soon! I had so much fun with you Kaito! I'm happy that I found a friend like you. Let's be friends forever okay? raises pinky
LilKaito: puts pinky over hers and smiles Yeah, forever and ever
LilMiku: giggles Yatta! Mommy, is it okay to get something out of our fridge?
Mrs. Hastune: Sure, go ahead sweetie
LilMiku runs over to the fridge, opening up the freezer, grabs an a strawberry flavor ice cream, she runs back to Kaito
LilMiku: Here
LilKaito: Wow...takes And it's strawberry too?...Arigato!
LilMiku: puffs cheeks and crosses arms That's for my thanks for playing with me!
LilKaito: I appreciate it...really smiles brightly
Ms. Hastune: I think, it's time for Kaito to go home now
LilMiku: frowns okay!
LilMiku: Goodbye then Kaito! Let's play again some day! smiles
Mr. Hatsune: Not, just-not JUST YET! slams on the table
LilMiku: Daddy...?
Mr. Hatsune: Sweetie head upstairs for me
LilMiku: frighten voice, looks at Kaito o-okay...
LilKaito: Here, I'll take you upstairs, before I go
LilMiku: Kaito...
Kaito took Miku upstairs into her room
Mr. Hatsune: My plans will not be ruined, not by my own wife. So you knew...
Mrs. Hastune: Of course I knew! I just can't believe you...I trusted you too!
Mr.Hatsune: Then why did you bother marrying me? Isn't trust, worthy in a relationship
Mrs. Hastune: Isn't that obvious?! I married you, because I thought we had a connection going on! Just a perfect family, along with two kids
Mr. Hatsune: Maybe you thought wrong! I thought you knew! Life needs money, we need money to live on! Isn't that how we support our precious family?! Getting another talented child in our family would even help the family even more!
Mrs. Hastune: It's always about money isn't it?! Money this! Money that! You're basically using our child for that reason! Do you realize how much that is going to impact her life?! I thought you loved her!! I thought you loved me!!
Mr. Hatsune: chuckles You're just blind, if you can't allow me to do what's right then...strangles Yukki by the neck She doesn't need you anymore.
Mr. Hatsune: Miku needs me
Ms. Hastune: chokes Y-You...m-monster...
Mr. Hatsune: chuckles more Sorry dear, I have to. Goodbye love kisses Yukki on the lips and...I did loved you...
Mrs. Hastune arms dropped limped onto her sides...her eyes slowly closed, her breathing was starting to slow down...her body was shut down...
Mr. Hatsune carried Ms. Hatsune's body outside of the garden, digging up a grave, without notice the front door was broken down
Mrs. Shion: KAITO?!? WHERE IS HE?! This should be the address...KAITO! DARLING! WHERE ARE YOU?! MOMMY IS HERE!
LilKaito: Kaa San?
LilMiku: Is that your mom? Come on, lets-
Mrs. Shion and Mr. Shion barged into Miku's room
LilMiku: hides behind Kaito H-hello?
LilKaito: Kaa San...Dou San...
Mrs. Shion: Kaito! We were worried sick for you!
LilKaito: Why are you guys freaking out?
Ms. Shion: hugs Kaito tightly who took you?! WHO TOOK YOU?!
LilMiku: ....
LilKaito: What do you mean? I thought I was here for a play date
Mr. Shion: A play date?!
LilMiku: Yeah...Kaito and I were playing together all day! Daddy said so! Aren't you friends with daddy?
Mrs. Shion: We don't know you little girl...who ever you are...stay away from my Kaito! Your family took him away! points a gun at her
LilMiku: ...!
LilMiku: Daddy...help...
LilKaito: No stop! Don't hurt her!
Ms. Shion: She's part of this! Isn't she?! Kaito! This family!
LilMiku: trembles in fear
LilKaito: No! I trust her...this isn't her fault, look at her, she's scared...she's just a little girl...mom!
Mrs.Shion's hand was on the trigger, she hesitated, looking at the poor little girl who hid behind Kaito...scared.
Mrs. Shion: takes a look at the girl hands tremble, lowers the gun down what..what have I done..I'm sorry..
