AN: taking a quick break from updating requests. you go!
•Duncan and Martyn and brothers, why do I say this? Look at them! Martyn's headband, Duncan's goggles! There eyes are the same shade! As for the blonde hair as well...
•Duncan is the only real human. Xephos is a spaceman, Honeydew is a dwarf, Kim /was/ human until she got infected by the flux, Sjin is an...alien of sorts, and Sips is a ghost. Zoey is a bit of a dwarf as well, part ender. And Martyn is a forest elf/guardian, Toby is part mob. He works for Herobrine. So....ya.
•The whole Old World is part of this worlds tekkit that no one dares to go to.
•Rythian keeps a journal and tracks in it every day.
•Duncan didn't forget about Kim, he was just too upset too see her
•Every year at least once a month, every yogscast member will gather to movie marathon. Or do a collab all together.
Remember to Vote! I'm sure I'll have all requests done b the end of this weekend. *^^*