Break Up (mahaha)

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I was sitting down by myself on a park bench thinking to myself about how I have to be the happiest or even luckiest girl alive because I found this sweet,loving,loyal boy. I-i may even be in love but why not Jacob was my everything the way he looked at me with his big brown puppy eyes I feel like I've fallen into his trance when looks at me. He has to be the best thing that  has happened to me all my life but I'm getting off topic the real reason i'm excited is because tomorrow is Valentines day and I want to surprise Jacob and take him out to a new carnival that opened.

I look up and that it has gotten pretty late so I start to walk home soon as I get to the woods I see a werewolf not just a regular werewolf it was girl. I have no idea how I knew she was a girl, instincts maybe but when she looked at me her eyes grew bloody red and her teeth grew sharper. She hurried and changed back into a human and came closer to me and whispered "stay away from Jacob" I didn't say anything just got trapped in my own thought on how the hell this werewolf chick knew Jacob. I finally snapped out of it and the girl was gone. I started to think that was Jacobs sister trying to protect her brother but he never mentioned a sister to me before. He couldn't be cheating he wouldn't do that he's loyal right? Do I even know him that well I started panicking and then saw that Jacobs house wasn't that far so I ran as fast as I could to Jacobs house and knocked on the door the door swung open and stud there was a blue haired boy who gave me a slight grin " ah miss Sage come in come in" Niko said with a terrible British accent I rolled and closed the door as I walked in "um....okay i'm about to go up stairs and talk to Jacob k and don't be a bother please" "fine but if I hear kissing I'm coming up" I gave him the thumbs up and went up stairs. Soon as I get to Jacobs room I knock on the door and heard a slight 'come in' I opened the door and saw my boyfriend laying on his bed reading a comic. I came in and sat on the end of his bed and just ripped the bandage off and asked him "are you cheating on me" he then looked up from his comic and at me trying to hold back my tears. He held his arms out waiting for me to crawl in his arms. I moved over to were he was and dug my head into his neck as he was rubbing my back trying to calm me down. After a couple minutes of crying i calmed down and pulled away from our hug I looked at him and saw him staring at me with those big puppy dog eyes of his "why would think I cheated on you?" He asked looking for a answer "a-a girl said stay away from you and you never told me about a sister so I thought the worst" Jacob back at me and wrapped his arms around me "I will never leave you your my everything I love you" " I-i love you to" I was so happy to know that he loved me and wouldn't leave me. We sat there for a few more moments until I noticed it was getting late I pulled away and kissed him on his soft lips but before I could even pull away Niko kicked the door open "I told you" "you know i really hate you sometimes" Niko shrugged his shoulder "its a gift" and then I walk out of the house replaying what just happened in my head over and over again. I finally get home and run up the stairs trying not to get caught soon as I'm in my room I turn around and see Rose sitting on my bed "where have you been?" "Umm...n-n-no where" I tried to walk out but Rose zoomed in front of the door "no more of this sneaking WHERE WERE YOU" i finally caved in "I was with Jacob" she looked at me confused "and why the hell were you with your tutor on a Friday night" I hesitated then just told her " because he's my boyfriend and a werewolf" her eyes softened and she went all fan girl "I knew it I knew it I knew it" I looked at her shocked for a moment "wa-wait what?" "Duh I see the way you two look at each other I'm not an idiot" "o-oh okay well I'm about to go to sleep now" "okay goodnight" and then like that she was gone I slipped on my pajamas and slid into bed. All night I twist and turned but I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about what happened in the woods and how I thought he was cheating on me. Just then I remembered how he said he loved me and wouldn't leave me and then I was out like a light

             ~the next morning~
I woke up and was in the happiest mood I hurried and got in the shower. Once I get out I got to my perfect outfit for my date

And walked out of the house I flew throw the woods and to Jacobs house I knew that Niko wasn't there for the first time in forever because he wanted to take my sister out for a date

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And walked out of the house I flew throw the woods and to Jacobs house I knew that Niko wasn't there for the first time in forever because he wanted to take my sister out for a date. I knock on the door and waited a few minutes but there was no answer I twisted the door knob and it was unlocked when I walked in the house I heard light moans I hurried up the stairs and stud there by Jacobs door I knocked softly and then I heard I girls giggle confusion spread across my face. I quietly open the door and see Jacob and the girl who told me to stay way from him last night making out on his bed. I kicked the door all the way open "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" Jacob moved away from the girl as fast as he could "S-sage this is not what it looks like" "oh really looks like you are sucking faces with this random bitch" tears started to coming down my cheeks "I told you to stay away from him" "shut UP" Jacob screamed "you know what get out Scarlett" "gladly" she then got up from the bed and walked out of the room. I turned back to Jacob "you said you love me you said you will never leave me I thought you were loyal" he came up to me trying to comfort me "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" I screamed he moved back "I do love yo-" "no you DON'T" I walked out of his room out the house were that girl was "bye bye" "fuck off" and then I went straight home. After a couple hours Rose finally came home soon as she closed the door I tackled her and I started to cry "Sage what's wrong?" "Jacob cheated on me" I looked at her and anger was in her eyes "I will kill that son of a-" "Rose no" I cut her off "I just don't want to see him again and you were right" " about what?" "We can't trust no one".

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                    ~the end~
I know I know this was long but the perfect way to end it off -ish yeah yeah so I might keep working on my Detroit story or write a new story about something else I have no idea okay that is the end of the story byeee🙋🙋🙋🙋

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