Miku immediately hugged Kaito
LilKaito: hugs her back
Mrs. Shion: I didn't mean to raise a gun at a child. Someone took Kaito away. We were so frighten something would've happened to him...I-I'm so-sorry tears run down
Mr. Shion: Little girl, who lives with you?
LilMiku: My-my...my mommy and daddy...and my older brother, but my brother isn't home...
LilKaito: You-you're father...
LilMiku: Huh Kaito?
Mr. Hatsune arrives in the room
Mr. Hatsune: Well crap
Mr. Shion: You!!!
Mr. Hatsune: Looks like you found him
Mr.Shion punches Mr.Hatsune in the gut
Mr. Hatsune: punches back that hurt you know...
Mr. Shion: That's for taking our son!!!!
Mr. Hatsune: I needed him for the company, the company is all that matters now
LilMiku: D-daddy I'm scared! You're scaring me!
Mr. Hatsune: But now, I guess I can't anymore. Take him.
Mr. Shion: Stay away from our family! You little piece of shit!
Mr. Hatsune: I have no intentions of taking your son anymore, I only have my daughter now.  Is that right Miku???
LilMiku: I-I don't know what you're talking about Daddy! Where's mommy? MOMMY!
Mr. Hatsune: She's dead, I'm sorry sweetheart
LilKaito: D-Dead?! How?! She looked alive and healthy...
Mr. Hatsune: A heart-attack, my poor wife could not take it.
LilMiku: No-no!  How could mommy leave! She promised!
Mr. Shion: ...you little sicko...you probably did something didn't you...
Mr. Hatsune: Besides taking your son, no. C'mon Miku
Mr. Shion: We're leaving Kaito, don't ever come near this family ever again!
LilMiku: K-kaito...
Mrs. Shion: We're keeping you inside this time...we're sorry we couldn't protect you...
LilKaito: Gome Miku...I have to go... we'll see each other again...hugs her
LilMiku: sniffs okay...
LilKaito: Sayonara, It was great meeting you smiles
LilMiku: Sayonara I guess giggles nice meeting you too!
Ms. Shion: looks back before leaving the door You cruel man...you want to take our son...points the gun at Mr.Hatsune, lowers down, looking at the little girl god damnit...
Mr. Shion: Lets go Asumi...we're leaving... takes Kaito's hand
Ms. Shion: sigh Right Riku...
Miku and Kaito held on each other's hands
Mr.Hatsune: Miku, let go.
LilMiku: K-Kaito...
Tears ran down Miku's face, her first friend, her mother's death...all too much for a little girl to handle.
Mrs.Shion drags Kaito away as Kaito looks back at the crying Miku smiling softly.
LilKaito: Daijoubu Miku.
They left the house
Mr. Hatsune: You'll always sing for mommy right?
LilMiku: Yes, daddy, I will cherish mommy with my songs! But...I don't know what to do without mommy...who will read me bed time stories? Who will look after me when I play? You have work...I love mommy, I miss her...She's still alive right? looks down
Mr. Hatsune: Always will be in your heart points at Miku's chest
LilMiku: And Kaito?
Mr. Hatsune: One day you'll meet him...again..
LilMiku: I hope so, he was so pretty...(Like a prince)
Miku: MOM! quickly wakes up sitting up
Kaito was asleep
Miku: looks to Kaito Oh...it was..it was just a nightmare...a flashback...Kaito slept this whole time too? God what a mess I am...
Miku runs her fingers through Kaito's blue hair down at his cheeks
Miku: Like a prince he is. It was destine for us to be together like in a fairytale and I appreciate that. My first friend, my first lover. It was Cinderella who found prince charming and prince charming who saved Cinderella.  kisses Kaito's forehead then tries to sleep again

AN: I know there's a lot of Romeo and Cinderella with Cendrillon references, but its true that Kaito does fit the Prince role while Miku fits the Princess role. It describes Miku's persona a lot with fairytales and Kaito's love for a girl.
Also since there's people who enjoy this story, we'll try to update more, sorry for the long wait...
Really appreciate it ♡ it motivates us vwv

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