Rythna-We Meet Again

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AN: SCREW IT!!!!!! warning: your feels may be attacked.


Duncan walked around the forest, Kim had gone too search for some more animals, and Duncan went too see if he could find him. He wanted too apologize. for everything. last he had heard Rythian had gone too this forest. 

Duncan heard a twig snap, he turned his head toward the direction of the noise, seeing nothing he continued too walk onward. Seeing nothing out of the ordanary besides endermen. Which should not be here. He heard some soft whisperes.

One of them Duncan could hear perfectly, "I miss you..." Duncan looked all around him, still nothing. Suddenly he felt arms on his neck, chocking him. He turned around and saw an enderman, chocking him, Duncan sank too his knees. he was losin air. fast.

Suddenly The enderman screamed and fell too the ground, Duncan gasped for air, and passed out. 

Later Duncans POV

I woke up, my throat hurting like hell. I opened my eyes slowly and noticed i was in a small hut made of stone and wood. I looked around and met the gaze of a person I knew well. 

"Rythian..."I whispered. Rythian got up and walked too me, "i know, ironic right? Dont speak, you need too save you breath for more importaint things. Like living." I laid back down, still in utter shock that I had found him. After what semed like years! when really it had only been two years. 

"w-why?"I asked, Rythian walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, "because, your all I have left." My eyes widened. had Zoey died? had she left him?! Rythian placed a reasurring hand on my shoulder, "its...ok. So, hows life?" I almost laughed, Rythian and me having a normal converastion! Never did i think I'd live too see the day. 

"fine, i met a girl named-Kim. I gotta find Kim! She could be hurt! The flux might-"

"wait flux? Dark magic?" Rythian asked me, I looked at him and nodded, explaing the whole two years since he and Zoey had vanished as quickly as I could. His exspression stayed the same, everytime i mentioneed the flux he got a small face of worry.

After I finished he stayed sieltn for a few minutes, i got up, "if...I bring her here, could you-" he shook his head, "i cant leave Duncan. I had one chance, but I gave it away for Zoey." my heart sank, "you dont want any one too know about....the nuke do you?' he shook his head, "that. And this." he said kissing me. He was kissing me! He sperated and handed me a small glass bottle with green liquid.

"It should at least help. The sad truth Duncan is this, there is no cure for dark magic. And theres no escape from me. i'm the very definition of evil." I hugged him tightly, "i'll get you out. And your not evil, we just have our diffrences Rythian." i say kissing his cheek, "I promise I'll get you too come back..." I said rushing out too find Kim.

Rythians POV

I smiled, "....he promised..." I say touching the place he kissed me, "he's changed. I can tell. But if he wants me out he'll have too hurry, there is a great evil coming. Greater than any tekkit war."

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